Tim Kennedy inspired by Trump's bombings. Re-enlists in military

That's because he does. He likes to kill people that want to deny other people basic human rights. If more of you so called Liberals could get that through your heads, you wouldn't get flamed so much. This dude actually believes in the things you guys constantly hashtag about on facebook. And he has once again put his money where his mouth is to back that up. And people like you will mock him for it.
And he is fighting for our right to mock him.........he is fighting for our freedom of speech and expression
And he is fighting for our right to mock him.........he is fighting for our freedom of speech and expression

Way to totally miss the point, miss a chance at self reflection, and just go right for the "BUT IT'S MY RIGHT TO BE AN IGNORANT, PETTY DOUCHEBAG TOO!!" angle.
Way to totally miss the point, miss a chance at self reflection, and just go right for the "BUT IT'S MY RIGHT TO BE AN IGNORANT, PETTY DOUCHEBAG TOO!!" angle.
No need to scream.....we are all entitled to our opinion. So what if i dont think he is a hero....why does that upset you so much?
A guy who is openly not a Republican, nor a Trump supporter, re-enlisting in the Military has rustled you so badly that he's now "a Trumper" huh?

LOL Im not the one who is rustled

Do you think he sought them out, or the other way around? The dude on the left, I can't think of his name, is also a former Special Forces operator of some sort. So do you think a prominent MMA fighter who just retired from a lucrative, non life threatening job and then also re-enlisted in the not just the military, but the Green Berets, isn't a news story, or it is? Do you think he did that for attention or they saw it as a news story? Think hard about that. For someone who is a self professed Liberal, you sure do a lot of rooting for the enemy.

Oh, so you're actually just dumb is the problem.

Actually being a rational poster usually is.

That's because he does. He likes to kill people that want to deny other people basic human rights. If more of you so called Liberals could get that through your heads, you wouldn't get flamed so much. This dude actually believes in the things you guys constantly hashtag about on facebook. And he has once again put his money where his mouth is to back that up. And people like you will mock him for it.

So he should die? Extremely liberal opinion, Fawlty....

Way to totally miss the point, miss a chance at self reflection, and just go right for the "BUT IT'S MY RIGHT TO BE AN IGNORANT, PETTY DOUCHEBAG TOO!!" angle.
No need to scream.....we are all entitled to our opinion. So what if i dont think he is a hero....why does that upset you so much?

You don't think what he did was note worthy because it's the common perspective on the Left to hate on the Military, regardless of his stated reasons for it. Reasons that if you actually listened and actually believed in what you claim to believe in are the exact same. The only difference is he isn't hashtagging about it on twitter. He's doing something about it. The same thing he's been doing about it for more than a decade and a half. Don't take that into consideration though. Just hate and act like you're some sort of enlightened thinker.
You don't think what he did was note worthy because it's the common perspective on the Left to hate on the Military, regardless of his stated reasons for it. Reasons that if you actually listened and actually believed in what you claim to believe in are the exact same. The only difference is he isn't hashtagging about it on twitter. He's doing something about it. The same thing he's been doing about it for more than a decade and a half. Don't take that into consideration though. Just hate and act like you're some sort of enlightened thinker.
Let me guess....you are one of those people who believes the military is spreading democracy across the world?
Oh please. Let's not pretend like he could have ever possibly hid that raid from Americans. I've never seen President Obama really parade anything around. He didn't even show the body and people want to say he's parading? That's just silly.
The SEALs and other JSOC groups would rather not get named for operations. Nothing wrong with saying the raid happened. The problem they have is the unit used being named.

A Delta guy from Somalia was interviewed for the book Balck Hawk Down and said "only our failures should be known"
Let me guess....you are one of those people who believes the military is spreading democracy across the world?

What do you believe? Let me once again hear the uninformed opinions of an internet know it all.
I'll agree with that. I've definitely never made the claim that President Obama was perfect. I'm simply disputing this crazy idea that President Obama ruined our top tier units and that President Trump is going to fix it. President Trump couldn't even figure out what fucking country he just bombed during an interview. Previously he's been getting his information from Alex Jones and other crazy fuckers and he say's he knows more than the Generals about warfare in the middle east, but he most likely doesn't even know the names of the top leadership in any of those countries without looking it up.

I just know that I served partially under President Obama and I watched military guys around me bitch and moan about him because he's a Democrat, and not because of his actual choices. Too many guys think Republican = hard and Democrat = soft without taking the time to do actual investigating of the facts.

