UFN 112 pbp/discussion

Horcher got this. They always announce the winner first in splits. I dont even worry anymore.
lol split decision on the +1200 as a cocktease
hahahahahahah as if that went to a fucking split
Powel needs the skills and athleticism to match his heart
Horcher deserved it, thought the robbery was inbound there.
the judge who gave r1 or 2 to powell should be fired immediately.

Split? Thats insane, no way Powell could have taken R1 or 2.
How on earth did Powell win more than a round there? Are these judges smoking crack watching these fights?
Esparza DEC for me but have some parlays with Esparza ITD and I mostly played her ml.
Cookie Monster isn't fighting a Canadian in Canada. She wins via dec
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, powell seriously had a chance to get that sub in rd 3, that would've been so big.

29-28 horcher


I was taking a piss when Buffer read the cards I was so sure of the result. I'm glad I didn't hear the split because it would have got my hopes up.