White woman calls cops on black man babysitting white kids

Was it right for the lady to call the police in this situation?

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I would bet a whole nickel if the guy were white and the 2 kids were black the shitwit who called the police wouldn't have even thought twice about it.

No way I'm taking that bet. <{cruzshake}>
I'd like to give the parents of those kids some kudos for having a black sitter. Those kids will likely grow up not seeing race at all and will be better for it.

I would never have a male sitter.
It appears pretty racist, obviously, superficially, that she apparently derived this sense of alarm entirely from a black man with two kids. Typically you can tell if kids are acting alarmed/strange. I don't know why she would think he would be walking around with kidnapped children in the open (yes, I'm aware of extreme outliers, but that's silly).

At the same time, imagine he wasn't black, this lady did the same thing with a white man, for whatever reason, and he refused to allow the children to confirm they knew him and were safe. I think the whole police call could have been avoided if he just placated the hysterical lady. I wouldn't want to be harassed this way, and I never have been, when I was with kids, but if someone ever came up and asked me that, I would be confused, and not defensive/indignant; not until after I had time to process what happened, after I gathered the kids into the car, and sat there stewing behind the wheel wondering what about me would cause someone to suspect I was a predator.

I don't see it as "right" or "wrong". It was someone following their conscience as a vigilant citizen. The shape her conscience took revealed an unsavory, underlying psychology. Yet it required only a brief investigation, and posed no real threat to the man.

Perhaps many on the left will read this and can come to comprehend how irritating it can be to have someone cast accusations at you without any evidence, yes? In fact, unlike Blasey Ford, this lady didn't even allege anything. Imagine if this lady expected the cops to arrest this man, or preemptively take away the children before they could confirm conclusively with the parents he was their custodian, despite that lack of evidence?

Food for thought to anyone who didn't support the confirmation of Kavanaugh.
You had a good point going until you twisted it up into your personal politics
I am conflicted with your post. I understand it but at the same time I am insulted (might too strong of a word but that's all I can think of this morning) by it. My best friends are black, asian, white, etc... If I had kids I wouldn't hesitate to call upon them to help me out in a pinch. I don't see color. Friends you can depend and trust are rare so color shouldn't ever be an issue.

I guess there is no kudos for asking someone you trust to baby sit your kids IMO...
Kudos to you too pal!
I'd like to give the parents of those kids some kudos for having a black sitter. Those kids will likely grow up not seeing race at all and will be better for it.
They'll definitely see race, but hopefully it won't affect their judgement either way, that they don't see black people and have a negative reaction, or that they see black people and always assume they're being oppressed.

Hopefully they'll be even handed. I haven't always been despite my upbringing, but that's encephalopathy for you
I don't really care about this incident. If I was the black man, I'd be aggravated. If I were the white woman, I'd be embarrassed. I don't think it goes too far beyond that.
Would anyone have thought twice if it was a white dude looking after 2 black kids. I doubt it.
I'd like to give the parents of those kids some kudos for having a black sitter. Those kids will likely grow up not seeing race at all and will be better for it.
I don't care what race he is, if I ever have kids I'm not leaving them alone with any man.
I was gonna say the woman should have spoken to him first, but she did and he refused to answer, so... If you're gonna be weird about it, be contrarian for the sake of it and refuse to talk to people, I'm fine with the cops being called on you. Being black just emphasizes that he's not the kids' parent, it's not really about the skin colour. Only reason a white man wouldn't get approached is because people would mistakenly assume he's the father. Same thing if as a black man he were babysitting two black kids - nobody would ask anything.
I was gonna say the woman should have spoken to him first, but she did and he refused to answer, so... If you're gonna be weird about it, be contrarian for the sake of it and refuse to talk to people, I'm fine with the cops being called on you. Being black just emphasizes that he's not the kids' parent, it's not really about the skin colour. Only reason a white man wouldn't get approached is because people would mistakenly assume he's the father. Same thing if he were babysitting two black kids - nobody would ask anything.
So, if I follow you around, and then accost you at a gas station and demand to speak with children in your care, you should be ok with that and just let me have at 'em?
And why the fuck can't they be step-children?
But there is no racism in America anymore according to all the right wingers here.
I was gonna say the woman should have spoken to him first, but she did and he refused to answer, so... If you're gonna be weird about it, be contrarian for the sake of it and refuse to talk to people, I'm fine with the cops being called on you. Being black just emphasizes that he's not the kids' parent, it's not really about the skin colour. Only reason a white man wouldn't get approached is because people would mistakenly assume he's the father. Same thing if as a black man he were babysitting two black kids - nobody would ask anything.
If you come up to me and start grilling me like I'm on trial, I'm going to tell you to fuck off
And I might end up punching you in the face
if it looks suspicious then you must call. you can save a life
So, if I follow you around, and then accost you at a gas station and demand to speak with children in your care, you should be ok with that and just let me have at 'em?
And why the fuck can't they be step-children?
And when things escalate you can also shoot him. Because you felt threatened. So make sure you're packin.
And when things escalate you can also shoot him. Because you felt threatened. So make sure you're packin.
I'm imagining the discussion would go something like this:
Hey, excuse me, are those your kids?
Why do you ask?
Let me speak to them so I can make sure you aren't a kidnapper.
Fuck off.
Is that a threat?