2 Days off --> weight lifting


Green Belt
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Folks,

my prof gets a new gym and i am able to train mo,tues, thurs, friday 2x and sunday 1x. So i have Saturday and Wensday to lift.

I was thinking about a nice pull, push, squat routine.

like We pull
Sat push
we sqaut
sat pull

For sure my game plan is to stick with the big three exercise. Bench, sqaut a. deadlift.

any specific suggestions?

Yeah, for a two day a week routine, I would do two full body routines. Squat, Bench, Row or Power Clean on one day, and Deadlift, Press, Chinup on the other.
You can get some good work in only 2 days out of the week. It's how I started my lifting career and I saw great results.

Hell, I think DevilsSon still does a 2-day split.
2 days is plenty, and you can go harder with more volume.
Depending on other activities, naturally.

Snatch, squats, chin-ups and cleans, deads, OHP's.