13 Year old running for Governor of Vermont


Aug 11, 2017
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lol this is serious. So a 13 year old 8th grader is running as a Democrat in the Vermont Governors Race.

In Vermont there are no state laws requiring someone to be a certain age so he is legally allowed to do it. He is campaigning on stricter gun control and here is what he has to say, "It's a culture that I respect," he said. "But if it's making the decision between letting my friends have a good time at a firing range and them possibly being involved in a school shooting, I'm choosing legislation to protect them from that school shooting."

Good for this kid. I think the youth need to be more involved in politics as many of the issues facing us today directly affect them.

Imagine the amount of jimmies rustled by republicans if this kid wins!!


Yeah that sounds like the rational of a child.
He sounds more mature than the current President of the country that's for sure.
lol this is serious. So a 13 year old 8th grader is running as a Democrat in the Vermont Governors Race.

In Vermont there are no state laws requiring someone to be a certain age so he is legally allowed to do it. He is campaigning on stricter gun control and here is what he has to say, "It's a culture that I respect," he said. "But if it's making the decision between letting my friends have a good time at a firing range and them possibly being involved in a school shooting, I'm choosing legislation to protect them from that school shooting."

Good for this kid. I think the youth need to be more involved in politics as many of the issues facing us today directly affect them.

Imagine the amount of jimmies rustled by republicans if this kid wins!!



Good luck to him. I don't necessarily agree with him (judging from that statement, it sounds like he's for very strict control) but good on him for taking on such a big challenge. It's highly unlikely he'll succeed but it'll be a good learning experience as long as he can roll with the punches (which will probably be very difficult for an adolescent). Unlike the kids in Florida, I think he's wide open to political attack now. Hopefully it stays civil but it's politics so I doubt it.
You seriously think its a good idea that a 13 year old can be governor, OP?

You seem more interested in getting republicans upset than reason/sanity.

This picture gives me the funnies. Who wouldn't vote for a suave thirteen-year old who dreamily stares into distance, contemplating the challenges that he--and the citizens of Vermont--face in the future.
Better than Trump. Probably eats less junk food too.
Good luck in Vermont. Don't they have the nation's lowest crime rate?
I'm gonna buy that kid a hooker and some blow. Show him how to be a real politician.