Will the Europeans win any fights?

You realize this attitude is exactly why everyone hates America right?

I'm actually British and I stand by what I said.

Go in and change the country 100% or don't go in at all.

After WW2, US (and allies) fundamentally changed Germany (West Germany) and Japan ... They didn't "let them keep their native culture", they completely transformed both countries into western capitalist democracies.

There was no "liberal media backlash" against that in 1945... McAurther and co. Completely demilitarized Japan and imposed western capitalist culture there. They still have American military bases in Japan TO THIS DAY!!!!

Same should have been done to Iraq, either that or don't go in at all (what I think they should have done). We should have allied ourselves with Saddam Hussein, he was cruel to the Kurds, but he kept the country together. Iraq was safer under Saddam than it ever has been since the invasion.