Trump makes deal with the Saudis. Refugees will get safe zone

Doubt that


You're doubting it because of some tweet from before the election? Why not focus on what's actually happening now?
I would put NO American or European soldiers at risk protecting people who hate the West.

However, since we are partially responsible for this mess (Bush/Iraq), I would put tremendous pressure on the Saudis to take care of it

Saudis cant even take care of themselves, just look at Yemen.
That's OK too.
Better than going to Europe.

Again, what exactly does that statement differs from what the Saudis have been trying to do (and failing) for 6 years?

Refugees will keep moving until Syria is stable, and Saudi and Co. wont invade Syria to create a safe zone, because for once they cant.
LOL what a crock of shit.

Either the Saudis plan to massacre these people or they're going to try to recruit them to fight Iran/Shia groups.
Either is better than bringing in these dusty, sandal wearing refugees that are already making European countries less safe.

Keep that problem and it's refugees isolated to the Middle East. Or, atleast on that side of the globe.
He's a fucking Trump hating Mexican who speaks kinda fluent English. He knows exactly what you're saying. He just ignores it.

It like when they get pulled over by the police and all the sudden "Me no habla englash" or whatever they fuck they say.
True story: I pulled that shit once. I was working at a commercial landscaping company, pulling weeds with a bunch of Mexicans at the end of the day (waiting to be picked up). Some old dude walks outside and asks us to do some shit. A few of them look at me, I look at them, then to the guy, and put on my "No se" face along with the rest of them (a few understand English just fine). He gives us the "fucking beaners" look and goes back inside. We all laugh, so did my boss when I told him. Fuck that shit, it was time to go home.

I'm just tan enough to pull that shit off, especially in a group of other Mexicans, especially to a rich old white guy.
Luckily just leaving places to fester with anti US sentiment has never proven costly to America.

We were never able to gain hearts and minds in those shitholes. So why bother.