What’s the most addictive game for you?

Life. Not ready to stop playing it just yet.

Ever played the Game of Life? It's such a cool game.

Right now, Marvel Strike force on mobile free to play. I went as far as join a discord server. On xbox, anything team based is fun for me. I enjoy working as a team in any game type. Nba 2k but the game never works so I deleted it. Again. Sniper, Gears of War, Tetris connect, etc. On xbox if you don't chat, you are sometimes worthless unless it's a sports game. Whoever I end up with we have a good time talking poop, drinking beers, smoking weeds, etc.
World of Warcraft

Played it for about a year when it came out and that was easily the most addicted I've ever been to a game.
I play the mobile game Marvel Strike Force. I've played it for years, log in usually multiple times a day, and have spent more than I care to admit.
Could be any game, boardgame, card game, video game. Whatever actually.

For me it has to be Poker.
Fallout 4 (3 & New Vegas too), Red Dead 2, Call of Duty, Madden
Those are pretty much all I've played since Covid started. I tried Elden Ring twice and didn't like it.
Back in the day I had Skyrim on PC and I played it for like 2 years straight. Same with GTA 5, I played it for at least a year straight.
The last game I played all the way through and loved was Farcry 5.

I need a new game, recommendations?
One of the baseball games on the first PlayStation. I think it was MLB 98.

I don't even like baseball, but I got it in my head that I was going to play a full season. By the end of it I was destroying teams like 20 - 2.
Hours have been waisted on this game.


It’s just so simple to play on my phone that I play it everytime I have to wait somewhere
Championship Manager 01/02 is my favourite, but football management games in general.

Same for me. I remember being a schoolkid playing Champ Manager 01/02 and spending so much time with it. And then over the years I'd buy every new edition and sink sometimes thousands of hours into them. I bought the latest one and I got like 70 hours on it so far but I can't play them anything like as much as I used to. But I must have easily spent over 10,000 hours of my life playing Champ/Football Manager games, they're fuckin crack
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