The facts that I know are that President Obama pushed the focus back on Afghanistan while Bush ignored it for years. President Obama focused more on high level operations than President Bush was. Oh, and he killed Bin Laden. You have to give the guy props for sending in SEALs to Pakistan to kill that bastard.

There is this common misconception that the military got wussified under Obama. Though I do think that our approach got more hands off under Obama, I do know that I served both my tours in Iraq under Bush. In 2008 when I was there for the last time, our Sniper teams were watching people set IEDs up along routes of travel and could not get permission to take shots. Because it had become a political war and wasn't about killing the enemy any more. It had become more hands off, more about not stirring up the locals. The strategy became about not icing these dudes, keeping the IED under observation until it can be removed, and maintaining the political talking point of violence dying down in Iraq and mission achomplishment.
Tim Kennedy is a fucking idiot if he thinks that Former-President Obama was weak with sending SF units to combat. Former-President Obama decreased regular infantry units rotating into country and increased drone activity and SF activity in the region. So he's just playing stupid politics. If he wanted action as an SF member, the last 8 years weren't a bad time to be in.

He also presided over the absolute collapse of the ME, and stood by and did nothing about.
"Kennedy said the detonation of "the mother of all bombs" ordnance in Afghanistan showed that the military "got our teeth back" with Trump as its commander-in-chief"

And who said Trump was a bad commander in chief? I want to enlist too but I'm afraid I'm too old now :(
The SEALs and other JSOC groups would rather not get named for operations. Nothing wrong with saying the raid happened. The problem they have is the unit used being named.

A Delta guy from Somalia was interviewed for the book Balck Hawk Down and said "only our failures should be known"

Yeah they love to say that shit, then they turn around and write books and interviews. The biggest SF mission of the decade was killing Osama Bin Laden. Everyone knows who did it. President Obama kept quiet about 99% of their missions, and he says one thing about the biggest raid of the war and he's parading the SF guys around like dolls? I just don't buy that shit they're selling. You can go online and learn whatever you want about these guys now a days. This illusion of a silent warrior is simply that, an illusion. There's a difference in doing your job quietly and pretending like we don't send them on missions. What do they want President Obama to say? "We killed Bin Laden, but I can't tell you what unit"? That's just fucking silly as shit.

There is this common misconception that the military got wussified under Obama. Though I do think that our approach got more hands off under Obama, I do know that I served both my tours in Iraq under Bush. In 2008 when I was there for the last time, our Sniper teams were watching people set IEDs up along routes of travel and could not get permission to take shots. Because it had become a political war and wasn't about killing the enemy any more. It had become more hands off, more about not stirring up the locals. The strategy became about not icing these dudes, keeping the IED under observation until it can be removed, and maintaining the political talking point of violence dying down in Iraq and mission achomplishment.

Well I know our STA guys weren't killing guys emplacing IEDs because they wanted to capture them for intelligence. Simply blowing a 7.62 NATO hole in their chest from a match round isn't going to do as much for the counter-insurgency as catching them down the road and waterboarding them for intelligence. So yes, the ROEs calmed down in 2008, but you have to look at what we were trying to do over there. If we just shot everyone, we'd have gotten no solid intel. There's a method to the madness. It's easy as a grunt to just want to open up on everyone you see, but they are much more valuable alive.

He also presided over the absolute collapse of the ME, and stood by and did nothing about.

The ME is far from collapsed, and it's definitely nothing new. You also forget that the American people didn't want us to get involved in another major conflict and that's what he ran on. There was a setback when we withdrew, but that was always going to happen. The insurgency was waiting for us to leave, be it that moment or ten years from then. He absolutely made the right choice to get us out of there. We can't win and we can't stabilize the region. It's their fight. Fuck, ISIL is literally the aftermath of our actions in the region to begin with. We caused that shit, then we basically armed them by giving all this equipment to Iraqis. At the same time, President Obama had SF units working their asses off in those countries, which is why I laugh when they act like he was soft. He's the one who put them to work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Our Republican president got us into this mess, and you want to blame President Obama for getting us out?
Yeah they love to say that shit, then they turn around and write books and interviews. The biggest SF mission of the decade was killing Osama Bin Laden. Everyone knows who did it. President Obama kept quiet about 99% of their missions, and he says one thing about the biggest raid of the war and he's parading the SF guys around like dolls? I just don't buy that shit they're selling. You can go online and learn whatever you want about these guys now a days. This illusion of a silent warrior is simply that, an illusion. There's a difference in doing your job quietly and pretending like we don't send them on missions. What do they want President Obama to say? "We killed Bin Laden, but I can't tell you what unit"? That's just fucking silly as shit.
Fair enough.

