What are you currently playing? v.5

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I thought the weapon breaking mechanic sucked, but it forced me to be experimental, and opened up the game more. You can get creative killing things, and you get better and more durable weapons later. Enjoy it man, that first playthrough is perfection.

This was a big reason I stopped playing it. Might give it a go again in the future though.
Dont be hesitant, I learnt it early on, youll come across more and better weapons. Just explore. The sense of exploration, and finding something made that game a joy. Its a masterpiece. Also take not of the level design too, no open world game is as meticulously designed to guide you to new things/locations like BOTW.

Just play.
That’s always my issue with games. I’m too afraid to use quality items because I might need them later. End up never using them and finishing the game with a bag full of high level stuff.
This was a big reason I stopped playing it. Might give it a go again in the future though.
I can see why it pissed people off, but it was a strong and well thought out design decision. These guys are master game designers, and the balls it took to put in a controversial mechanic paid off I think. Seriously Ive never had a more fun experience in a game since my childhood years. Explore, and experiment. The physics in this game is incredible. I cant wait till you play the puzzle portions, it makes you feel like youre a genius when you come up with a way thats completely organic and emergent.
That’s always my issue with games. I’m too afraid to use quality items because I might need them later. End up never using them and finishing the game with a bag full of high level stuff.
Im like that aswell. Its the damn muscle memory from playing games that had insane bosses towards the end of games.
The side quests of Witcher 3 weren't bad. They have their own little side stories to it. I think I didn't care about the main quest until later in the game. The main quest was alright. The game really shines with Blood and Wine and Heart of Stone added to it. I never used a guide until my COVID playthrough. There are so many solutions to some quests and there were some stuff I missed during my first playthrough. The Baron arc is my least favorite until the end of it. The place kinda sucked; everyone was poor and shitty.
I am almost at the end of Dragonquest 11. I think I have to wrap up the secret trial and the last tockle trial. I might have skipped a few side missions that gave crap rewards. They up the difficulty within the game by having bosses with a ton of disables or having multi turns per cycle. If you paid for it; you got your money's worth with that game. Only suggestion I have is maybe have sections where you split your team up into two groups in a dungeon. They sorta had that when you lost your team and had to get them back. It allowed for different combinations.
I am almost at the end of Dragonquest 11. I think I have to wrap up the secret trial and the last tockle trial. I might have skipped a few side missions that gave crap rewards. They up the difficulty within the game by having bosses with a ton of disables or having multi turns per cycle. If you paid for it; you got your money's worth with that game. Only suggestion I have is maybe have sections where you split your team up into two groups in a dungeon. They sorta had that when you lost your team and had to get them back. It allowed for different combinations.

I loved DQ11. Regular edition or XL on switch?
Halo Infinite's MP is so damn good. Like its the best MP Ive played in years. Its just runs so smooth fully maxed out....and plays damn great.
I'm taking a break from all the Demons Souls and Bloodborns I been playing and going back to Alien Isolation

I been wanting to know the plot of the game because I am a big fan of the movies.

I tried to play Alien Isolation awhile back but got stuck bad. This game seemed hard as fuck but I'm starting over to relearn the buttons and menus.
Halo Infinite's MP is so damn good. Like its the best MP Ive played in years. Its just runs so smooth fully maxed out....and plays damn great.

I did like the gunplay but beyond that I just found the rest of the game to be sort of meh. Just felt like most online shooters these days which I can't really do the normal old school CTP TDM type gameplay anymore.

Felt like playing a good open world game and almost went with ACV but decided it was time to try out RDR2 instead. It's basically a cowboy simulator but I'm loving it so far.
I did like the gunplay but beyond that I just found the rest of the game to be sort of meh. Just felt like most online shooters these days which I can't really do the normal old school CTP TDM type gameplay anymore.
Imo its fantastic. I dont like FPS games in general, but sometimes Ill play a great MP FPS game and just get enamoured. This one is gonna be my foreseeable MP game.
Imo its fantastic. I dont like FPS games in general, but sometimes Ill play a great MP FPS game and just get enamoured. This one is gonna be my foreseeable MP game.

Yea I'm not huge on them either. I tend to get into Warzone every now and then though and then I'm done after a bit. Overall I still prefer the feel of Warzone compared to this.
Yea I'm not huge on them either. I tend to get into Warzone every now and then though and then I'm done after a bit. Overall I still prefer the feel of Warzone compared to this.
I get it. Warzone is fun with friends and is more boots on the ground. I feel like Halo is more teambased and so you get matched up quiet often with a decent team, unlike COD where its everyman for himself.
BotW definitely starting to click. Weapon durability isn’t bothering me, even just exploring my first actual dungeon I kept coming across backups.

The game design has done a shockingly good job of steering me in the right direction without an obvious objective. First true boss down, can’t wait to see what’s next.
Finished my 10 hour early access in Battlefield 2042. I thought it was a ton of fun despite the issues. Sounds like Dice is actually listening though so hopefully it will improve.
Finished up Hitman 3. I really enjoyed it, but I’m a fan of the series. Could’ve used an extra Map or two though.

Gonna start new Guardians of the Galaxy next.
I may be in the minority but man KOTOR's gameplay >>> Mass Effect. ME as that generic third person shooter thing going on but I loving this real time battle system thing. Its what the newer final fantasy games are doing with the real time combat and turn based strategy thing.

I can see why ME came about aswell with KOTOR basically being a prototype for the ME games.
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