1st annual Sherdog S&P Weighted Pull-up Contest Jamboree Results and Discussion


Needs to eat more
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Alright, since half of youse didnt update your shit, these are the results for those who did. Makes my life easier at least. Winning numbers in bold.

For information purposes: It was a 5RM with the below numbers representing the body weight plus added weight in pounds.


big props to reakt for taking both the most weight AND the biggest improvement....barely. you bastard.
Nice job Gents. I had to pull out because of an injury but if I just guess I would have to guess my change in weight would have to be 29lbs, yeah baby. OHH I just noticed that would make me the winner, what a coincidence.
Oh, I suppose I should add, on a more serious note, congrats to all of you guys. Those are some good numbers to be adding in such a short time. Nice Job!!!
Tornado said:
I was thinking that too. How about a one arm pullup challenge?

If anyone in here can do a true one arm pull-up, I would love to see a vid.
Damn it, if it had'nt been for an injury I think I might have taken the best increase on this one, Oh well there's always next year.

Congrats to Reakt.
Really nice jobs. Pull ups are the shit!
I think its a 5 RM.
Thanks, wow i won by less than a kilo, but just to add to the injurys my rotator cuffs have been killing me lately.
What if you got heavier and still pull-up the same weight, but you weigh more, aren't you still physically stronger? Would that count?
Fedorable said:
What if you got heavier and still pull-up the same weight, but you weigh more, aren't you still physically stronger? Would that count?

Madmick said:
If anyone in here can do a true one arm pull-up, I would love to see a vid.

I'll start practicing again then post one for you guys. I was able to do five with my right arm and three with my left but I was about 165 at the time. Now I'm up to 185 but I'd be able to do one clean rep with my right if I dropped 8 lbs or 9lbs and practiced for five months.

edit: I posted it in the PR thread when i did it. I was pretty stoked about it.
Tornado, I've only seen one other person do these. That is one hell of an accomplishment. In order for me to do them I would have to cut my legs off.
Tornado said:
I'll start practicing again then post one for you guys. I was able to do five with my right arm and three with my left but I was about 165 at the time. Now I'm up to 185 but I'd be able to do one clean rep with my right if I dropped 8 lbs or 9lbs and practiced for five months.

edit: I posted it in the PR thread when i did it. I was pretty stoked about it.

i know this might be asking a lot, but would you mind making a thread/post about how you managed to work up to doing these?
rEmY said:
i know this might be asking a lot, but would you mind making a thread/post about how you managed to work up to doing these?
Great Idea, I would love to see how you accomplished this also. Something tells me that at 230 - 240 lbs I would not have a shot. However, I can do 3 chins with 80 lbs at this weight. I don't know why I added that in. I guess I'm just jealous that I can't do any 1 arm chins. *sighs* oh well.
rEmY said:
i know this might be asking a lot, but would you mind making a thread/post about how you managed to work up to doing these?

it's not asking a lot, you're just asking me to take this seriously again :)

the first time I got around to doing i mostly practiced timed hangs. I was lucky that my weight was low at the time (from illness and injury) so working up to one-arm pullups was part of my rehab. it was either that or neck and shoulder surgery.

back to the point, at first I would practice hanging from each arm for a half second at a time, every single day, and making sure that the tension was around the joints since that's what i was aiming to strengthen. from a half-second I worked to a second, then after a couple of month up to a minute long isometric hold. at the same time though I was also doing the same thing from the top end, so i would hang with my arms and lats fully flexed and at a midpoint. So at the bottom hold position i was trying to pull myself up and at the top hold position I was trying to hold myself but let my muscles gradually get used to the stretch for negative portion of the lift, and after five or six months I was able to do a two reps comfortably, so I said "fuck it", got psched up and went for a rep max attempt.

One more thing, I also did a lot of regular pullups & chinups and assted one-hand pullups, with the opposite hand around the wrist of the pulling hand.

I'll start posting my progress tomorrow then. First thing I have to do is test how far I can pull with each arm alone, then find out my assited one hand chin-up rep max and two hand pull-up and chin-up rep max.

this should be an interesting project. wish me luck.

By the way, although I'm Muslim, Merry Christmas everyone.
rickdog said:
Great Idea, I would love to see how you accomplished this also. Something tells me that at 230 - 240 lbs I would not have a shot. However, I can do 3 chins with 80 lbs at this weight. I don't know why I added that in. I guess I'm just jealous that I can't do any 1 arm chins. *sighs* oh well.

i still want your squat!
Tornado said:
i still want your squat!
In all seriousness, have you ever seen somebody my size do a 1 armed chinup. Do you think it might be a possibility. What if i dropped to 212 range. I would be ultra shredded at that weight but I think I could pull it off. With all my compounding injuries I almost feel forced to cut out all the heavy lifting and give my body a brake.

Day after Day of Moving households, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and lifting, well it has a way of kicking your bodies ass. Considering all the abuse I've put myself through, I;m doing pretty dam good. Really.
rickdog said:
In all seriousness, have you ever seen somebody my size do a 1 armed chinup. Do you think it might be a possibility. What if i dropped to 212 range. I would be ultra shredded at that weight but I think I could pull it off. With all my compounding injuries I almost feel forced to cut out all the heavy lifting and give my body a brake.

Day after Day of Moving households, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and lifting, well it has a way of kicking your bodies ass. Considering all the abuse I've put myself through, I;m doing pretty dam good. Really.

no, I haven't seen anyone your size doing a 1 arm chinup. At my heaviest I was 215 and I was happy to do 5 pullups with 70 lbs attached to me. A one arm pullup would've been out of the question, and at that weight i wasn't as strong as you are in the powerlifts. I had to do exactly what you're thinking of and start training all over again. If you've got injuries like i had, time off to have a break and not even think about hard training for a while might be the best thing you could do for a couple of months. Even Thomas Inch who was one of the world's strongest men would take months off from heavy lifting and doing light dumbell exercises to strengthen his joints, and he was doing feats of strength until well into his mid-70s. Take it easy Rick.

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