When you don't have the heart to tell them the truth

What did you stand to lose by telling her?

Getting laid.

I don't have the heart to tell TS that this vapid fatty shut him down, and now he is in denial starting threads in the Sherdog Incel-Berry Lounge
Getting laid.

I don't have the heart to tell TS that this vapid fatty shut him down, and now he is in denial starting threads in the Sherdog Incel-Berry Lounge
I don't have the heart to tell you literally none of this happened.

No one leads with chubby when big boobs is on the table as an adjective.

Sage words.
There were these two fat cows at my gym once talking about a guy who’s a regular. Dude’s in phenomenal shape but he’s only around 5’7”. Still taller than these two whales.

Anyways I heard one of them say to the other “what about him? He’s cute?” And the other one says “no way. He’s too short.” The old lady on the treadmill next to them broke out laughing and was shaking her head.
Social media has made women delusional.
Eh, I've known fat dumpy girls to land attractive fit guys. And god knows I've seen my share of ugly ass dudes with hot young girls (I know you guys are going to say, "it's his money" but a lot of these dudes were broke ass losers). If people want to hold out for something better, so be it. They may meet the right person and be able to do so. Or not. And they'll readjust their standards sooner or later. Though I'm not going to lie, if you're looking for a relationship and won't give somebody a chance because they're a few inches "too short" or don't have a six pack, you need to reevaluate your priorities. Sure, go for somebody you're attracted to, but don't count a good guy out because he doesn't check off every single physical trait you desire in a dude.

Anyways, last week while I was at the church, this little four year old girl picked up a bag that had just been donated. A woman donated bags full of Play-Doh cups. The little girl was absolutely *thrilled* to have found and have all of this Play-Doh. I knew I couldn't let her take the whole bag, but I also didn't have the heart to tell her no. So I went and got one of the older ladies and she handled it flawlessly. The little girl picked out four containers and was still just as thrilled about it because the colors matched her tie-dye shirt. I forget sometimes how easily it can be to make a child happy. And if a similar situation arises again, I'll have a better idea of how to handle it.
My new colleague just broke up with her long term boyfriend. She came into work a few weeks back. "You're not going to believe what happened to me yesterday. This male Uni friend of mine, who has a girlfriend, just came straight out and asked me if I'd be his sidepiece". I didn't have the heart to tell her that he wouldn't have asked if he didn't think there was a chance. Says more about her than him.
Can't really relate, thanks to my dad I'm a cold heartless SOB. Or as I liked to put it back when I was working as a consultant, "you're not paying me to tell me what you want to hear, you're paying me to tell you what you NEED to hear". I deliver the facts, what happens after is not my concern. As my dad used to say "you need to thank me for pointing out your fuckups. If you don't know where you're fucking up you can't improve and you'll be a useless shit". Came from the school of tough love, I did.
If she has huge breasts (you did say kinda chubby) you should titty bang her then tell us about it.

Much appreciated
Be nice and bust a nut in her to make her feel better TS
I’m brutally honest to my friends and people I actually care about, but I don’t see the point in arguing with delusional/ignorant people to try and help them. No good deed goes unpunished and they will just ignore my advice/thoughts anyway
"Yes wife/mother in law, this really is delicious!" (Neither can cook to save themselves)
So this girl is young, like 20, and she's got a semi cute face but she's pretty chubby.

I was talking to her and she mentioned that she turned down a date from this guy because she wants someone much hotter. Now I've seen the guy that she turned down, and he's on her level if not above. So I was curious to hear what league she thought she was in.

I asked her what made her think that she could get such a hot guy? And she said, "well i did it before"

So I probed a bit there, and basically they're was a really hot guy she met in college. They had sex late one night, then a few sporadic times after that. Always late at night. And she was annoyed that they never even had a break up conversation. One day he was just dating someone else and then he graduated and moved away.

I just remember feeling so sorry for this girl. In her head she thought she had a legit relationship with this guy, when in reality he just used her as his booty call. And the fact that he only did it a few times tells me that she was his absolute last resort. When all his other girls were busy, he knows at 3am he can always bust a nut in this fatty.

I didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. She would just argue with me anyway. She's going to have to figure out that shit on her own.

Have you ever had a situation where you didn't have the heart to tell someone the truth?

Let her have her standards. She is entitled to them. She will eventually find something practical or die alone. Either way, it's not your problem.
just the other day when i saw the meditation thread.
There were these two fat cows at my gym once talking about a guy who’s a regular. Dude’s in phenomenal shape but he’s only around 5’7”. Still taller than these two whales.

Anyways I heard one of them say to the other “what about him? He’s cute?” And the other one says “no way. He’s too short.” The old lady on the treadmill next to them broke out laughing and was shaking her head.
damn, as a member of the 5'8" master race i cant imagine being a 5'7" manlet.
How much would you say she weighs? I'm not sure what chubby translates to here.
I'm not good at this game but I'd say maybe 5'2" and 150 lbs
Chubby with big boobs or small boobs?...
Looked like C-cups to me. Probably the only reason that guy banged her
What did you stand to lose by telling her?
We worked together and were kind of friends I guess. Would've been awkward if I pissed her off.
I have no problem telling people the truth, I'm not the most popular or loved guy out there, but the people that are in my life respect me for being honest, and real.

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