WaPo: No, Trump did not break the law in talking classified details with the Russians

I'd say a patriot who understood that information had just been inadvertently handed over
and this couldn't have been handled internally with minor damage?
like in many many cases with obama and clinton?
instead it was leaked to some propaganda paper.
and this couldn't have been handled internally with minor damage? instead it was leaked to some propaganda paper.
I don't really understand how it came to public light.
But it's good that it did. Saving our POTUS from his own embarrassing fuck ups wouldn't help anything and he may in fact be running a tighter ship going forward.
We'd better fucking hope so because Bumbles is just getting started
suddenly so many "patriots" in the wh with the urgency to leak stuff. wonder wonder...
That's the best spin I've heard on his bumble so far.
"He was just trying to avoid WW3, can't anyone give this poor man a break while he tries to save the world?"
The worst part is that we don't even know if it stopped at the isis stuff. I'm sure he shared other things.
The worst part is that we don't even know if it stopped at the isis stuff. I'm sure he shared other things.
i'm sure he handed over mcmasters laptop to lavrov, who took it with him back to moscow.
maybe leak first clintons emails? start from scratch. look what damage was done then to the US before blaming trump.
How did I know you'd unironically bring up "Lock her up!" for what is essentially the same thing - being loose with secrets-
hilariously, Trump actually gave information away. What he did is worse.
Can we get some chants of "Lock him up!", you hypocrite?
trump didn't hide anything
clinton buried evidence
in trumps case there is no evidence whatsoever (for most of the accusations)
and in clintons case there is many proof by wikileaks that was ignored by your "patriots"
The president of the United States of America is allowed to declassify whatever information he wants, and share it with whomever he chooses to share it with. That is the beauty of having a free world with great leaders keeping everyone safe.
The president of the United States of America is allowed to declassify whatever information he wants, and share it with whomever he chooses to share it with. That is the beauty of having a free world with great leaders keeping everyone safe.
Trying to avoid WW3 makes him a "stooge" apparently .

All business was conducted in private but leaked by people looking to undermine his efforts .

Yes, because the only the that is keeping WW3 from breaking out is Trump sharing classified intelligence gathered by our allies with the Russians.
Warning Russia by being an idiot and giving up intel that compromised the people that gave the US that very intel is what makes him a stooge, ya goof.

it only compromised the intel because people leaked the meeting, just to get at Trump, its not a bad thing stopping terrorist from blowing planes up you goof
“He basically is the law.”
That face you make when "he didn't break the law, he's just stupid" is a legit defense for a sitting president.


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