Tim Kennedy inspired by Trump's bombings. Re-enlists in military

Never thought id be rooting for ISIS

Tim maybe a douche but that's one dude risking his life so you can continue being an internet tough guy, eating cheesy puffs in your mom's basement for the rest of your life....
Bro, he's on FOX news talking about it in the OP. How exactly is that not running to reporters? I guess if you don't consider FOX news talking heads journalists, I can understand where you're coming from there.

You're right. He didn't get a new job. He's doing the same job he already had again.

Do you think he sought them out, or the other way around? The dude on the left, I can't think of his name, is also a former Special Forces operator of some sort. So do you think a prominent MMA fighter who just retired from a lucrative, non life threatening job and then also re-enlisted in the not just the military, but the Green Berets, isn't a news story, or it is? Do you think he did that for attention or they saw it as a news story? Think hard about that. For someone who is a self professed Liberal, you sure do a lot of rooting for the enemy.
Tim Kennedy is a fucking idiot if he thinks that Former-President Obama was weak with sending SF units to combat. Former-President Obama decreased regular infantry units rotating into country and increased drone activity and SF activity in the region. So he's just playing stupid politics. If he wanted action as an SF member, the last 8 years weren't a bad time to be in.
Do you think he sought them out, or the other way around? The dude on the left, I can't think of his name, is also a former Special Forces operator of some sort. So do you think a prominent MMA fighter who just retired from a lucrative, non life threatening job and then also re-enlisted in the not just the military, but the Green Berets, isn't a news story, or it is? Do you think he did that for attention or they saw it as a news story? Think hard about that. For someone who is a self professed Liberal, you sure do a lot of rooting for the enemy.

I think if he wasn't looking for a pat on the back he would have told them to go scratch.
Tim Kennedy is a fucking idiot if he thinks that Former-President Obama was weak with sending SF units to combat. Former-President Obama decreased regular infantry units rotating into country and increased drone activity and SF activity in the region. So he's just playing stupid politics. If he wanted action as an SF member, the last 8 years weren't a bad time to be in.

Obama is arguably the most effective combat President in recent history.
I think the thing he said about veterans with PTSD pissed a lot of people off. Also he's just kind of a douche.

Can't say I agree with wishing him harm, however.

This story just seems like the usual Tim Kennedy story.

"Tim Kennedy hunts for attention again"
I know Tim. My first duty station in the Army was Ft Hood, so it was about 60-90 minutes north of Tim's gym in Austin (depending on traffic). I used to go down there on the weekends to train, and he actually mentored me quite a bit before I went into the Special Forces pipeline. Tim is actually a really nice guy, although I will be the first to admit that he can be abrasive. He's also a bit of a meathead, which is what comes across a lot in the media. That's also the subculture with the SF Weapons Sergeants. You get a totally different vibe from the Intel Sergeants, the Engineering Sergeants, the Medical Sergeants, and the Communications Sergeants. The Weapons guys are the ones that we all joke around with by saying, "Some Green Berets made it because they are smart. Some made it because they are strong. The Weapons guys normally make it because they are willing to carry the machine gun for 20 miles." Tim is a good guy though, and despite embracing his inner meathead, he's actually a really kind and compassionate dude. I might not have made it through the training pipeline without him and others like him teaching me the ropes, so I've got nothing but respect and love for the guy.
I know Tim. My first duty station in the Army was Ft Hood, so it was about 60-90 minutes north of Tim's gym in Austin (depending on traffic). I used to go down there on the weekends to train, and he actually mentored me quite a bit before I went into the Special Forces pipeline. Tim is actually a really nice guy, although I will be the first to admit that he can be abrasive. He's also a bit of a meathead, which is what comes across a lot in the media. That's also the subculture with the SF Weapons Sergeants. You get a totally different vibe from the Intel Sergeants, the Engineering Sergeants, the Medical Sergeants, and the Communications Sergeants. The Weapons guys are the ones that we all joke around with by saying, "Some Green Berets made it because they are smart. Some made it because they are strong. The Weapons guys normally make it because they are willing to carry the machine gun for 20 miles." Tim is a good guy though, and despite embracing his inner meathead, he's actually a really kind and compassionate dude. I might not have made it through the training pipeline without him and others like him teaching me the ropes, so I've got nothing but respect and love for the guy.
I've heard from my friend in SLC that if you didn't know they were Rangers/SF guys, when you meet Mat Best and Evan Haffer (or however you spell his name) of BRCC that you would never know they had been through the pipeline either. He actually said if he (my friend that was 82nd) hadn't been military he would have assumed Mat was like a chef with a ton of tattoos and Evan (pre-beard) was an IT guy.
Tim Kennedy is a fucking idiot if he thinks that Former-President Obama was weak with sending SF units to combat. Former-President Obama decreased regular infantry units rotating into country and increased drone activity and SF activity in the region. So he's just playing stupid politics. If he wanted action as an SF member, the last 8 years weren't a bad time to be in.
Eh, it's not that cut and dry. As always, the reality is much more complicated than what can be summarized in a few sentences. There was some good that came from President Obama, and there was some bad. Some things were better under him than under President Bush, and some were worse. President Trump is just a continuation of that ebb-and-flow process.
I've heard from my friend in SLC that if you didn't know they were Rangers/SF guys, when you meet Mat Best and Evan Haffer (or however you spell his name) of BRCC that you would never know they had been through the pipeline either. He actually said if he (my friend that was 82nd) hadn't been military he would have assumed Mat was like a chef with a ton of tattoos and Evan (pre-beard) was an IT guy.
I don't know those guys personally, so I can't say one way or the other. I know some guys that know them, but secondhand information isn't really that helpful in summing up a guy's character. What I can say is that a lot of guys match the description you've put up. They are quiet professionals, and you wouldn't know that they were badasses until they said something about their work. Other guys like to tell their stories. It's probably the same in every field.
Eh, it's not that cut and dry. As always, the reality is much more complicated than what can be summarized in a few sentences. There was some good that came from President Obama, and there was some bad. Some things were better under him than under President Bush, and some were worse. President Trump is just a continuation of that ebb-and-flow process.

