What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month?

buy 50 of the kick ass 20$ scratch tickets and wait for my new 10k per month salaray once i win
I have more than $80K in the bank, and paying $1K a month paying off my school loans, so with an additional $1K I'd just pay off my school loans faster.
Creating a thread asking Sherdog for recommendations for the finest $1k ho.
1k take home? If so, that’d make a huge difference in deciding what kind of house/condo to buy. Been looking for about a month or two now and the prices are quite high. I’d feel a lot better about a 3k dollar mortgage if I had an extra grand every month.
100% this.
We wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner

Man, I'm in Canada so it's like they got that shit on repeat all day on the radio. If there's a silver lining to the whole diversity thing Trudeau's doing it's that one day Barenaked Ladies will get off the radio and we'll be listening to Arabs singing about fucking camels instead
Man, I'm in Canada so it's like they got that shit on repeat all day on the radio. If there's a silver lining to the whole diversity thing Trudeau's doing it's that one day Barenaked Ladies will get off the radio and we'll be listening to Arabs singing about fucking camels instead
Good catch, my favorite Canadian Sherbro
UBI is such a fascinating idea. That's not an endorsement as money doesn't just magically appear. Then again I can see merit in the pro arguments. Looking forward to the 'berrys take on this topic.
Muskier than motorcycle leather butthole pleasures, son.
Wait, so successful people like me would have to pay out the ass so lazy fucks like you could sit around all day doing Jack shit?

Sounds a lot like the system we have now.
Man, I'm in Canada so it's like they got that shit on repeat all day on the radio. If there's a silver lining to the whole diversity thing Trudeau's doing it's that one day Barenaked Ladies will get off the radio and we'll be listening to Arabs singing about fucking camels instead
Yay for Canadian Content! Because of it in a couple of decades those Bare Naked dudes will actually have that million dollars.
Save up a bit and buy some more woodworking tools and a dust collection system for my garage.