UFN 112 pbp/discussion

Taking ends in sub at 9.00. Let's go ground game.
Got excited there, thought he had it at one point.
I dont understand the BJ bet.... BOL tho

I do and I hope BJ takes Sivers soul even at my own expense. No lose fght like Fedor-Mitrione, well I still kinda lost that 1, I did shed a tear.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, powell seriously had a chance to get that sub in rd 3, that would've been so big.

29-28 horcher

I can't be mad at Powell, he fought for my money.
Bad mistake with that guillotine, tried to snap his head off instead of trying to choke him, valiant 3rd round effort though, fair play.
Neither of these guys belong in the UFC, Horcher looks gassed and is doing fuck all in top position, and I genuinely think that I could beat Powell if we rolled like jesus christ.

I mean, Horcher is coming off a 13 month layoff after having his body destroyed and almost dying. I'd cut him some slack here