What book/novel do you want turned into a movie, series, or mini series

I'm looking forward to the Kingslayer Chronicles because Rothfus is fat and slow too.
Daniel O Malley's Rook/Chequy Files would make for a good series. Lots of interesting characters with backgrounds that could be explored well onscreen
I read The Devil’s Doorbell series as a kid, think it could do well.
Just read Senlin Ascends and think it'd be pretty good on TV. Still need to read the rest though.

Also I think The Legend of Eli Monpress would be cool
Here are a few that I think could be good, and haven't been mentioned by anyone else yet:

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon:
This has been stuck in development hell for some time. It's set in the golden age of comics, and deals with the two characters creating their own super hero, while having to cope with WW2 and the prejudices of the time. I think it could make for a great mini-series, assuming they had the right actors.
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa:
A fictionalized version of Miyamoto Musashi growing up, developing into the greatest swordsman, and his most famous duel. Admittedly, this has been adapted before (Starring Toshiro Mifune, no less), but I think this would do well with an update.
The Chrysalids by John Wyndham:
This is set in a world where people live in simple communities and deviancy is feared and grounds for exile to the Fringes. I'm a fan of Wyndham's work, as he tended to have several stories about what relatively average people would do in extreme circumstances. Instead of becoming crazy action heroes, they mostly just do what they can to survive. I feel like a BBC series could do a great job with this.
Silas Marner (without ben kingsley....fuck ben kingsley)
Recently read Killer Clown, an account of the investigation of John Wayne Gacy. The way it went down is pretty interesting and suspenseful that it would make a good movie. The book was written in a way that makes me think the author was intending to shop it as a movie script.
What the.....are we the same person??
lol...I always preferred Dark stories where the main characters are not perfect good guys.
Like The Dresden Files, Richard Kadrey's Sandman Slim Series, Simon R. Green's Nightside Stories etc...
The same with superheroes...fuck guys like Superman. I prefer guys like Wolverine, Daredevil, Batman, Lobo, Punisher etc...
Red Rising series if done correctly could be realllly good. Game of thrones 700 years in the future on nearly every planet in the solar system.

Seconded. Apparently there were plans for a movie adaptation at one point, but they fell through, and now it sounds like the author is working on a TV series instead, which I'd be much more interested in.
I remember reading The Winter of Frankie Machine back in the day, and it was rumored that Scorsese and Michael Mann were going to put it on the big screen with De Niro starring. Other than that, I got nothing right now.
Joe Abercrombie's first law trilogy maybe even setbthe series before it starts, I always wanted to learn more about the origins of the bloody nine and how the band was formed etc. Bernard Cornwell's Arthurian trilogy would also be amazing

That giant tattooed fucker would flat out steal entire episodes if doe right.

For me: The Gam3 and Zombie Fallout could both work really well I think.