The 2023 Heavies' Awards: Shonuf Award (Mod of the Year) - WINNER: Jackonfire


Danger Zone Aficionado
Staff member
Forum Administrator
Mar 13, 2011
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*** Congratulations to the winner of the 2023 Heavies' Shonuf Award for Moderator of the year 2023: @Jackonfire ! ***
Sherdog XOTY 27.png
Sherdog XOTY Cat 8.png
We made it through a tough year, with some struggles, some confusion and some off time for the forum. We thank you for sticking with us during our 2023 growing pains, and hope that the new iteration of the forum is something you can get used to. If not, sucks to be you. I present the Shonuf Awards for the best moderator on the Sherdog Forums. Love 'em or hate 'em, our staff on the forums keep this place going. You wouldn't believe the kinds of things the staff deals with on a regular basis, and I am grateful for all of their tireless efforts. If you're wondering why a mod may be missing from this list, it could be because of one of the following reasons: they aren't regulars of the Heavies, they were not active for the majority of the year, or they politely declined the nomination. It's not at all because we don't love them. These are the Heavies awards. F2 represent.

Please allow me to introduce your candidates:



"UFC is so f---in bush league"
"The return? Should've been called Still My Boy"
"Brilliant of the ufc to make the octagon out of conCreTE tonight"



"McGregor goes from a cover athlete to a highlight getting dropped by a calf kick"
"I’d take fat Khabib over Jab Boi"
"I will ban you for talking like this"



"And there it is. It wasn't the CTE, it was rap videos"
"Never a good sign when you try to fight the ref"
"I want to see a fighter fake hug then take advantage"



"Sanko is on top of Shavkat... news"
"I can't wait for her to talk about Dong"
"Someone is getting pregnant tonight, watch out ref"



"The hills are alive With the Sound of Yadong"
"If Chafi was at my door trick or treating I'd throw him all my candy and lock myself in the basement."
"Whenever they say Sal D'amato I throw up a little in my mouth."



"You eat one kangaroo...."
"So you're gonna be H-bombing people like Dan Henderson eh"
"You should definitely be arrested and taken to North Korea!"

Substance Abuse


"Look at his amazing cardio - he runs his mouth and he also runs away when losing."
"People in general aren't all that bright. Now excuse me while I drink this beer."
"My PHD (Player Hater's Degree) in Shookology 101 detects two Uber Chads who aren't afraid of no man. Zero shookness on the Suredawg Shookology Scale™."

Zebra Cheeks


"we can hit 175 pages in this thread tonight I believe in the #ballsack squad"
"I’m lost, I somehow ate 3 edibles and now I’ve ended up on a weird site that’s exactly like sherdog but it’s not really sherdog. Please help me get home"
"This dude just created so much paperwork for me."

Just bleed, and just vote!
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I'm voting for Slobs, bc I'm on good terms with the rest of the field and couldn't decide on any of them over any of the others. Me and Slobs were friends from way back, but he's hated my guts for about 8 years now, so he gets the nod.
Something tells me it’s @Jackonfire ’s year this time around. Very well deserved if so.

It was great working with yall again this year
I threw one up for you. None of you should be  completely left behind here, you're all quality, even Slobs. You're my n word, anyway. I apologize if there are pending messages left for me elsewhere to which I havent responded, I turned notifications off for that app like last May, I think I went back like 3 times since, when Kid had his own server, briefly. Bc, let's face it, who would miss that?? Only an idiot. That was a three day affair, before he nuked the entire server, and possibly his account, for unknown reasons. I haven't been back since, bc, who cares?
Wish I could vote for everyone... amazing job this year by the entire staff...

I narrowed it down by this.... I look forward to our UFC PBP Discussion every weekend (even if I'm working and will miss it, I know the community is having a blast)... @Jackonfire does a killer job putting them together. Therefore he gets my vote. :)

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