Yeti Rage

Thursday, March 23, 06: Pull

16" DL

Probably could count this as a PR, due to doing a second heavy single (like a "volume" PR) but I'm not gonna.

3X3 (425)

Prettier than last week for sure. Despite my back being absolutely FRIED from the rack pulls.

I am thinking two weeks off the ME shit, then 4-5 weeks pulling from the floor with Lynne, since my body seems to have forgotten how that works, and I can only pull halfway decent with her or at meets.
Nice job Carnal. Im proud of you bro. You've definatly got the gentetics to do this now you got to put in the work and it seems you are finally making it a priority. Trust me, I understand you've got alot going on in your life right now so extra kudos to you for sucking it up and pushing and pulling some great numbers.
Thanks Steve. The biggest thing is waking up, and making that decision, and saying to myself "I AM going to lift today". If I start off the day expecting to lift, I will lift, or be hugely dissapointed in myself. If I leave the day open, I will get fucked up and watch Star Trek and Charmed with my dad all afternoon.

And just so ya know Oly, I'm actually a 700lb squatter, I just haven't been squatting much lately. It's starting to show too, when I first stopped squatting regularly, I managed to pull a 25lb DL pr totally out of my ass (675), mostly due to the extra rest I think. However, now my glute/hip strength is suffering, and I haven't squatted a PR in two years. The 600X3 the other day is only 25lbs off what I squatted before my first 7001RM, and 30-35lbs off my best triple. Not bad for not training a lift.
I just want to chime in and say that it's great to see that you still manage to train in spite of the conditions you're in. Whenever I see an update to Yeti Rage I always stop in to see what's up and I am amazed at how well you retained your strength.
Thanks man, it's cool to know you guys are out there reading this. Believe it or not, it occurs to me (especially during my solo workouts) that between teh main sites I post on like a hundred people are gonna see my workout. Or lack of.
I like it. Scare those barbells.
Saturday, March 25, 06: Press

Bench Press
405X2 (was aiming for 2, this isn't a missed triple)
315X8 (finally a few more reps)

Did some bending to show off for the women at the gym. Solid workout, and like usual, I found myself having fun despite the serious business at hand.
no squat pr in 2 years, no offence, i know you've had injuries and personal shit, but no pr in 2 years must be a sign you're in need of a change.
Don't listen to that talking jar of Skippy up there. (lol, sorry pb, I been waiting to pick at your username FOREVER).

Seriously though, it's not always about smashing PR's like Keith Wassung posted, it's about consistency, the PR's will come when they come.
when carnal mentioned that, it reminded me of reading about simmons, tate and a few other westside lifters who claimed that they hadnt got a pr in years. but after trying the westside approach they saw instant gains. im not sayin westside is the answer or about smashing pr's, just that maybe a change in your program might kick start things.
Actually man, my squat progress is great WHEN I squat. I get up to a PR triple, or close to it, then fall off the wagon again. I'm probably a solid year away from needing any major changes in my program.
And you can ignore roughly 95% of what Louie says, as it is absolute tripe.
Sunday, March 26, 06: Squat


I wore my briefs for the first time today, and found that they're easy to wear, and definately boost my poundage (we were low on spotting, and the usually fretful Lynne had no qualms about letting me do 640. It was like a rocket, the propulsion out of the hole even with just a pair of briefs is absurd.
Awsome log, i know its old but i think some of the newer members(me) would love to read this. Hope to see some more posts in it by Carnal someday.
CarnalSalvation said:
I will one day hold claim to be the worlds best raw powerlifter, but like graedy said, not with my current training ethic.

CarnalSalvation said:
Maybe it's cocky, but I believe if I dig in deep now, start working on my shape and diet as well as my limit strength, I will be unmatched in the big three without gear.

CarnalSalvation said:
Actually man, my squat progress is great WHEN I squat. I get up to a PR triple, or close to it, then fall off the wagon again.

I was going to put a quote from the treatise to finish, but fuck it, I'd end up quoting the whole thing. I cant think of any more motivational words than your own, to be honest.
Just because I'm not keeping a log here doesn't mean I'm not training homeboy.

Right now I am debating whether to stay up longer and do an early morning DL workout, or try to sleep, and workout sometime "tomarrow" afternoon.
I should also point out that the 700lb squat when I was 19 was done at 330, while the 700 at 21 was at 275. I am not big on BW ratios, but if you hoist the same poundage at a lower weight, you're still doing well.
Meh, I didnt have any clue how you were doing, only that this stuff is never easy. Just wanted to add my own bit of positive reinforcement. Keep us posted man, I bet a shitload of posters miss this log.
I pulled 635 this morning. I slept three hours, couldn't get back to sleep, so I popped some ephy and got an early workout in. I will probably do some RDL's and rows later.
You doing all this at home? I think severe structural damage would result if someone did a 630 DL in my house.

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