100# Alligator snapping turtle caught.

King Charles**

Purple Belt
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score


Oklahoma angler Dave Harrell was hoping to catch some catfish in Eufaula Lake Monday - but instead he nabbed a prehistoric-looking turtle likely tipping the scales at 100lbs.

Harrell released his massive catch, which turned out to be a rare alligator snapping turtle, but not before posing for a selfie that has gone viral.

The snapshot showing a bare-chested Mr Harrell struggling to hold onto to the bulky reptile with its maw agape has been shared more than 10,000 times on ‎Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's Facebook page. In a post that accompanied the jaw-dropping picture, Mr Harrell explained that he and a friend, Audey Clark, were catfishing in Mill Creek at Eufaula Lake when they came upon something really big.

Harrell caught the alligator snapping turtle on a rod and reeled it in while his companion secured the mammoth beast and hauled it onto their boat for a photo-op. The turtle was then released into the water unharmed.


Just in time 4 Godzilla or heroes on a halfshell son.
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It looks awesome. Very long and thick limbs, must have been snapping some horse necks. A long tail too.
nah, not a case of 'murica, it occured in American but this aint 'murica

true rednecks would have stuffed and mounted that fucker


How can it be a selfie if he's using both hands to hold that dinosaur?
Does it even lift doe?
I have no idea how you wrangle an animal like out of the water, into your boat and then lift it into that position without getting mangled. That dude is a MAN.

Also, it's not a selfie.
Holy shit. That thing is huge.