The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido

IT was the particular formula of the first two that kept me interested. Usually I don't read pop fantasy, but an underground matriarchal dystopia kind of writes itself. I tried to read the 3rd in the series but it all became so formulaic after that.

I'll look at Red Rising

Nothing to do with matriarchal society, it is a caste society based on genetic engineering, about 400 years in the future when terraforming the solar system.
Two of my favorite pop fantasy novels are Drizzt #1 and #2 by R.A. Salvatore about a brutal underground matriarchal society that the main character is trying to escape from. Salvatore was definitely on to something here I'm waiting the film!

I used to love these. I remember wondering who could act in it 20+ years ago!
I used to love these. I remember wondering who could act in it 20+ years ago!

Dreamworks is planning to produce a film staring Drizzt Do'Urden with Wesley Snipes in the title role. The movie is still 2 years or so away. That time frame may change depending on the degree to which LOTR is a success. Get ready for a new wave of fantasy movies if LOTR is a monster smash. It's a sign of how poorly heroic fantasy movies have historically performed that there are not more imitators trying to come out around LOTR. (Yeah, yeah, Conan. Name another popular success. Ator and Hawk the Slayer don't make the cut.)Number one on the supporting cast wish list is Lawrence Fishburn as Jarlaxle. WOTC/TSR was shopping an Icewind Dales Trilogy script. I've heard the decision is between trying to film from the novel or create an original story with the characters, possibly by/with Salvatore. Huge lift for D&D, Forgotten Realms, and Role-playing in general. Dreamworks hasn't made a bad movie yet. I'd love to see their creative teams take on Heroic Fantasy.
Dreamworks is planning to produce a film staring Drizzt Do'Urden with Wesley Snipes in the title role. The movie is still 2 years or so away. That time frame may change depending on the degree to which LOTR is a success. Get ready for a new wave of fantasy movies if LOTR is a monster smash. It's a sign of how poorly heroic fantasy movies have historically performed that there are not more imitators trying to come out around LOTR. (Yeah, yeah, Conan. Name another popular success. Ator and Hawk the Slayer don't make the cut.)Number one on the supporting cast wish list is Lawrence Fishburn as Jarlaxle. WOTC/TSR was shopping an Icewind Dales Trilogy script. I've heard the decision is between trying to film from the novel or create an original story with the characters, possibly by/with Salvatore. Huge lift for D&D, Forgotten Realms, and Role-playing in general. Dreamworks hasn't made a bad movie yet. I'd love to see their creative teams take on Heroic Fantasy.

From 2001. Still mad about this.
From 2001. Still mad about this.
Ya, it’s a little outdated. Snipes was the guy my friends who read the book picked, too.

Even though he was a Dark Elf, considering the names, I always kinda saw Drizzt as a bit more Arabic.... maybe it’s the scimitars.

In today’s climate it might be tough to make a movie with so many evil black women.
male libido helped create the world..

the drive of elevated testosterone levels makes a man ambitious and he goes to create things...invent...

there is a reason why 90% of all inventions is the by product of males and not matter the culture.

besides we wouldn't have beautiful icelandic women if it wasnt for vikings taking celtic women as brides..
we all want beautiful women but because we not all equal, and women tribal and racist (at least in non white west) it cause men go crazy and stuff. who they decide have kids with and even bang for fun says a lot. racism natural, tribalism spread genes natural.

these men who harass women is by and large not most physically appealing. they got status and power but still cannot get elite beautiful women to get wet for them. this make them angry and they act entitle and harass.

A stud not need to do that. if you are sexy to women even your flashing yourself and stuff not turn them off and get them call police. i not say rape and stuff okay and women not like but good looking guys can push boundaries.

As a stud muffin myself I can attest to getting away with a lot of sexual stuff in public places with women that ugly men could not.

Stud privilege is real and I can freely admit this as I am woke.
The guy makes some decent points. Let's take a look at something our closest relatives would do:

I think the traditional approach of building a civilization that acknowledges and is wary of excessive male libido is superior to pretending like us men don't have that chimp inside us somewhere.

That frog gave consent.
The general conclusion that most intelligent men have come to, is that while we must certainly work to alleviate the ill-effects of masculinity, we cannot afford to emasculate the male and strip him away of his competitive drive. Because this would turn him into an unnatural, and ultimately useless being, that no longer fulfills his function, as determined by nature.

There's truth to what she says, but she ignores the facts that most/all of those that have been nailed in sex scandals have also had disproportionate wealth and power, and also that women don't complain about the excesses of the male libido when it's attached to an attractive male.

