When Presidents sound retarded

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

- Dubya
One thing I always liked about Bush is he owned his verbal screw ups and poked fun at himself about it

" I've been known to butcher the odd sylabbel "

....or something to that effect, pretty funny
I enjoy both, in their own comedic ways. Dubya was just classic retard. I mean, "Is our children learning?" You couldn't even write that, because it would seem too on-the-nose, too unbelievable. And yet, he said it. Amazing. Whereas Trump is just like a real-life SNL character that requires no exaggeration. He's like a used car salesman who is giving you a pitch to buy a lemon, while also trying to sleep with you. They are both hysterical to me.
I loved W appearing in that SNL sketch during the election, when asked what one word summarized his argument for leadership.
*looking earnestly into the camera*

He was a good sport.
I loved W appearing in that SNL sketch during the election, when asked what one word summarized his argument for leadership.
*looking earnestly into the camera*

He was a good sport.

Seems W is generally happy go lucky person remember his facial expression when Iraqis are throwing shoes at him its like "Wow this shit is getting more fun lol"
They both get lost mid-sentence, but Bush is like, "wait, what was I saying?" when it happens, while Trump just confidently barrels on to some other bit of bullshit that he remembers better. Bush also seems like he's trying to remember his briefings, while Trump doesn't seem to have even been briefed. It's also interesting how people who worked with Bush would always say, "he's smarter than he seems; just not a good speaker." People who work with Trump always give the message, "you think he sounds bad, but you should have heard him before I got hold of him!"
In Trump's defense:
I recently saw his appearance on Ali G.
He actually did well, in the sense that he caught on pretty quickly that whatever it was that was going on, whether serious or no, he was done indulging it and made a solid, polite exit.
No fun, but he didn't make a fool of himself anyways
I don't give Dubya any credit for making jokes about being a retarded speaker. He kinda has no choice but to own it when he butchers the English language worse than he did the Middle East.
In Trump's defense:
I recently saw his appearance on Ali G.
He actually did well, in the sense that he caught on pretty quickly that whatever it was that was going on, whether serious or no, he was done indulging it and made a solid, polite exit.
No fun, but he didn't make a fool of himself anyways

Lol yeah, Trump was having none of Borat's shit. He saw through it immediately.

Like the old saying goes, you can't bullshit a bullshitter.
Seems W is generally happy go lucky person remember his facial expression when Iraqis are throwing shoes at him its like "Wow this shit is getting more fun lol"
That was another good W moment, he nimbly dodged that shit, saw it coming the whole way. If that had been a pitch, he would have stepped into it and crushed it into the upper deck.
That was another good W moment, he nimbly dodged that shit, saw it coming the whole way. If that had been a pitch, he would have stepped into it and crushed it into the upper deck.

Yup he dodged that perfectly that's when I knew Iraq will never win any war against America.
Yup he dodged that perfectly

Not the first time you could say that either.

In Trump's defense:
I recently saw his appearance on Ali G.
He actually did well, in the sense that he caught on pretty quickly that whatever it was that was going on, whether serious or no, he was done indulging it and made a solid, polite exit.
No fun, but he didn't make a fool of himself anyways

Trump generally seemed smarter a few years ago than he is now. Could be age-based deterioration (or just that watching Fox rots your brain).
Come on now, it was Dolan.

This is how @Space got added to the Full Retard Hall of Fame.


Only in your books.

You're pretty pathetic, continuing to bring up my one wrong post in all my thousands of posts. Meanwhile, you're continually retarded on a regular basis.
Only in your books.

You're pretty pathetic, continuing to bring up my one wrong post in all my thousands of posts. Meanwhile, you're continually retarded on a regular basis.

>You're pretty pathetic, continuing to bring up my one wrong post in all my thousands of posts.

>continuing to bring up my one wrong post in all my thousands of posts.

>one wrong post in all my thousands of posts.

>one wrong post

>one wrong post
>one wrong post

Ladies and gentleman, that's a Full Retard Hall of Fame inductee for you.
"Iraq and Iran were very similar militarily, and they’d fight, fight, fight, and then they’d rest.

They’d fight, fight, fight, and then Saddam Hussein would do the gas, and somebody else would do something else, and they’d rest."

- Drumpf
"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is - Bill Clinton

Trump generally seemed smarter a few years ago than he is now. Could be age-based deterioration (or just that watching Fox rots your brain).
Oh it's definitely aged base deterioration , his shitty diet and abhorance if exercise would exacerbate this .

Listen to him back in the eighties, it's almost a different guy
I figure there's lots of material for a thread like this from decades of leaders. Let's begin with our current Oval Office disaster.

"North Dakota is an inspiring example of the amazing things that are possible when we unleash the genius of American innovators, unite the red tape (sic) --and I'll tell you and we have to unite everything and all that red tape becomes beautiful when you get rid of it, but, and we're getting rid of-- are we getting rid of a lot of red tape, by the way...?"

Oh great, another Obama thread.
