Tim Kennedy inspired by Trump's bombings. Re-enlists in military

Look kindly on? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: are you retarded?

Acknowledging the stability that the Ottoman Empire provided to the Middle East isn't an issue of acceptance or promotion, it's a matter of historical record. If you weren't so emotional, maybe that would be apparent. Even Hitler bolstered German infrastructure and kick started their economy, but that doesn't mean I automatically forgot about the Holocaust. How asinine.

Got it you dig authoritarian regimes and just reverse Godwins law
what would the region look like if you goofs didnt mess it up in the first place?

It would still be run by Saddam and his sons, brutal dicators who kidnapped and raped women at their leisure. That's a good thing, right?

my beloved UK got dragged into it by you goofballs

LOL, you're understanding of history is embarrassing.
Tim Kennedy is really not much of a "Quiet Professional" and as a group they certainly seem to be...especially compared to their Navy SEAL brothers
Hater's gonna hate. The boy wants to fight. Let him fight.
Tim Kennedy is really not much of a "Quiet Professional" and as a group they certainly seem to be...especially compared to their Navy SEAL brothers
SeALs are the absolute worst when it comes to being quiet.
You should probably break the news to Kennedy....
It would still be run by Saddam and his sons, brutal dicators who kidnapped and raped women at their leisure. That's a good thing, right?

LOL, you're understanding of history is embarrassing.
he kept the region in check.... so yes it would be better than the current situation, if you dont think so you are an idiot

are you saying we didnt get dragged into the war by America? George Bush didnt turn Tony Blair into his little bitch boy? none of that happened no?
he kept the region in check.... so yes it would be better than the current situation, if you dont think so you are an idiot

are you saying we didnt get dragged into the war by America? George Bush didnt turn Tony Blair into his little bitch boy? none of that happened no?

I always love the hindsight history that Liberals have when it comes to violent dictators. How Liberal of you.

And no. When I was outside of Fallujah in 2008 we used to patrol daily past an outpost known as "Old British Fort" because it was an actual old British fort. The main POG base in the area was Habiniyah, which was an old British Army base. Most of the old men spoke English and had worked for the English in days gone by. The fact that your understanding of history extends as far as Tony Blair and 2003 only confirms what I said, that you're understanding is embarrassing. And P.S., who did the Iraqis sell all their oil to? Don't act like the UK got bullied into a damn thing.
Tim Kennedy is really not much of a "Quiet Professional" and as a group they certainly seem to be...especially compared to their Navy SEAL brothers

He's in the Guard, he has much greater leeway
It would still be run by Saddam and his sons, brutal dicators who kidnapped and raped women at their leisure. That's a good thing, right?
I do think the region would be more stable if we didn't take out Saddam and Qaddafi(who wasn't mentioned in your conversation but is seen in a similar light as Saddam nowadays) but man has their stabilizing effect been wildly exaggerated since their downfall. Qaddafi was a nut who pissed off Shias, Sunnis, and everyone else in the world for funding insurgencies and terrorists everywhere like a cunt. Saddam within like a fucking year of taking the office of the presidency invaded Iran and then went on to invade Kuwait only a few years after his first little adventure ended in failure and of course there's also the genocide against the Iraqi Kurds his regime committed.

His career hardly screams stability to me. If the guy was left to run Iraq I bet there's a good chance the country would burst into civil war after he died. I doubt his lunatic sons would've just taken over smoothly, there would probably a lot of resistence to their takeover by older regime elements and I bet a contest between the two of them as well not to mention that Saddam's death could've been seen as an opportunity by the Kurds and/or Shiites to revolt again.
If my time stamp doesn't work, fast forward to the 5:00 mark

na Im cool.... listening to Tim talk for any longer than 2 seconds makes my ears bleed
I always love the hindsight history that Liberals have when it comes to violent dictators. How Liberal of you.

And no. When I was outside of Fallujah in 2008 we used to patrol daily past an outpost known as "Old British Fort" because it was an actual old British fort. The main POG base in the area was Habiniyah, which was an old British Army base. Most of the old men spoke English and had worked for the English in days gone by. The fact that your understanding of history extends as far as Tony Blair and 2003 only confirms what I said, that you're understanding is embarrassing. And P.S., who did the Iraqis sell all their oil to? Don't act like the UK got bullied into a damn thing.
Im not talking about the entire history of the middle east.... Im talking about who fucked up the region as it is now? and that would be you goons
I always love the hindsight history that Liberals have when it comes to violent dictators. How Liberal of you.

And no. When I was outside of Fallujah in 2008 we used to patrol daily past an outpost known as "Old British Fort" because it was an actual old British fort. The main POG base in the area was Habiniyah, which was an old British Army base. Most of the old men spoke English and had worked for the English in days gone by. The fact that your understanding of history extends as far as Tony Blair and 2003 only confirms what I said, that you're understanding is embarrassing. And P.S., who did the Iraqis sell all their oil to? Don't act like the UK got bullied into a damn thing.
You can't be serious. Sadam was a real piece of work, and a horrible human being, but the region is far more unstable without him than when he was still in power.
And don't act like we removed sadam because he was evil and did bad things to people. Plently of evil people in this world that still hold way more power than they should. We removed Sadam from power in the name of corprate interests.
Im not talking about the entire history of the middle east.... Im talking about who fucked up the region as it is now? and that would be you goons

You don't care about history now, sudden change of heart?

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