International Trump's 2025 Immigration Plan - Mass Deportation and Giant Camps

Those pale in comparison to the "immigrant crises" many cities saw in the 1800s and 1900s.

So build more housing in the city and wider region, and if you're smart, you can take advantage of building more housing with the influx of working age labor you just inherited as a country.
Laughing... "Hey it's not as bad as the immigrant crises cities saw in the 1800s and 1900s"....
Hey Honey I haven't cheated on you as much as I did in the 90's so its not an actual problem.
Apparently you've never been to New York City.

There's already a huge homeless problem that was growing and normal people can't even pay their rents. There's no room to build all this new housing nor any money.

Is the federal government going to help with money? Doubt it. So who is going to pay for it?
If its not in their backyard they really don't care....its all about the virtue signaling and nothing else.
That definition makes pretty much every major immigration wave that the US has experienced one of "illeagl aliens."

What process did your grandparents go through?
One of the issues here is the clownshoes posse makes no distinction between "illegal aliens" and refugees, who cannot be illegal by definition, either internationally, or according to US law.
One of the issues here is the clownshoes posse makes no distinction between "illegal aliens" and refugees, who cannot be illegal by definition, either internationally, or according to US law.

C'mon now - nearly every single person in this migrant crisis is claiming refugee status.
Germans didn't assimilated until WW1 and WW2 forced them.

Irish were already assimilated by the British


By third generation most Latinos won't even be able to speak Spanish.
There's over 300 thousand Gang Members in Cali and over 6100 individual gangs.
Uh no

The Irish and Germans assimilated in one generation. There's 10,000 different gangs just in California alone, most of whom are 2nd or 3rd generation in who have not assimilated to western society and 99% of them are from Latin America, just like the majority of the illegals pouring through our border
and you don’t think 10,000 different 2nd/3rd generation gangs didn’t come on over with the Irish and German immigration?
Trump talks a big game. I doubt he'll deliver. This is the same man who thought replacing Obamacare was going to be easy until he had to find a solution.

Something needs to done with the border, but I seriously doubt this is it.

- I honestly dont see solution, besides trying to fix those people country of origim. Or trying to up the quality of some country, to accept them.

Its a diaspora, every day comes more people. And even thought some of them bring problems, its so wrong to just put them in some kind of jail.

Trump isnt dumb, he is playing for the crowd, like every politican does.
But the scary thing, is that they cant bring a solution.
C'mon now - nearly every single person in this migrant crisis is claiming refugee status.
Yep...and when interviewed why they say they were instructed to do so. Seen a interview with one dude wearing Jordans and gold chains and a 50 buck hair cut saying he's claiming "Refugee Status".
C'mon now - nearly every single person in this migrant crisis is claiming refugee status.
Sorting them out is a different task than lumping them all together, don't you think?
Sorting them out is a different task than lumping them all together, don't you think?

All these really recent ones flooding into the city, I'm probably for the deportation of all of them. Literally cannot afford them or have any room. I'm not sure, but I think that's where my opinion is headed.

It is simply unsustainable.

I'm curious where you live. Because I live in New York and I'm telling you - this shit is crazy. How it is outside.
John Fetterman is saying it's a crisis andt the border needs to be secured.
All these really recent ones flooding into the city, I'm probably for the deportation of all of them. Literally cannot afford them or have any room. I'm not sure, but I think that's where my opinion is headed.

It is simply unsustainable.

I'm curious where you live. Because I live in New York and I'm telling you - this shit is crazy. How it is outside.
He doesn't live where thousands upon thousands of them are invading....He's just virtue signaling.
I will say though - I'm not sure if Trump is just grandstanding or will he truly go all in against literally everyone and just do executive actions to do mass deportations.

Because there will be tons of resistance from the Dems obviously, but ALSO Republicans due to cheap labor interests. There will be legal challenges galore.

How do I know even a lot of Republicans won't actually support it?

Because the #1 thing they can do to stave off mass illegal immigration is something they REFUSE to do. FINE ALL BUSINESSES THAT EMPLOY ILLEGAL ALIENS. That would solve illegal immigration overnight.

What Trump has to do is emergency executive actions before the challenges even go into full effect. While it's languishing in the courts, just start doing the deportations. That would be insane though if that happened.
You know trump employed illegal immigrants even while he railed against them right?

And fuck him if he knew they were illegal.

Maybe he could help make up for it by passing a law to fine heavy any company or one that does this.
Apparently you've never been to New York City.
I have. You can built more housing in the region and more realistically incentive populations to move elsewhere. In other words, not rocket science and pretty doable in the grand scheme of government policy.
There's no room to build all this new housing nor any money.
Yes there is. And what do you mean there is no money to build more housing? Do developers not charge rent after they build properties?
Is the federal government going to help with money? Doubt it. So who is going to pay for it?
They can, depending on the issue. But housing supply, or lack of it, is mostly a local and state issue. They caused it, only they can fix it.