Opinion Threat of White Nationalism Megathread.

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The white supremacy nonsense is a media narrative invented to keep people afraid and willing to obey what the media tells them. It is great rating for the nightly news and will help a few opportunists sell some books, but it only divides people and stokes the hatred in their hearts.
Great article. Sad thay people still defend white nationalism or deny white nationalism exists

How do you know you grew up in a racist house? People of different color make you nervous just seeing them in public
@Falsedawn has posted their play book on numerous occasions


Can you imagine being associated with this political party. The modern GOP has openly embraced this nonsense.

No they haven't. But the Democrats have openly embraced open borders/mass immigration, man-hating feminism, Islam, transgenderism, anti-free speech, and a whole load of other insanity.
No they haven't. But the Democrats have openly embraced open borders/mass immigration, man-hating feminism, Islam, transgenderism, anti-free speech, and a whole load of other insanity.

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The example of this huge nazi takeover is a bar in some town in Georgia with less than 1,000 residents?

Why is the massive demographic shift a "conspiracy theory" if you don't agree with it, but an inevitable blessing to be celebrated and "diversity is our strength" if you do? Nobody cares about the race of the migrants, it's the fact that other counties' underclasses come in such large numbers that they completely change voting patterns of entire states, don't spend their money in our economy, burden our social services, suppress wages, and with jobs that will be automated eventually and then what?

The Southern Poverty Law Center picked a bad year to almost go out of business. A bunch of guys resigned for sexual assault and racism. Plus they got sued. Leagon trying to pick up the slack.

The white supremacy nonsense is a media narrative invented to keep people afraid and willing to obey what the media tells them. It is great rating for the nightly news and will help a few opportunists sell some books, but it only divides people and stokes the hatred in their hearts.

Reuters is not a TV channel. Please try a different deflection.
No one talks more about bathrooms than right wingers.

You’re so obsessed with it you’ll literally vote for a political party that will take your families healthcare away over a bathroom issue

Think about how psychotic that is.
It's very striking to me how the people who take this non-existent rise in 'white nationalist terrorism' so seriously are the very same ones who are completely silent on the issue of Islamic extremism, which claims the lives of thousands every year around the world. It's common for leftists to say something like 'you're more likely to die from a bee sting than be killed by an Islamic terrorist'. They completely play down or deny the existence of the scourge that is Islamic extremism, whilst hyping up the threat of 'white nationalist terrorism'.

They are so despicably deceitful, it's sickening.
No they haven't. But the Democrats have openly embraced open borders/mass immigration, man-hating feminism, Islam, transgenderism, anti-free speech, and a whole load of other insanity.
This is straight up "I know you are but what am i" and it's the only conversation both sides ever have.
The bane of America. I'm noticing them everywhere recently. So so so evil. Not enough love going around I promise you that. My black friend was recently the victim of a hate crime. Disgusting
The white supremacy nonsense is a media narrative invented to keep people afraid and willing to obey what the media tells them. It is great rating for the nightly news and will help a few opportunists sell some books, but it only divides people and stokes the hatred in their hearts.

lol Someone took in the most recent episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight and swallowed every drop.
I just don't like it that the things that would put somebody in this group are totally fine when done by any other group. I have literally never once been to stormfront. I am not familiar with any of these groups. All I am familiar with is the fact that other kinds of people can have these thoughts of pride about their race and not be demonized. It's not cool. Consistency and no double standards is important.
No one busts white people’s balls for being proud to be Irish or Italian American or French or whatever. We even get separate parades.

Similarly, most Latino people aren’t “proud” of being Latino in a generic sense (Cain Valasquez’s hilariously bad tattoo notwithstanding); they’re proud of being Mexican or Columbian or Brazilian or whatever.

The situation is a little different for African Americans because most of them don’t know what specific African culture their roots are from because most of their ancestors were kidnapped, tortured, raped, and taken to this country against their will and executed brutally if they tried to preserve any specific identity.

Glad I could clear that one up for you.
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So, “I know you are, but what am I?”

That’s the defense you’re going with?

Not defending anything. Just saying that if you want to combat against the reactionary elements in society, then you need to also look at what they are reacting towards, and where they take their influences from.

The far-left/far-right symbiosis has been well-documented for close to a century now, after the events in Nazi Germany. They are two forces that grow off of each other.

The difference is that the far-right rarely "grows" by itself, because its members are largely, as I said, reactionaries, rather than revolutionaries. They react to circumstances, but rarely create them.

If you want to answers to why people's "race consciousness" has grown, from let's say, the 90's, then some backwater bar, or a niche forum like Stormfront, probably shouldn't be the places you ought to be looking at. Maybe you might notice that there has been an increased focus on the concept of race, overall, by much more publicly acceptable voices.
This thread has backfired in wonderful ways that have made me smile.

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