Crime Thousand Oaks: At least 12 dead in mass shooting at California bar. Attacker also dead

White men with guns.

America’s biggest terrorist group!

White men are the largest group for everything right? Caucasians are the majority. What I can't understand is what you get out of trolling a thread where 12 people are dead.
No no no.. The weekly "baby is shot" in Detroit only gets a day of local. Another one last week.. I'm including kids up to 10 in that, btw.

Would 12 people at a club being shot in Detroit make the national? Maybe. Not saying it wouldn't. But 3 people including a child doesn't on a very regular basis.

This event in California is news. Nobody can fault it for being reported.

12 people could get shot in Detroit, Chicago or Albuquerque and it’ll make the national news. The more people killed = the more attention it will get.
Today, he isn't the victim. He's the enemy. Period.

And we should wait to see if he refused any of the services available to Vets before we assume that he wasn't given proper care. A LOT of vets decline mental health services.

We don't even know if he has any trauma. He could have been a cook working on a U.S. Base.

Jesus fuck all. If you are blaming someone who had severe PTSD, then you have never met anyone with it.

It's like blaming a abused dog for biting.
Don Lemon was spot on. White people are out of control right now yet so eager to blame muslims for everything. Multiple people in here saying "religion of peace" and crap like that. Screw you guys.

Don Lemon is a jackass and white people arent out of control. There are just a lot of jackasses that immediately make some shit up to push a narrative like saying “religion of peace” before anyone even knows shit about the shooter.
White men with guns.

America’s biggest terrorist group!

I mean... they are the ones that took the America's.

people's dna doesn't change much in a couple hundred years.
Well they've made it illegal to actually murder someone "A lot of good that did."
We should just drop that law all together.

Stupid cops and judges the law they made isnt workin quit wasting time having it as a law.

Laws don't stop crime, never have never will.
The VA fucked this guy over.
What other right should we need a mental health check to exercise?
do you think a military vet with PTSD should be allowed to purchase a gun? Do background checks evaluate whatever concerns the VA may have had with his mental state if it was even evaluated? serious questions
CNN just ssid they arent repeating his name or putting out his pic
Such a backwards country <45>

Looks like having guns to protect yourselves with is still paying off.

Where’s tomorrow’s massacre planned for?

Can it be at your house?

I mean the mourning party of course, princess.
12 people could get shot in Detroit, Chicago or Albuquerque and it’ll make the national news. The more people killed = the more attention it will get.

I would give it an 80% liklihood. There have been 12 kill weekends for sure. But at one place? Can't think of a recent one.
Long, 28, was a veteran in the Marine Corps and had previous encounters with local police, said Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean. He was found dead inside the Borderline Bar & Grill when a SWAT team and officers entered. Dean said Long may have killed himself, but that police were still investigating.

Long allegedly used a .45-caliber handgun, said Dean. Twelve people were killed during the attack at the bar, a popular hangout for students, in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Police had not initially identified a motive and did not believe Long targeted any employees at the bar specifically.

Dean said his department had several previous contacts with Long, including a call to his home in April, when deputies found him acting irate and irrationally. The sheriff said a mental health crisis team was called at that time and concluded that Long did not need to be taken into custody.

The other prior encounters were a traffic accident and an incident when he was the victim of a battery at a different bar, Dean said.

His guns should have been taken at the bolded part, or at least flagged so he could not purchase guns after that.
Hey if it is deterrent why not? This people want to be lowlife scumbags treat them as such.

Because its not a deterrent. I'm in Texas and we execute more prisoners than any state in America and it does not deter someone from killing you, not in the slightest. We are supposed to be a civilized nation. The last thing I want my daughter to see on the way to the local elementary school is a body being dragged through the streets.
Jesus fuck all. If you are blaming someone who had severe PTSD, then you have never met anyone with it.

It's like blaming a abused dog for biting.

You do have to blame the abused dog for biting. That's the way it has to be. No excuses for dangerous, anti-social behavior. "Blaming the pedo for touching a 6 year olds ass is like blaming a regular guy for touching a 25 year olds ass. It's a mental problem." No no no...
No, it should be a privilege. Rights should apply to all US citizens, and I can't reasonably argue all US citizens should have a right to own a gun.

Should change the constitution then, unless you are suggesting we should disregard the supreme law of the land. Personally I like living in a nation of laws.
Not trolling.

It’s the truth.

Are you daft? You are being an ass and you know you are. White's are the majority in the U.S., they comprise the largest group of pretty much anything you want to name. What you want to do is make provocative statements about race in a thread about a horrible tragedy.
Yet again we see Coulter's law in effect. In the synagogue shooting or Dylan Roof or that shooting in Texas, the identity of the suspect is out there in about 30 minutes. The media have sources in law enforcement who know this stuff right away when the suspect is killed or caught. And yet when the suspect is Middle Eastern or black, it takes hours and hours for the identity to be released. And no one else in the press acknowledges this little detail.

And you were proven wrong, can you accept you are easily influentiable now?
And you were proven wrong, can you accept you are easily influentiable now?

I wasn't proven anything. I was responding to what was being reported, not released by law enforcement to prevent such reporting. That's the whole point. Why sit on the identity in certain cases and allow speculation to run wild?
You do have to blame the abused dog for biting. That's the way it has to be. No excuses for dangerous, anti-social behavior. "Blaming the pedo for touching a 6 year olds ass is like blaming a regular guy for touching a 25 year olds ass. It's a mental problem." No no no...

Look, you got to put a sick dog down, but that doesn't mean you have to celebrate it, or villify the dog.

Now we value human life more than dogs, well most of us, and I would hope we would try and treat that sick dog, and not put it down, but I think you get my point. You can't let a rabid dog run wild, but you don't have to skin it later and howl at the moon to mock it.
I’m betting my life savings on Antifa. I’m also on the phone with the actual prince of Nigeria right now.

Either Antifa attacking the rich or Muslim attacking the country. Or mentally ill white man.

Edit: Bar was attacked on college night. Definitely a Day of Retribution incel attack on the Stacey’s and Chads.