Opinion Threat of White Nationalism Megathread.

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The left has to keep the white supremacy boogey man well inflated for their scare people agenda.
im not white but i believe in nationalism. i guess that makes me an evil neo nazi white supremacist
I just don't like it that the things that would put somebody in this group are totally fine when done by any other group. I have literally never once been to stormfront. I am not familiar with any of these groups. All I am familiar with is the fact that other kinds of people can have these thoughts of pride about their race and not be demonized. It's not cool. Consistency and no double standards is important.
Sorry about your feeling of a double standard but what he says...


No one busts white people’s balls for being proud to be Irish or Italian American or French or whatever. We even get separate parades.

Similarly, most Latino people aren’t “proud” of being Latino in a generic sense (Cain Valasquez’s hilariously bad tattoo notwithstanding); they’re proud of being Mexican or Columbian or Brazilian or whatever.

The situation is a little difference for African Americans because most of them don’t know what specific African culture their roots are from because most of their ancestors were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and taken to this country against their will and executed brutally if they tried to preserve any specific identity.

Glad I could clear that one up for you.
Yup. My brother did one of those DNA tests and we found out we are 48% Scottish or the region and 51% West Africa around Ghana region.

I am now curious to learn about both cultures since we, as a family, have no connection to either and did not know that history.

I look forward to the journey and hope to find some new found pride in both.
Not defending anything. Just saying that if you want to combat against the reactionary elements in society, then you need to also look at what they are reacting towards, and where they take their influences from.

The far-left/far-right symbiosis has been well-documented for close to a century now, after the events in Nazi Germany. They are two forces that grow off of each other.

The difference is that the far-right rarely "grows" by itself, because its members are largely, as I said, reactionaries, rather than revolutionaries. They react to circumstances, but rarely create them.

If you want to answers to why people's "race consciousness" has grown, from let's say, the 90's, then some backwater bar, or a niche forum like Stormfront, probably shouldn't be the places you ought to be looking at. Maybe you might notice that there has been an increased focus on the concept of race, overall, by much more publicly acceptable voices.
So your claim is that race has been “increasingly focused on since the 90s”?


Are you familiar with American history at all, even on a cursory level? Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, James Baldwin, George Wallace, Jim Crow Laws, Busing riots, Orval Faubus, Little Rock Nine, Mississippi Burning, Black Panthers...

... really?

Disgusting, inaccurate comment.
You don’t have to be a racist to be Republican, but it sure doesn’t keep you from getting elected if you are. Ask Steve King. Ask Cindy Hyde-Smith.
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Anyway, I bring all this up mainly because I know @MadDildo and the other mods have been trying to clean this place up. I've seen some recent claims that the WR isn't a significant hub of white nationalist and supremacist activity, even though many of us have stated that it has clearly become that, and I think this piece very clearly outlines how the WR has become a marketplace for many white supremacist ideas.
So, 'white' Republicans in America today are all white supremacists? Please...
So, 'white' Republicans in America today are all white supremacists? Please...

In that long ass OP, I don't think the word "Republicans" appears a single time.
I just don't like it that the things that would put somebody in this group are totally fine when done by any other group. I have literally never once been to stormfront. I am not familiar with any of these groups. All I am familiar with is the fact that other kinds of people can have these thoughts of pride about their race and not be demonized. It's not cool. Consistency and no double standards is important.

Did you read the OP? There's nothing in there about thoughts of pride being bad.
How can you be proud of something you have no control over?

I actually don't think it's bad to be proud of such things. I'm proud of my parents and my country and all sorts of things I have no control over.

This thread is less about white pride and more about how these fringe supremacists are using specific tactics to gain control of the country.
I think the main difference everytime a large group of white people start to become proud of being white, a bunch of colored people end up in their graves.

Im exagerating of course but white people have done more to discredit the sentiment you described than anyone else. Like most people cant even imagine someone 'proud to be white' that doesnt look down on other races and cultures or something crazy like wanting segregation of races or an ethnostate. Im sure they exist but they are being drowned out by their crazier counterparts.