I'll agree with that. I've definitely never made the claim that President Obama was perfect. I'm simply disputing this crazy idea that President Obama ruined our top tier units and that President Trump is going to fix it. President Trump couldn't even figure out what fucking country he just bombed during an interview. Previously he's been getting his information from Alex Jones and other crazy fuckers and he say's he knows more than the Generals about warfare in the middle east, but he most likely doesn't even know the names of the top leadership in any of those countries without looking it up.

I just know that I served partially under President Obama and I watched military guys around me bitch and moan about him because he's a Democrat, and not because of his actual choices. Too many guys think Republican = hard and Democrat = soft without taking the time to do actual investigating of the facts.

The facts that I know are that President Obama pushed the focus back on Afghanistan while Bush ignored it for years. President Obama focused more on high level operations than President Bush was. Oh, and he killed Bin Laden. You have to give the guy props for sending in SEALs to Pakistan to kill that bastard.
I don't know those guys personally, so I can't say one way or the other. I know some guys that know them, but secondhand information isn't really that helpful in summing up a guy's character. What I can say is that a lot of guys match the description you've put up. They are quiet professionals, and you wouldn't know that they were badasses until they said something about their work. Other guys like to tell their stories. It's probably the same in every field.
It is in my field I know that.

I also think Tim gets pulled onto Fox for shit like this a lot because Nick, Tim, and at least one other guy from Range 15 are on ISIS kill lists. And Tim at least was real vocal about how happy that made him.
Freedom of speech. Tim always came across like he likes to blow people up. So its no coincidence he is happy trump is going in syria.

That's because he does. He likes to kill people that want to deny other people basic human rights. If more of you so called Liberals could get that through your heads, you wouldn't get flamed so much. This dude actually believes in the things you guys constantly hashtag about on facebook. And he has once again put his money where his mouth is to back that up. And people like you will mock him for it.
Man oh man, NO ONE rustles Sherdoggers better than Kennedy. I can hear the tears hitting your keyboards as you're gnashing your teeth and wishing death on Kenendy, lmao
I just know that I served partially under President Obama and I watched military guys around me bitch and moan about him because he's a Democrat, and not because of his actual choices.

Oh, and he killed Bin Laden. You have to give the guy props for sending in SEALs to Pakistan to kill that bastard.
Actually, the biggest reason at least the vets and currently serving members I know personally for bitching about Obama was how he paraded around the SEALs after killing Bin Laden. It's well and good that that fucker is dead but from the guys I know that were SF or were in things like SWCC supporting SF groups they prefer to not be known what they did. Many guys I knew that were Airborne, Rangers, or in other groups like that HATED that Obama went out and was (plain English): "Today the SEALs took out Osama". THAT'S the biggest reason I know of for vets bitching about Obama.
Must be hard for Kennedy, a trumper, to live knowing that he got cucked by a bad hombre


A guy who is openly not a Republican, nor a Trump supporter, re-enlisting in the Military has rustled you so badly that he's now "a Trumper" huh?
Actually, the biggest reason at least the vets and currently serving members I know personally for bitching about Obama was how he paraded around the SEALs after killing Bin Laden. It's well and good that that fucker is dead but from the guys I know that were SF or were in things like SWCC supporting SF groups they prefer to not be known what they did. Many guys I knew that were Airborne, Rangers, or in other groups like that HATED that Obama went out and was (plain English): "Today the SEALs took out Osama". THAT'S the biggest reason I know of for vets bitching about Obama.

Oh please. Let's not pretend like he could have ever possibly hid that raid from Americans. I've never seen President Obama really parade anything around. He didn't even show the body and people want to say he's parading? That's just silly.