What are some ways to get back at filthy, loud, disgusting roomates?

Start looking for a roomate then bail on him without any notice.
Express your concerns to him in a letter.
Shit in his laundry. Or, ya know, just don't be a a grown man who has a male roommate.
Still their washed boxers, wear them, don't wipe your ass properly, at the end of the sneak them back in to the cleaned rotation.
You could grow a pair and talk to the guy...

It's a radical idea but it just might work.
You both sound poor.

Also fuck his mom. Followed by uppercuts for everyone. You included.
Well, I'm working on that. But it doesn't happen overnight. In the meantime, I need to 'vent' or I will literally stab him too death.

Well it's a good thing you've established your motive in public.
Man, fuck all these logical, grown up answers.

I wanna hear more about fucking his mom, snorting itching powder off his dick, shitting in his mouth, etc.

That's why I come to mayberry, for cryin' out loud.
get the fattest, most disgusting person you know to fart on his pillow
If we put all the answers in a poll, do you promise to do the top answer?
I hate this dirty no good wanker. I want to choke him too death one his sleep, but I'd get caught and lose my life for doing a what's really a good deed. So what are some ways I can tortured this fucker.

Running toothbrush in toilet bowl is what Imma start with.. :)

Harvest his kidney and sell it on the internet.
french kiss him while he's sleeping.
Take the sheets off his their bed, line the mattress with salami and put the sheets back on.
Who invented itching powder anyway? What purpose does it serve?

Was it just made for pranksters by pranksters?

Nobody invented it, it's dried rose hip.

It contains micro-burrs which irritate the skin.

I used to work with fresh rose hips (I was in floral import) and it probably wasn't a difficult discovery, just like the juice from gunni eucalyptus, which smells like ass and is impossible to wash off. If you wanted to fuck with someone working with flowers, you'd crush a gunni euc pod in his work space.


Little nuggets of death smell

So yeah, rose hips. They're a pain.