We are just days away from our 2008 Sambo Summit.
At this point, we have nearly 25 attendees scheduled for this camp, including 6 members of the Colombian Military Sambo Team. We have attendees ranging from beginner to advanced level of training in various grappling styles. This is looking to be a great weekend with international flavor, beach activities, BBQ, and hard training!
If you have registered and have ANY last minute questions about what you need to bring, contact me ASAP.
If you have not registered for the camp yet, and plan to attend, you need to register before Tuesday evening by calling the ASA and reserving your spot with a credit card ASAP. No more mail applications will be accepted. If you are not registered by then, the camp will be closed to new registrations.
If you have registered, please reply and let us know if you will need transport with our shuttle from Portland Airport on Friday Morning at 10am (Sept 12).
If you can only make it to the camp for one or two days, and would still like to attend, please contact me so we can make arrangements for you.
Stephen Koepfer
President, American Sambo Association