Thing is, half the population are men. What are you going to do? Accept the reality and work around it, or try to destroy the male libido? The reality as it stands means that women have to start taking some responsibility for their exploitation of the male sex drive, but with feminism being the political and social driver that it's become, responsibility is not something that women are expected to take for anything. Accepting the reality also means that we men have to work to balance our instincts with out intellects.

Unfortunately, with single motherhood growing in popularity, fewer men grow up with the instruction required to master their own hormones. On top of that, the gender/transgender madness (and the associated hormone treatments, such as puberty blockers) seems to imply that there are those who believe that the way to fix the problem is to destroy masculinity.

Also, describing the male libido as "unexamined". She hasn't really said anything that's not been repeated over hundreds of years.
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Article was pretty spot on imo, especially this line, which needs to be considered seriously:

What if there is no possible reconciliation between the bright clean ideals of gender equality and the mechanisms of human desire?

One reason this has been a remarkable series of events to watch from a distance is because it involves an element of social life that has not, and probably cannot be, spoken about with complete transparency to a mainstream audience.

The fact of the matter is that men and women differ from each other most significantly in what is fundamentally their sexuality - however, because (generally) they desire each other, and because sexuality does not operate via reason, conversations between men and women about sexuality do not start from a place of mutual agreement. It could even be the case that mutual, explicit agreement about sexuality on a theoretical level is antithetical to having a heightened sexual experience*, which is why spontaneous sex > scheduled sex.

*don't confuse "mutual theoretical agreement" with consent. I'm talking about John Nash at the bar, not rape.

The other challenge to transparent sexual conversation is intrasexual. The mating game is competitive within each sex, which makes us averse to our sexual strategies becoming public. Women don't want to be slutty and men don't want to be creepy, but sexual adventurousness makes a bit of each inevitable. The reason we recoil so strongly against examples of these externally is because internally we know how close we've come to being labelled the same. Similarly, we're drawn to the spectacle of guys like Tucker Max and Dan Bilzerian who (seem to) succeed sexually while deliberately opposing the modern, rationalist conception of how sexual dynamics are supposed to operate.

Fitting sex into an increasingly rational society is going to be difficult, I think. Compartmentalizing it (ie. stripping it from the workplace) is probably a good idea though, which makes the majority of the celebrity examples uncontroversial imo.

TL;DR: it's amusing that the most widely discussed public conversation right now is the one no one really wants to have.
"3000 years of philosophical study"...

Yes, indeed. We have a near 3000 year legacy of historically recorded philosophical self-study from the male perspective. From the days of the ancient Greeks, Chinese, Romans and such, to the present.

The question of "male brutality", and how we can alleviate its ill-effects, without destroying the creative and productive potential of the male, has been addressed many times.

Our form of government, the legal system, our codes of ethics, morals, principles, they're all largely the result of thousands of years of self-critique by the male, to create better, more healthy societies for everyone involved, where the destructive impulse of the male is kept in check while the creative propensity is guided in a healthy direction.

Comparatively, there is very little philosophy and self-study from the perspective of the female.
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Opportunity in that the time and effort required to physically submit another man long enough to also perform the act of penetration before intervention is far greater than the time and effort required to simply punch and kick him into submission.

The male on male rape happens more frequently in settings without women because there are no women, not because previously straight men suddenly developed amorous feelings for other straight men.

Are some guys raping guys for sexual release, sure. But it's mostly about power dynamics - Man X has the power to force someone else to submit to them sexually. The rape is proof of the power imbalance, not proof of sexual interest.
Are you a guy?

If you are fucking someone there is always some element of the libido driving you. Power is another factor, definitely not the only factor though.

I think if women want to end toxic masculinity they need to start fucking all the herbivore/mgtow men (spoiler, not happening)
Just stop pulling your cocks out in front of women who don't want to see it.

This isn't a hard concept to grasp

Normal people don't do stuff like this. But what we have here is culture where a bunch of amoral, degenerate scumbags in politics, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, the media and academia are judging ordinary, decent people by their own low standards. Most of us don't need to be told what is and isn't appropriate behavior, especially not by hypocrites like this.

The stuff you hear about from the likes of Weinstein and co, if someone behaved like that towards women in a normal, everyday working environment, not only would they lose their job and be reported to the police but the other men on the job would likely beat the shit out of them.
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Even in prisons where you have hardened criminals, ruthless sociopaths and people who are generally considered to be the absolute dregs of society, sex offenders have to kept separate from the general populations for their own safety. That is how much these people are reviled and hated.

Yet Hollywood can't even match these moral standards so just let that sink in and stop and think before you use the example of Harvey Weinstein to judge the rest of society. Also bare this mind next time some sanctimonious celebrity gets on their moral high horse to tell everyone else how terrible they are.

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