Ye Ol' Eat Drink & Be Married Vol 48: 'Thank you from JMac' edition

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Ever since the wife worked from home those two days that iced over here a while ago. She has got me hooked on drinking coffee in the morning. I never was a coffee person, except for a frozen caramel frapp from starbucks every now and then. But damn this coffee she buys is damn good.
Ever since the wife worked from home those two days that iced over here a while ago. She has got me hooked on drinking coffee in the morning. I never was a coffee person, except for a frozen caramel frapp from starbucks every now and then. But damn this coffee she buys is damn good.

What's it called?
It's sad to see this thread so inactive lately. :( It's like we're losing who we are and just spending all our time on BBM where Kev can call people racist names.
it's not as cold anymore, so I assume folks are more willing to be outside and spend less time on the computer. Texas is never cold, so I'm always wanting to be on the bike or something.

Also, I am getting fat, lol. 2.5 months into marriage and I've put on a few pounds. Does this happen to everyone? It really started in October when I broke my hand. I didn't get to lift or ride of 3 months, and I wasn't able to run for more than 1 month. By the time I could it was 0 degrees outside.
I am trying to sell my road bike so I can upgrade via a bike from work. Because it's for sale, I'm not riding it. I'm almost at a stage of 'fuck-it' so I can stop getting fat.
By fat I mean not having a 6 pack anymore.
Also, I am getting fat, lol. 2.5 months into marriage and I've put on a few pounds. Does this happen to everyone?

I'm in the same boat, but for me in coincided with having the baby. Initially I put on weight when my wife did, and now that we have him I find I have less time for exercise. Between work and my commute I'm gone from 7am-630pm daily, and by the time I get home I just wanna chill with him (and my wife, clearly) for a bit before he goes to bed.

I'm looking forward to warmer weather as well, I'm getting one of those carriers for bikes so we can bring him with us when we hit the paths/trials by our place.
What's it called?

i think it's seattle's best.

Also, I am getting fat, lol. 2.5 months into marriage and I've put on a few pounds. Does this happen to everyone? It really started in October when I broke my hand. I didn't get to lift or ride of 3 months, and I wasn't able to run for more than 1 month. By the time I could it was 0 degrees outside.
I am trying to sell my road bike so I can upgrade via a bike from work. Because it's for sale, I'm not riding it. I'm almost at a stage of 'fuck-it' so I can stop getting fat.
By fat I mean not having a 6 pack anymore.

is normal.
volume 49: the president recruited alonzo mourning to get help on the healthcare signup
Starbucks donates some of their expired coffee to us at work. We always get a few bags of Seattles Best. Stuff is way better than Starbucks. Although the Starbucks blonde is nice, all their other coffees are wayyyyy to dark and heavy.

Sorry I pocket dialed you during masturbation fwappy
T-Minus 30 hours until sleep training officially begins. We've done a few dry runs. Two nights ago we put her in her crib, eyes wide open, and she put herself to sleep; slept through the night, too (oh, how glorious). Last night went about the same but she woke up 2 hours later hungry and after she ate she did not want to go back down. It was like she thought she was waking up from a nap and ready to play and boy was she pissed. I rocked her back to sleep (a no-no) but she didn't wake up again until 3:30, ate, went back down easily, then again at 5AM and we brought her into our bed where she slept until 6:30AM.

The sleep plan is very gentle and allows us to quit if she cries at a level 1 (gasping for air, about to vomit, etc) for 30 minutes but April is still nervous about it. She can't decide if she wants to start getting rest or allow Claire to wake up any time she wants. Putting my foot down only causes fights. We'll see how it goes. The plan does have me initiating the training and requires her to leave the house so I think the sleep specialist picked up on April's being a giant pussy.
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