Another complaint I have heard though in general is the concept of "ROE" or rules of engagement. Troops get WHY they are there but hate that they are written, and ordered, by people in an A/C office a good couple thousand miles away.

The Bergdahl trade is another one that seems to get to a lot of people I know that served. ESPECIALLY guys that were in the Army more than other branches.
Fair enough.

Another complaint I have heard though in general is the concept of "ROE" or rules of engagement. Troops get WHY they are there but hate that they are written, and ordered, by people in an A/C office a good couple thousand miles away.

The Bergdahl trade is another one that seems to get to a lot of people I know that served. ESPECIALLY guys that were in the Army more than other branches.

I hated the ROEs too man, I was the one walking down IED filled streets waiting for someone to blow my nuts off and they sure as fuck tried. Ultimately I had to accept that in order to win a counter-insurgency, I have to be willing to put myself at an extra risk to minimize civilian casualties. Every kid, woman, innocent man we shot or house we blew up created more hatred for us. Every time we could have opened up and didn't while the insurgents did, the local population noticed. Over the course of my deployment, we started with locals who would spit at us and in the end they were offering us food because they realized only one side actually gave a fuck about keeping them safe.

Bergdahl..... man oh man. That piece of shit didn't deserve a single fucking thing. I truly despise that piece of shit for what he did. He got good men killed because he wanted to go suck taliban cock. This is one of the situations where I really don't agree with what President Obama did. We never should have released a single fucking person for that man. I hope they sentence him to life in prison for what he did. He put so many people at risk, it was truly disgusting. If he wanted out, he should have told his command and gone through the correct legal military channels. He could have taken a nice Bad Conduct Discharge and gone the fuck home instead of putting hundreds of good soldiers at risk.

We actually had an incident where one of our STA pigs decided he wanted to walk out of TQ in Iraq. I don't know what he was thinking, but he literally just tried to walk out the front gates into the desert. The gate guards of course jumped his stupid ass, but I just don't get what he was thinking. I guess he was depressed and didn't want to be in combat anymore. I just don't see why he decided walking out into the city was the answer. I had nightmares about being lost in the city alone for years after I was in. The idea of being alone in a hostile city as a juicy target is gives me chills. Everyone knows what can happen to you.
I hated the ROEs too man, I was the one walking down IED filled streets waiting for someone to blow my nuts off and they sure as fuck tried. Ultimately I had to accept that in order to win a counter-insurgency, I have to be willing to put myself at an extra risk to minimize civilian casualties. Every kid, woman, innocent man we shot or house we blew up created more hatred for us. Every time we could have opened up and didn't while the insurgents did, the local population noticed. Over the course of my deployment, we started with locals who would spit at us and in the end they were offering us food because they realized only one side actually gave a fuck about keeping them safe.
I've heard from friends that were deployed there their biggest issue was getting shot at with AKs and RPGs and then the people would run into a mosque and hide. THAT shit pissed them off the most about ROEs. Or when someone would say "everyone in this area is deemed hostile" and because of that they'd see movement and shot a kid. My dad had to kill a pair of kids in Vietnam because they were running down the beach, one with an AK strapped to their back. Front kid stopped and bent at the waist while the other grabbed the grip and pulled the trigger. Then my dad got spit on when he got hom and called a baby killer... he almost lost it.

The ROE is written, I suspect, by people that have never seen combat. I just have that annoying suspicion.

Bergdahl..... man oh man. That piece of shit didn't deserve a single fucking thing. I truly despise that piece of shit for what he did. He got good men killed because he wanted to go suck taliban cock. This is one of the situations where I really don't agree with what President Obama did. We never should have released a single fucking person for that man. I hope they sentence him to life in prison for what he did. He put so many people at risk, it was truly disgusting. If he wanted out, he should have told his command and gone through the correct legal military channels. He could have taken a nice Bad Conduct Discharge and gone the fuck home instead of putting hundreds of good soldiers at risk.
Everyone I know that served or is in wants to be placed in a room with no windows for 30 minutes with Bergdahl.

He got people killed searching for him, he got people killed giving up info to the taliban. Shoulda let him rot.
Well I know our STA guys weren't killing guys emplacing IEDs because they wanted to capture them for intelligence. Simply blowing a 7.62 NATO hole in their chest from a match round isn't going to do as much for the counter-insurgency as catching them down the road and waterboarding them for intelligence. So yes, the ROEs calmed down in 2008, but you have to look at what we were trying to do over there. If we just shot everyone, we'd have gotten no solid intel. There's a method to the madness. It's easy as a grunt to just want to open up on everyone you see, but they are much more valuable alive.

