Whos the a$$hole here?

Isn't it a kitten? If so, it is not feral yet, especially if his GF was able to approach it. I kind of know these things since I used to take care of a feral cat colony.
"Used to take care of a feral cat colony"? Do tell this should be good
Walking the dog late night (2am) with the g/f and a kitten up in a tree starts purring. My g/f calls to it and it comes to her. She insists we bring it back to the house (my house) and i refuse as i am deathly allergic to cats. She insists. I tell her no, she gets mad, and i end up walking back without her. She shows up with the kitten ( its tiny maybe 4 weeks old) and i tell her no and she yells and screams and calls me every name in the book. Legit never seen her so mad. She calls an uber. Whos the asshole?

The cat obviously.
All cats are assholes.
How about popping two Claritin?

I think the underlying issue that caused the argument wasn't the allergy but the lack of trying to find a mutually beneficial compromise. Dude just said no. Gf countered with garage. Dude stood his ground. Dude could have maybe offered to set up a box with blanket in the backyard or something. It's extremely frustrating when the person you are arguing with refuses to budge an inch. While expecting you to give in 100%.

I only skimmed the thread, so unless the TS provided more info it's hard to really give an informed opinion, especially without knowing the relationship dynamic, so basically everyone is speaking extemporaneously, including me.

That said, if it's my house and my girl doesn't live with me, I'm not getting a cat, and I'm especially not getting a cat just because my girl saw one in a tree. If she lives with me, we're going to have a conversation about it and plan it out, again, I'm not gonna get a cat just because my girl saw one in a tree.

You want to be humane and call the humane society, or take it in for one night, sure, but nobody is going to demand I get a pet in the middle of the night just because you found one. That's women-think.
I only skimmed the thread, so unless the TS provided more info it's hard to really give an informed opinion, especially without knowing the relationship dynamic, so basically everyone is speaking extemporaneously, including me.

That said, if it's my house and my girl doesn't live with me, I'm not getting a cat, and I'm especially not getting a cat just because my girl saw one in a tree. If she lives with me, we're going to have a conversation about it and plan it out, again, I'm not gonna get a cat just because my girl saw one in a tree.

You want to be humane and call the humane society, or take it in for one night, sure, but nobody is going to demand I get a pet in the middle of the night just because you found one. That's women-think.
Which is what I would do, too. I think taking in for a night and feeding is perfectly reasonable. No one is suggesting long term commitment.

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