What’s the most addictive game for you?

Medieval 2: Total War

I'm sure you guys can relate to "Ok, one more turn" turning into another 20 or so.

The Civilization series. No game makes hours disappear like those.

World of Warcraft. I can't play that game casually, either don't play at all or go full competitive nerd.
Cheating/whatsapp flirting
Street Fighter games
From Software games
Call of Duty Warzone but specifically Rebirth Island(Alcatraz). I've played 103 days of that game.
World of Warcraft. I was playing from moment waking up to bed time during holiday
Street Fighter
Devil May Cry
The Arkham Franchise

These are the games I have put the most amount of hours into.
Call of Duty zombies and multiplayer. I peaked time wasted during COD BO3 because at that point I had gotten really good at both zombies and multiplayer after years of playing both.

My only regret is that the old games are all dead and hacked. I don't play video games anymore although I am playing Elden Ring right now for the first time. I'm near the end game and have paused on progressing the story so that I can be summoned to fight bosses in other worlds. I have played the shit out of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but I don't have the patience and time to get good anymore, so I love the co-op. It is the coveted easy-mode that journalists have wanted. I always assume that those guys don't actually play video games and just create articles about social commentary.
Was never a gamer. I preferred my BMX or sports. When my buddies got big into Nintendo and Sega there were girls and I started playing tune in tokyo. The only game I ever got deep into post Pacman and Pitfall was Resident Evil. I spent a December in 1998 losing my mind with it.