What do women find attractive/unattractive about you?

oh...I also turn rugged alpha hetro males into submisive twinkie power bottoms. No homo

I don't know if this is a pro, or con for the ladies.
Turn on:

My confidence, sense of humor, being spontaneous. My freckles, physique, accent.

Turn off:

Being short, not having a career, being too nice at times.
Eyes. Nothing special just brown but I don't think any woman I've been intimate or friendly with hasn't complimented them specifically.
Lips. "Phenomenally kissable" is what I was told and people stare at them all the time.
My easy going manner. Men and women remark that my presence is soothing. The women will sometimes tell me how comfortable I make them feel before taking their clothes off.
I'm unexpectedly sweet and thoughtful. Women often express their surprise at my trait of remembering the minute details of conversations and interactions. I'm frequently told it's an extremely attractive quality.
I'm passionate and give my best in everything that I do.

Beard. I have a nice jawline but I'm too lazy to shave but once a month.
I can be impetuous at times.
Very emotionally reserved. I'm told it's frustrating.
I've been told my arms, eyes and mouth for what they like.

My guess would be my teeth, they stain easy. I'm bald and I'm old.
- Dimples - two of them, deep. top tier
- Intelligent / Smartass - I got dat knowledge and back it up with a smartass slant
- Chest - When I started working out I prioritized my chest and triceps. My chest stand out even thought I don't lift weights anymore
- Ears (this is a weird one) - I have meaty ear lobs (Buddha like). my ears don't flare out but and Asians like it. especially older folks who want me to date their daughter. Its supposedly the sign of good fortune. Girls love to bite my ears.
- boyish smile/looks - I look young and immature. I used to get carded all the way up to my 30s (serious carding as in they would be stunned that I was that old at times). Even Asians tell me I look young. I still look young but not immature young now.
- Stamina of a God when I fuck - I can fuck forever and need a small break before going at it again. One girl accused me of taking Viagra cause she couldn't believe how long I could last. It's all natural baby! I love seeing wet spots on the bed after doing the dirty deed. I always have to change them sheets after a long fuckin' session.
- Funny - I am all jokes and love to make people laugh.

- Pretty sure I am difficult to get along in a relationship.
- I can be condescending if I think you're an idiot or saying stupid shit.
- One of my ex stated that I don't express too much. I am like an onion and she had to peel each layer to reveal who I was.
- Short in height (only 5'6"). Oh how I wish I was a bit taller.
- Lazy. It has gotten a bit worse lately (I got an injury that required surgery and its not fully healed and haven't been working out in a long while).
- I get bored of people quickly.
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My small dick and alcoholism are my biggest selling points
Turn ons - I am tall, relatively well off and white.

Turn offs - I am too tall (6'6), not rich enough and more guinea white than anglo white.
Basically only turn offs; too good looking, too funny, too smart, too nice & too ripped.
my beard, but the beard is a double edged sword as it also makes women call me sir. it attracts some weird women.
@bad seed

That quote in your signature "...the 98th percentile" - priceless :D Between being chairman in the Dunning-Kruger society and obersturmbahnführer in his local incel chapter, you gotta appreciate that he still somehow finds the time to gift sherdog these exquisite gems.
I keep a private page, a blog I guess, just for myself so I can have a record of . . . things. Idk. Recently I made a list of pros and cons about my current self. The cons list was long. Very fucking long. I wrote it like four days ago and I STILL keep thinking of things to go back and add to it lmao. They're all things that I can't imagine appeal to anybody in any way. So, uhh, I guess it'll be easier to list the few things that *aren't* wrong with me, and which I've received a fair amount of compliments on.

When corresponding through messages/emails, many people have said that they like that I get straight to the point. I think this is more of a work thing, because I can definitely babble on to my friends until they roll over and die lol.

I have a big heart. This sucks for me actually, but other people like it. I'm compassionate and empathetic towards other people and animals. I believe in putting out positive energy so I say nice things to people a lot (and I do mean what I say). I'm supportive of people in the things that they do, or want to pursue, and encouraging. I'm very friendly to everybody I meet and believe in treating everybody as an equal.

Everybody tells me I'm a good listener. I am. But holy shit I'm clueless on how to comfort people, so I make a lot of sad faces lmao. If we're friends and we're texting, you'll probably get sarcastic remarks instead *sorry bruhs*

I'm also told that I'm very funny.. And a lot of guys dig that I'm into horror films.
@bad seed

That quote in your signature "...the 98th percentile" - priceless :D Between being chairman in the Dunning-Kruger society and obersturmbahnführer in his local incel chapter, you gotta appreciate that he still somehow finds the time to gift sherdog these exquisite gems.
lol did you see his post in this thread? We are blessed to be in the company of such masculine perfection.
I’ve had quite a few tell me that i look younger. I am 52 and I’ve often heard that I look 45. Hey, it’s a big plus in my age bracket. That and the fact that I still have all my hair!
Attractive: Face, muscular but not too big body, athletic ability, penis size, confidence, nice

Unattractive: Lazy, low energy, smile
Physically everything

personality wise lazy and rude occasionally snobby
I tell them my post count on sherdog

and that I

Clear 500k, bench 275, touch people with teh jab, and fill rooms with uppercuts on occasion.
Like: Eyes, lips, fitness/strength, intellect and broad interests

Dislike: being a massive manchild/immature, anger issues, lack of street smarts/naivete, heavy drinking and lying about small stuff (never about big shit)

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