What are some ways to get back at filthy, loud, disgusting roomates?


Brown Belt
Dec 7, 2014
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I hate this dirty no good wanker. I want to choke him too death one his sleep, but I'd get caught and lose my life for doing a what's really a good deed. So what are some ways I can tortured this fucker.

Running toothbrush in toilet bowl is what Imma start with.. :)
Slip him a mickey, then leave him naked in a park on the other side of town.
I usually choke them to death in their sleep.
Set up a hidden camera in his room, catch him masturbating, photoshop gay porn (if necessary) on his computer screen, send video to his entire family
Make more money, move out, and live an enjoyable life.
Well, I'm working on that. But it doesn't happen overnight. In the meantime, I need to 'vent' or I will literally stab him too death.
Make peace with him buy sharing a 24oz of Whiskey. Spike his drink with some sort of depressant - T3's maybe

When he passes out butt fuck him till the cows come home.

Trick him into joining Sherdog then get everyone to spam him with dick pics.
Buy some xanax from someone and spike his food/drink. Then offer to get wasted with him.

He will either die or do something really really stupid while blacked out.

Don't actually do this.