Weinstein: Fall of an Empire

Says the guy who posted three times in his own friggin thread of seven total replies.

Yeah, Brietbart gives one shit about Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment other than to try to use it as a political weapon. Ca't do it when you have Trump in office though folks. Every dollar Weinstein donated is returned or donated away elsewhere, but Repubs still have Trump stumping for them now.
One of these should help with angus burn


Is that Gene Wilder in your Avatar?
Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever made.

It's a sad statement of our society today, that it's almost universally recognized that "you couldn't make that movie today".

That is the very notion that I oppose the most, the idea that something that's funny, is no longer allowed to be considered funny, because someone might get offended.
This is the distinction that I think you're simply unable to make (or unwilling):

One man's words, are not equivalent to the sexually predatory actions of Mr. Weinstein.

The political left has been producing a Spartan Phalanx of sexual predators as of late, and the best you can do is deflect to the words (not actions) of another person.

I actually feel bad for you.

So his words never had actions? If that is what you have to tell yourself to justify voting for him. Words are an admission. Trump had accusers that claimed he acted much in the way he was claiming he did.

Weinstein is a sexual predator scumbag. So is Trump. One is in the WH, one was fired from his own company and is rightly going to be blacklisted.
They production company made great movies. When you knew it was a Weinstein production, you know it was going to be a good flick.
Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever made.

It's a sad statement of our society today, that it's almost universally recognized that "you couldn't make that movie today".

That is the very notion that I oppose the most, the idea that something that's funny, is no longer allowed to be considered funny, because someone might get offended.

Maybe after maga there will be a sequel.
Funny how you use Brietbart as your source material when this expose was broke by that librul bastion of fake news The New York Times and New Yorker mag.
You still barking? Don't like the source start you own topic on it and link to the NY'er, CNN, MSN or whatever media outlet you want. Other than that...

Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever made.

It's a sad statement of our society today, that it's almost universally recognized that "you couldn't make that movie today".

That is the very notion that I oppose the most, the idea that something that's funny, is no longer allowed to be considered funny, because someone might get offended.

I agree, but you are aware of Gene Wilder's ideology correct?
More Weinstein quotes secretly taped -
  • I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
The scumbag also supported that pedo polanski like most of these hypocritical hollywood SJWs.

So his words never had actions? If that is what you have to tell yourself to justify voting for him. Words are an admission. Trump had accusers that claimed he acted much in the way he was claiming he did.

Weinstein is a sexual predator scumbag. So is Trump. One is in the WH, one was fired from his own company and is rightly going to be blacklisted.

Check out the butt-hurt in this malcontent lol.
I agree, but you are aware of Gene Wilder's ideology correct?
Honestly, no.

I go to artists for their art, not their ideology.

Most artist don't tend to have a very positive view of things like the free market, because they are in an area of the market where the number of willing participants far outnumber the amount of people who will be successful in that area.
I'd also have his victims to corraborate each and every claim Trump claimed later was just "lockerroom talk". But they were all lying whores...

Aww, look at you try to derail the thread away from the Liberal Hollywood scumbag. It's so cute.
Honestly, no.

I go to artists for their art, not their ideology.

Most artist don't tend to have a very positive view of things like the free market, because they are in an area of the market where the number of willing participants far outnumber the amount of people who will be successful in that area.

Fair enough, but he was as liberal as they get.
Aww, look at you try to derail the thread away from the Liberal Hollywood scumbag. It's so cute.
Truthfully, it's working to a degree cause we keep responding to him with scorn and ridicule. Best to just ignore him in the main.
Joss Whedon's ex-wife accusing him of infidelity with actresses, including apparent someone from the Buffy cast, got minimal media play. Given his progressive screeking, it would be interesting to see what other skeletons he may have in his pocket. Whole lotta Mote in Eye syndrome in Hollyweird.

Personally, I think Clooney would be a prime specimen to bring down.
Aww, look at you try to derail the thread away from the Liberal Hollywood scumbag. It's so cute.
People like him have to convince themselves that Trump is still somehow worse then the constant barrage of sexual predators and literal monsters comming from the political left as of late.

If he allows himself to understand this evil without any deflection, he will be forced to reexamine his ideology as a whole.

Since we all know that leftists always project, and never reflect, I wouldn't hold out any hope.
People like him have to convince themselves that Trump is still somehow worse then the constant barrage of sexual predators and literal monsters comming from the political left as of late.

If he allows himself to understand this evil without any deflection, he will be forced to reexamine his ideology as a whole.

Since we all know that leftists always project, and never reflect, I wouldn't hold out any hope.

Sexual predators from the political left mean nothing to me - they're not in the WH, they have zero impact on my life. I'm not sure I saw a Weinstein movie, though I'm sure I have.

For the record who are all these sexual predators and literal monsters - Weinstein, Weiner...Bill Cosby(?)...

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