Tim Kennedy posts video of "waterboarding himself" to show support for CIA nominee

Rob O'Neil had nothing to do with the interrogation of prisoners. The C.I.A. did so I'll go with the official report from their director.

The testimony of someone not involved in the process just isn't as good a source as the written testimony of the Director of the agency responsible for the actions. I trust neither of the men having never met them.

That's where I think you're wrong. The bigger man carries the burden. Rob can shoot straight. The Director of any agency has to concern himself with the agency's reputation, jobs, alliances, money, etc. I'd have believed a straight-shooter FBI agent over Jim Comey.

I know Rob wasn't a part of the interrogation, but I still think it's right to trust him as a reliable and knowledgeable source. Again, I could be wrong. Maybe he doesn't really know what he's saying because he is out of the loop and just a SEAL, but I assume he's well-schooled on the intracacies of the larger operation, especially after they killed him.

That's where I think you're wrong. The bigger man carries the burden. Rob can shoot straight. The Director of any agency has to concern himself with the agency's reputation, jobs, alliances, money, etc. I'd have believed a straight-shooter FBI agent over Jim Comey.

I know Rob wasn't a part of the interrogation, but I still think it's right to trust him as a reliable and knowledgeable source. Again, I could be wrong. Maybe he doesn't really know what he's saying because he is out of the loop and just a SEAL, but I assume he's well-schooled on the intracacies of the larger operation, especially after they killed him.


Perhaps. Although Scott Shane and Charlie Savage of the New York Times also came independently to the same conclusion as the Director. I'll take two sources of corroborating evidence over a tweet anyday even if the tweeter is a Straight shooter

Perhaps. Although Scott Shane and Charlie Savage of the New York Times also came independently to the same conclusion as the Director. I'll take two sources of corroborating evidence over a tweet anyday even if the tweeter is a Straight shooter

https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/us/politics/04torture.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=scott shane torture&st=cse&mtrref=www.washingtonpost.com&gwh=A209ADB5E0FBD681AB81F2CCE0A42119&gwt=pay
Lol I'll take "the tweeter" over NYT hacks.
Kennedy posted the video of others water boarding him to support Gina Haspel, who Trump chose to lead the CIA after nominating former Director Mike Pompeo to be the new Secretary of State.

“The reason we are doing this ... is for us to have a conversation. Right now, an amazing hero has been appointed to be director of the CIA and because of that, some of the things she has done are being attacked,” said Kennedy. "


is this sarcasm from kennedy?

if he really thinks this is what waterboarding is like, no wonder he shrugs over it.

granted, im not even sure that im opposed to waterboarding, but lets be F'ing honest and show it for what it really is.
What a stupid argument. Yeah, I'd want him defending if there was an invasion, but there isn't. Dude is pants-on-head retarded.

Stupid argument is yours. Military is like insurance , we think we don't need all the time, but when we really need it, it needs to be readily available and 100% lethal.
Stupid argument is yours. Military is like insurance , we think we don't need all the time, but when we really need it, it needs to be readily available and 100% lethal.

You've got some pretty messed up insurance.
It's quite obvious that kennedy has been trained in his for years...has probably been water boarded many times to train himself...if you think this is his first rodeo, you'd be very wrong...special forces guys are nuts...if you didn't know that...He could do shit and go through things that would have most mma fighters crying for their mommy.
What is obvious is this isn't waterboarding, its bullshit. He is holding his breath with water being sprayed on his face, the guy is a serious moron.
I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I don't feel too bad. This whole idea that food deprivation = torture must be bullshit.
Kennedy posted the video of others water boarding him to support Gina Haspel, who Trump chose to lead the CIA after nominating former Director Mike Pompeo to be the new Secretary of State.

“The reason we are doing this ... is for us to have a conversation. Right now, an amazing hero has been appointed to be director of the CIA and because of that, some of the things she has done are being attacked,” said Kennedy. "


Fucking piece of shit!

Veteran CIA officers aren't breaking down into tears, reading classified CIA reports on torture, over water boarding, stress positions, and sleep deprivation.

You don't get the nickname bloody Gina, from water boarding.

This women is a literal monster, and Trump should be ashamed for appointing her, and anyone supporting this women, should be ashamed as well.
This video is so fucking stupid on so many levels. So in support of a CIA director who supports torture, he gets fake-waterboarded by his redneck friends in his backyard to prove what exactly? How is this supporting torture? By making it look like it's not so bad and you can totally do it for fun so what's the big deal. But you should support it because it's good against terrorists even though it's totally fun and harmless.


What's next, he's going to have his thumbs crushed for fun? Bring back thumbscrews?

They say left wingers can't meme, but god damn right wingers can't activism.

The worst part is that, even if you don't care about the moral arguments, it's been proven to be ineffective.

Even famed warhawk John McCain attested to the fact that torture has been shown to be both ineffective and wasteful in producing false leads.
Or he's a badass who doesn't believe in the Bernie Sanders meme

Dude, you are literally supporting people being mutilated, and so is Kennedy.

You don't get the nickname bloody gina, from CIA field operatives, for waterboarding.

That bitch is a butcher.
The worst part is that, even if you don't care about the moral arguments, it's been proven to be ineffective.

Even famed warhawk John McCain attested to the fact that torture has been shown to be both ineffective and wasteful in producing false leads.
I don't know, it worked in 24 where people like Kennedy get their foreign politics info from.
You've got some pretty messed up insurance.

One time I was sitting at a stoplight and I saw a car rapidly approaching in my rear view, clearly about to slam into me. I heard the screech of the driver's tires and knew he wasn't going to be able to stop in time.

But, then, at the last moment before impact, I heard the crack of sniper fire, saw the car's window shatter and the driver's head explode. The car careened off the road and came to a stop in the ditch. The driver was slouched over the steering wheel, dead, his brains sprayed along the upholstery.

Thank goodness I purchased that car insurance. Like a good neighbor, State Farm was there, ready, and deadly lethal.
I'd ask, what the fuck is wrong with you people...the guy is a war hero and everyone should love this guy...why does everyone give this guy shit? Cause romero cheated his ass off and won a fight that he shouldn't have and kennedy complained about it after...how can anyone blame him? he was robbed in that fight something terrible...

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