(video) Kajan Johnson has some harsh words for Dana White at UFC London


10-0 prospect banned by a crybaby for posting a picture of people his own Color online at 16.

Cajun is a pathetic crybaby.

Meh, good riddens
lol "martial arts master" im sorry but are we really gonna pretend everyone in the UFC is some kinda weapon incarnate? this may offend some of you but a lot of guys in the UFC are nothing more than air headed bar brawlers that flunked in other fields and just decided to try their hand at cage fighting because they took some mma classes in their spare time

you gotta make a name for yourself in this niche "sport" only a few people have ever gotten by merely on talent
He's 100% correct. Current UFC fighters are the best martial artists who have ever lived. A ufc fighter would destroy any average person regardless of the weight difference. They would destroy any martial arts hobbyist regardless of the weight difference. They are the best unarmed combatants in the entire history of earth.
That's not at all what he said.

He's 100% correct. Current UFC fighters are the best martial artists who have ever lived. A ufc fighter would destroy any average person regardless of the weight difference. They would destroy any martial arts hobbyist regardless of the weight difference. They are the best unarmed combatants in the entire history of earth.
Nice job contradicting yourself. lul
"Martial Arts Master". More like human cockfighter
Topic full of reactionary boneheads who obviously either didn't watch the interview, or couldn't be bothered to take a moment to think about what he was saying before they came in here to say some bullshit for some likes.

And he's right. Dana set the tone for how to treat fighters over a decade ago. Fans see Dana act like a tough guy and they mimic him because it makes them too feel like a tough guy while sitting at home on their computer.
LoL at all the stupid mf'ers on this forum that are so incompetent and lacking in basic comprehension skills that they don't even understand what this kid said, and think he just refered to himself and his opponent as the greatest martial artists of all time.

Holy shit you're dumb.

He was saying that modern ufc fighters are the greatest martial artists of all times when compared to other martial artists throughout history, yet modern sport fighters are treated like animals and/or disposable commodities by the promoters and fans, instead of being appreciated and honored for their dedication the martial arts.

Dense ass mf'ers in here. We need to dump more money into education before we have idiocracy on our hands, ffs.

quoted because I can't like it twice
Not a fan of how he fights but I think he comes across well here.