Working the body in mma

Fuck 'Curt Hennig' was the best, he can sell a move like no other, just like Bret Hart.
The only problem with body shots,...hard to commit to them because you leave yourself open for a counter,....I think its why fighters shy away from using it more often.
Front kicks to the body are low risk medium reward and become high reward on a gassed opponent.
5 ounce gloves just let mma fighters get to the chin easier so guys get lazy

Even punching technique is sloppy in mma despite it being a top weapon, again due to danger of 5 ounce gloves
*4 ounce. Even better.
No better way to drain the tanks than to dent the body then everything becomes easier to hit...
As much as I hate to say it, there's no perfect body except Brock's. Average height at HW -- center of gravity not too low, not too high. Good for any kind of striking. Fucking 280, strong as an ox. Somehow fast, co-ordinated, and has 5 round cardio. Unfortunately, he just has shit skills. Put Fedor or DC into that body.. holy fucking shit.

He's not a perfect body he's a perfect recipe including many 'unknown ingredients'
Give him 180 he’ll give you 540


That was in 1990,...christ almighty lol...also, I believe Kerry Von Erich had a prosthetic foot in this match, he had to get it amputated after a bike accident, or car, can't remember, such a tragedy, for both of them in the end.
Body shots are very important. It opens the fighter up.
God I miss boxing

Gatti’s chin though!
And Max would take his lunch money literally anywhere else.

Maybe if he recognized him and knew he was a Boxer. But if not, MMA fighters in fights would be throwing hands first
Maybe if he recognized him and knew he was a Boxer. But if not, MMA fighters in fights would be throwing hands first
There's a feeling out process. So you can tell before even throwing your first strike whether someone can box or not. Also, the boxing stance would leave you open for leg kicks so Max would end the fight with like 3 leg kicks.
MMA fighters just need to start studying boxing more seriously.


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