Every time, eh? Cool made up story bro.
Funny because the mod you reference thinks you are a racist and so do I. You are a black nationalist.

Also, merge this garbage. There is a massive thread on white supremacy.

How am I a black nationalist? And what does that have to do with this thread?
So, white nationalists have softened up their language in order to be more palatable. In response, we call more people who have nationalistic opinions racist because there are racists who use similar language, even though the racists likely have different thoughts and motives.

What? No, none of this at all. Where did you get this idea? Did you read the whole OP?

I outlined very specific things to watch for. Most posters here don't engage in any of that.
The bane of America. I'm noticing them everywhere recently. So so so evil. Not enough love going around I promise you that. My black friend was recently the victim of a hate crime. Disgusting

That's called a 'paranoid delusion.'
The white supremacy nonsense is a media narrative invented to keep people afraid and willing to obey what the media tells them. It is great rating for the nightly news and will help a few opportunists sell some books, but it only divides people and stokes the hatred in their hearts.

The Donald appointed director of the FBI said white nationalism is the biggest domestic terror threat in the country. That's not the media, that's the FBI...
I actually don't think it's bad to be proud of such things. I'm proud of my parents and my country and all sorts of things I have no control over.

This thread is less about white pride and more about how these fringe supremacists are using specific tactics to gain control of the country.
Sorry my post wasn't really related to the OP, it was more aimed towards people that are proud of being white. I think of being proud as being happy with your achievements, like being proud of your grades because you worked hard for it or something like that. Being proud of your race/where you were born seems strange to me because you did nothing to achieve it. You were just born like that.
In that long ass OP, I don't think the word "Republicans" appears a single time.
Not your post, but your article (link). Implied as usual:

"The El Paso attack has also put new pressure on a man some white nationalists praise as helping advance their movement: Donald Trump. The U.S. president has come under sustained criticism for his racially incendiary rhetoric since launching his candidacy in 2015."

"The normalization effort is also not universal. Some far-right groups are still known for confrontation, including the Proud Boys, who last October fought with people protesting a Republican Club event in New York City."

* So, Obama incited one group and now Trump is inciting another group?
Not your post, but your article (link). Implied as usual:

"The El Paso attack has also put new pressure on a man some white nationalists praise as helping advance their movement: Donald Trump. The U.S. president has come under sustained criticism for his racially incendiary rhetoric since launching his candidacy in 2015."

"The normalization effort is also not universal. Some far-right groups are still known for confrontation, including the Proud Boys, who last October fought with people protesting a Republican Club event in New York City."

* So, Obama incited one group and now Trump is inciting another group?

...I think you're reaching a bit there. There's definitely the implication that Donald is inciting this stuff, but if the only mention of the Republicans is in reference to what sort of even one specific far right group just happened to have a scuffle at, I don't see any blame being passed there.

People on both the right and left need to stop protecting their extremists. Antifa is violent garbage and the left needs to acknowledge that. These white supremacist groups are violent, racist garbage and the right needs to acknowledge that. No one reasonable should be bothered when these groups are attacked.
Disgusting, inaccurate comment.

That's all you have to say in this thread?

You specifically asked a poster not long ago to name the white supremacists on this forum. I named some and you never responded. Now I've listed a detailed write up on their tactics so that you can better recognize them and you have no thoughts?
This actually started a very long time ago. David Duke tried to rebrand the KKK about 30 years ago by using softer rhetoric and saying things like they don't hate minorities, they just want to be separated from them. That is why Stormfront actually had pretty strict rules about language. They had to put in a major effort to make their userbase not look like a bunch of frothing at the mouth mongoloids.

Overall though looking at the entire population of the US, WN is very fringe and not really an issue. But there does seem to a large presence on the internet including this site. It helps drive individual nutcases to doing stupid things like shoot up Wal-Marts.
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