We weren't doing that. We weren't attempting to follow these guys are conduct any sort of counter ambush to catch them. It was literally let them set the IED, let them leave, call EOD, repeat.

The ME is far from collapsed, and it's definitely nothing new. You also forget that the American people didn't want us to get involved in another major conflict and that's what he ran on. There was a setback when we withdrew, but that was always going to happen. The insurgency was waiting for us to leave, be it that moment or ten years from then. He absolutely made the right choice to get us out of there. We can't win and we can't stabilize the region. It's their fight. Fuck, ISIL is literally the aftermath of our actions in the region to begin with. We caused that shit, then we basically armed them by giving all this equipment to Iraqis. At the same time, President Obama had SF units working their asses off in those countries, which is why I laugh when they act like he was soft. He's the one who put them to work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Our Republican president got us into this mess, and you want to blame President Obama for getting us out?

He absolutely did not make the right choice. What do you suppose the region would look like now with another 6 years of American presence and security? With 6 more years of American training and support?
I've heard from friends that were deployed there their biggest issue was getting shot at with AKs and RPGs and then the people would run into a mosque and hide. THAT shit pissed them off the most about ROEs. Or when someone would say "everyone in this area is deemed hostile" and because of that they'd see movement and shot a kid. My dad had to kill a pair of kids in Vietnam because they were running down the beach, one with an AK strapped to their back. Front kid stopped and bent at the waist while the other grabbed the grip and pulled the trigger. Then my dad got spit on when he got hom and called a baby killer... he almost lost it.

The ROE is written, I suspect, by people that have never seen combat. I just have that annoying suspicion.

Everyone I know that served or is in wants to be placed in a room with no windows for 30 minutes with Bergdahl.

He got people killed searching for him, he got people killed giving up info to the taliban. Shoulda let him rot.

Usually the commander's in the area have some say in the ROEs, so it's not always by someone with no idea. It's definitely a difficult balance to protect the troops and protect the innocent population. The innocents there didn't ask for the war and thus they deserve some level of respect. Counter insurgency is no cakewalk of a way to fight. The entire insurgency is trying to force your hand into killing innocents so you look bad. Everytime they finessed us into a position to hurt innocents, it created tons of propaganda against us for them. You just have to suck it up and deal with the risk. I walked city streets damn near 7 days a week and I might as well have had a giant target on my back. Nobody said it's an easy job and nobody said you can't get hurt. If you don't like the risk, then the job isn't for you, ya know?

We weren't doing that. We weren't attempting to follow these guys are conduct any sort of counter ambush to catch them. It was literally let them set the IED, let them leave, call EOD, repeat.

That's some pretty pathetic shit right there. We ran missions like that a few times and caught guys instead of painting the streets with their brains, but we'd gun them down before we let them just walk. That's definitely not coming down from the highest levels though. Just sounds like shitty command. Who was your battalion under in country?

He absolutely did not make the right choice. What do you suppose the region would look like now with another 6 years of American presence and security? With 6 more years of American training and support?

I totally disagree. Six years from then, the exact same shit would have happened. This shit was planned. They waited for us to leave, and Iraqi forces are so hopelessly fucked, 6 years of training would do fuck all to stabilize the country. All it would do is force us to spend billions and keep losing American troops. Then we'd be at the same place. It was always going to happen. It would take trillions of dollars and decades to sort this mess out. A few years isn't going to make those guys go away.

Besides that, did you not forget that the Iraqi government wanted us gone? The deal for our turnover, set by President Bush long before President Obama got there, meant we were leaving. Whatever date we set, that was the date ISIL was waiting for. America can't stop wahabbism in the Middle East. This is their fight and they have to sort it out with their own blood and money. Half of the fighting propaganda is them hating our involvement and our guns and money flooding into the region. The US stepping down from this is a necessary step.
Usually the commander's in the area have some say in the ROEs, so it's not always by someone with no idea. It's definitely a difficult balance to protect the troops and protect the innocent population. The innocents there didn't ask for the war and thus they deserve some level of respect. Counter insurgency is no cakewalk of a way to fight. The entire insurgency is trying to force your hand into killing innocents so you look bad. Everytime they finessed us into a position to hurt innocents, it created tons of propaganda against us for them. You just have to suck it up and deal with the risk. I walked city streets damn near 7 days a week and I might as well have had a giant target on my back. Nobody said it's an easy job and nobody said you can't get hurt. If you don't like the risk, then the job isn't for you, ya know?

This is the sort of shit my friend in the service had to deal with all the time.

The after the fact second guessing is what got to them