tolerant SF enabling drug users?


Mar 9, 2015
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Safe injection sites offer hope in scourge of discarded syringes


"As San Francisco politicos inch ever-so-slowly toward opening a safe-injection site where intravenous drug users can shoot up legally, the scene outside City Hall and beyond grows more dire.

In March, the Department of Public Works collected 13,333 syringes left on the streets — an average of 430 every day. That’s 10,465 more needles than the crews collected in March 2016, a shocking rise that could be attributed to better collection efforts but also probably to simply more drug use in a country facing a growing opioid epidemic.

At Breed’s urging, the supervisors have approved a safe-injection site task force, which will have 90 days to meet, gather data and offer a recommendation, at which point a safe injection site could finally become reality in San Francisco."

430 syringes found on the streets a day not including the ones that may be found in ports, parks, beaches etc. The city is thinking of creating a safe injection site. They will technically be legalizing illegal drugs as long as you do them in a sanctuary zone within the city....That's utter BS. Whatever happened to fighting crimes? "Oh there's too many of them. We can't beat them, so let's join them"

We already know who is shooting up. It's the hundreds of homeless with their illegal tents camping on sidewalks. People can't even walk anymore cuz it's filled with tents. I was road tripping last month and I was told it's illegal to camp in my CAR parked on the street. In a legal parking spot...But they can legally camp in tents on sidewalks. SF created this problem when they allowed homeless to camp in tents. Now all the homeless are coming into SF along with illegal immigrants. SF is turning into EU.

The solution is not enabling them but to get rid of them. Either, arrest them and throw them into rehab or send them to fight NK or something...I'm so sick of this city and the state.
San Francisco does suck. It was a good day when I moved out of that cesspool.
This has actually been quite successful in Europe.

I guess it takes some of the fun out of it when you're forced to do it in a clinic. It has helped to reduce usage overall, and to some extend helped reduce heroin related crime.
Safe injection sites offer hope in scourge of discarded syringes


"As San Francisco politicos inch ever-so-slowly toward opening a safe-injection site where intravenous drug users can shoot up legally, the scene outside City Hall and beyond grows more dire.

In March, the Department of Public Works collected 13,333 syringes left on the streets — an average of 430 every day. That’s 10,465 more needles than the crews collected in March 2016, a shocking rise that could be attributed to better collection efforts but also probably to simply more drug use in a country facing a growing opioid epidemic.

At Breed’s urging, the supervisors have approved a safe-injection site task force, which will have 90 days to meet, gather data and offer a recommendation, at which point a safe injection site could finally become reality in San Francisco."

430 syringes found on the streets a day not including the ones that may be found in ports, parks, beaches etc. The city is thinking of creating a safe injection site. They will technically be legalizing illegal drugs as long as you do them in a sanctuary zone within the city....That's utter BS. Whatever happened to fighting crimes? "Oh there's too many of them. We can't beat them, so let's join them"

We already know who is shooting up. It's the hundreds of homeless with their illegal tents camping on sidewalks. People can't even walk anymore cuz it's filled with tents. I was road tripping last month and I was told it's illegal to camp in my CAR parked on the street. In a legal parking spot...But they can legally camp in tents on sidewalks. SF created this problem when they allowed homeless to camp in tents. Now all the homeless are coming into SF along with illegal immigrants. SF is turning into EU.

The solution is not enabling them but to get rid of them. Either, arrest them and throw them into rehab or send them to fight NK or something...I'm so sick of this city and the state.
So free housing is the solution to the drug epidemic?
I know the stats read this helps cut down on OD deaths as the cops/first responders know where to look and there are those "chaperone" people there that can call the cops when needed for a potential OD....

I just don't like how this feels like normalizing hard drug usage.
Make IV drug use easier, safer, convenient, and legal.

It's a technique...
If it means less needles strewn about, that's a good thing.
The junkies are going to do it anyways, they may as well have a safe place to do it and it's less of a tax on our health care system when they aren't passing around diseases to each other from dirty needles.
Hopefully they have someone at these locations offering help to those who want it.
I just don't like how this feels like normalizing hard drug usage.

I have nothing to back this up, but I'm pretty sure most patients don't go there to start using heroin.

It's meant for existing addicts that aren't able to quit on their own.
We've had safe-injection sites here for years, I'm actually shocked to find out that San Fran doesn't already have them.
OF course they enable drug use.

It's not hard to spot people that are on drugs. It wouldn't be hard at all to mass arrest them, offer them to rat out their dealer for a plea bargain, and then get 99% of the dealers in like a week.

At the very least, it'd be easy to get all the obvious druggies, hobos, and drug deals off the streets where they bother normal people. An out of sight, out of mind solution would take no time at all.

They just don't want to.
I've got the solution to the drug problem. Free fentanyl for everyone.
edit: cant believe people liked this post
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I believe they do this in Switzerland to prevent people from doing it out in the open in the streets and to prevent the spread of HIV.
Who gives a fuck about OD deaths? I don't. I do give a fuck about druggies marring and dirtying up where I live though. I don't live in SF, but a city similar to it. LOL @ the people who live near to wherever they set up this needle exchange.
The article mentioned finding needles in parks (hidden in grass) and in beaches (hidden in sands). You don't see them and walk around bare foot on beaches. Babies crawling around sandboxes and running around in the grass barefoot. Imagine the outcome.

The article also mentioned that they want to add needle disposal bins in parks and stuff. That's not going to help. There are literally garbage bins in every corner on the street. The people who left the needles in sand and grass did so purposely. They could easily walk 2 inches to a garbage can. They purposely choose to liter it all over the floor and in areas where it is most exposed and dangerous.

These guys are assholes. I just want to send them all to Mexico or NK. Waste of oxygen.
The world needs more Rodrigo Duterte's to cleanse the world of filthy drug using degenerates.

Safe injection sites offer hope in scourge of discarded syringes


"As San Francisco politicos inch ever-so-slowly toward opening a safe-injection site where intravenous drug users can shoot up legally, the scene outside City Hall and beyond grows more dire.

In March, the Department of Public Works collected 13,333 syringes left on the streets — an average of 430 every day. That’s 10,465 more needles than the crews collected in March 2016, a shocking rise that could be attributed to better collection efforts but also probably to simply more drug use in a country facing a growing opioid epidemic.

At Breed’s urging, the supervisors have approved a safe-injection site task force, which will have 90 days to meet, gather data and offer a recommendation, at which point a safe injection site could finally become reality in San Francisco."

430 syringes found on the streets a day not including the ones that may be found in ports, parks, beaches etc. The city is thinking of creating a safe injection site. They will technically be legalizing illegal drugs as long as you do them in a sanctuary zone within the city....That's utter BS. Whatever happened to fighting crimes? "Oh there's too many of them. We can't beat them, so let's join them"

We already know who is shooting up. It's the hundreds of homeless with their illegal tents camping on sidewalks. People can't even walk anymore cuz it's filled with tents. I was road tripping last month and I was told it's illegal to camp in my CAR parked on the street. In a legal parking spot...But they can legally camp in tents on sidewalks. SF created this problem when they allowed homeless to camp in tents. Now all the homeless are coming into SF along with illegal immigrants. SF is turning into EU.

The solution is not enabling them but to get rid of them. Either, arrest them and throw them into rehab or send them to fight NK or something...I'm so sick of this city and the state.

There's been safe injection sites in Vancouver for quite a while already. Less overdoses and it prevents the spread of HIV/hepatitis. Both good things.
All of America should be a safe injection site.
Zoning-wise I'd put these injection sites next to the glory holes.