What’s the most addictive game for you?

Horus heresy Legions

simple free 40k lore based card game

I have sunk over 500hrs in it and have a deep card collection that I never sunk an actual penny into
how is that?
I love total war and Warhammer

I just can't sink that much into games these days but it is at the top of my wish list with the total war China game
What's your favorite of the Civilization series?

I've played 1, 5 and 6.

The first game I played like 30 years ago on a crappy old computer we had. I never really got a handle on a lot of the mechanics but I put a lot of hours into it and had a lot of fun with it.

I got back into the series with Civ 5. I thought some of the mechanics were dumb (like the "happiness" stat that only seemed to punish you for building large cities), but overall I liked the game a lot.

Civ 6 I've only done a couple of playthroughs so far but I'm enjoying it.

Overall I'd say I liked Civ 5 the most, but Civ 6 could overtake it eventually. I always heard good things about Civ 4 but somehow I never got a chance to play that one.
how is that?
I love total war and Warhammer

I just can't sink that much into games these days but it is at the top of my wish list with the total war China game

well all three games can combine into one massive scenario so you're working with a campaign that covers the world. Combine that with I think 17 factions now and 80ish unique starts (legendary lords) you got some crazy replayability. It can be an investment if you never got any of the older games or dlc so get them on sale.
I was into Starcraft and other "real-time strategy" games in the late 1990s/early 2000s.

but after a while I didn't like how much time they were eating up, so I deleted everything and quit cold turkey.

Plus I found out fast I was not competitive online at all. Korean nerds were playing that game eight hours a day and training it like a sport. Ridiculous.

back in the day Starcraft ate a lot of my time as well, but i barely played online against rando's...only against my friends.
One time though, my buddy and I did a 2v2 and i was Protos and he was Zerg...midway through he was getting attacked and told him to come to my base and make a quick base.
I had my defense up and running quickly so when they tried to atk me after him, i held them back. Then i eventually starting building my carriers and just laid waste throughout the map. When i looked at what he was doing he was just taking up my ground space with his Zerg slim and taking my crystals, hahaha
I still bug him to this day about it...good times good times.

right now whats taking most of my gaming time is Fortnite
back in the day Starcraft ate a lot of my time as well, but i barely played online against rando's...only against my friends.
One time though, my buddy and I did a 2v2 and i was Protos and he was Zerg...midway through he was getting attacked and told him to come to my base and make a quick base.
I had my defense up and running quickly so when they tried to atk me after him, i held them back. Then i eventually starting building my carriers and just laid waste throughout the map. When i looked at what he was doing he was just taking up my ground space with his Zerg slim and taking my crystals, hahaha
I still bug him to this day about it...good times good times.

Lol yeah all sorts of crazy situations can unfold in Starcraft... when you are terrible at it!

Not the Koreans. They got their build orders and harassing techniques down to a science, their matches were usually determined in the first 5 minutes of gameplay. the only unexpected strategies happened in the top tier matches.

As for me, I sucked too. Other than Zergling rush and other cheese openings, I did not have much strategy. My midgame and endgame were trash, I always lost track of my economy.

So many hours wasted on the craft of stars!

Lol yeah all sorts of crazy situations can unfold in Starcraft... when you are terrible at it!

Not the Koreans. They got their build orders and harassing techniques down to a science, their matches were usually determined in the first 5 minutes of gameplay. the only unexpected strategies happened in the top tier matches.

As for me, I sucked too. Other than Zergling rush and other cheese openings, I did not have much strategy. My midgame and endgame were trash, I always lost track of my economy.

So many hours wasted on the craft of stars!

hahaha, that video cracked me up!

the same buddy i mentioned earlier, we still quote the Terrians from time to time..."May I take Your Order?", "Need a Light?" hahaha
I am weird with games. My friend bought me a WOW subscription years ago. I didn't really play the game. I found joy making stuff so I can sell it in the auction. Eventually the thrill of earning gold went away because my friend had a bot or paid off some Chinese people for gold. I was so happy to make a few gold but my friend had so much.
Diddy Kong Racing on the N64. I didn't play it as a kid (even though I was a kid in that era) and my wife put me onto it a few years back...now I'm obsessed with it. I play it on my arcade and my steam deck.
Madden, NHL, GTA and UFC. I rotate through these 4 and basically miss out on any other games. I even bought a PSVITA to play all 4 of those on the go.

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