Social Spying on Trump confirmed: Operation Crossfire Hurricane ***UPDATE: Comey Admits, "I Was Wrong" ***

Are you aware that Trump hired an Israeli spy firm to find incriminating dirt on Obama staffers? It seems that you are not.

Are you aware Hillary and the dnc paid a British spy to pay for Russian propaganda that was packaged and presented to the fisa court without disclosure that it was payed for by Hillary, which was then used to obtain warrants to spy on the trump campaign?

It seems that you are not...
Are you aware Hillary and the dnc paid a British spy to pay for Russian propaganda that was packaged and presented to the fisa court without disclosure that it was payed for by Hillary, which was then used to obtain warrants to spy on the trump campaign?

It seems that you are not...

Are you aware that none of what you types is true? Of course you're not.

1. Significant parts of the dossier have been proven true and more is being proven true with every fucked-up revelation that comes out.

2. It was initially funded by conservatives.

3. The dossier's origins were disclosed to the FISA court.

4. Giuliania just said that neither he nor Trump know of a spy in the Trump campaign.
Are you aware that none of what you types is true? Of course you're not.

1. Significant parts of the dossier have been proven true and more is being proven true with every fucked-up revelation that comes out.

2. It was initially funded by conservatives.

3. The dossier's origins were disclosed to the FISA court.

4. Giuliania just said that neither he nor Trump know of a spy in the Trump campaign.

You breaking out the outdated talking points?

1 mix in a little truth with a little exaggeration with a little lies, and voila, you have propaganda.

2 yes, and when democrats took over they paid foreign intelligence to interfere with our election.

3 false, it was not declared to have been payed for By the dnc and Clinton.

4 and trump just tweeted about it. Oh, and the nyt reported on it. Oh, and we almost surely know who it was.
Except they didn’t investigate suspicious activities by democrats.

They’ve committed wrongdoing in investigating Hillary (about to break in IG report).

Under the obama administration, there is a history of abusing the powers of the federal government.
I don't give a fuck. None of that is relevant to what I said. You are like a sad broken record who is so lost in your partisanship that you cannot even talk about something in a non partisan way.

me : Its sunny out
You : well there were more sunny days under republicans than Democrats
Me : WTF who cares
You : you are not acknowledging that there were more sunny days under republicans
me : :oops:

Nothing I have said has anything to do with either party or Trump or Clinton. it is a general statement. That statement is a simple one and it is:

If the intelligence agencies suspect at any time, regardless of party, that a politician may be corrupted by foreign country entities, they should investigate.

that is a none partisan statement that I would apply equal to all.

(this is where you prove you simply cannot comprehend anything nonpartisan)
the FBI, and most government agencies, are like sports refs. they go completely unnoticed until they screw up.

the FBI's MANY recent successes barely make the news, if at all. thwarted terror attacks MIGHT be mentioned. if they let one slip though? the shit hits the fan for them.

Let one slip through? Like ignoring direct threats of a school shooter. DIRECT THREATS and direct warnings from family were ignored. So what in the fuck are they even doing?
Cannot wait for Bob G's take on this.

“Might” try.

Perhaps they should have, I don’t know, arrested Paul Manafort rather than let him anywhere near a presidential campaign?

But no, it’s trumps fault.

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That is all.

“Might” try.

Perhaps they should have, I don’t know, arrested Paul Manafort rather than let him anywhere near a presidential campaign?

But no, it’s trumps fault.

This your most idiotic defense of Trump ever, it is the authorities fault that Trump associates with and hires known criminals, does this really make sense to you? Seriously?
“Might” try.

Perhaps they should have, I don’t know, arrested Paul Manafort rather than let him anywhere near a presidential campaign?

But no, it’s trumps fault.

Speaking of Manafort, his son inlaw and business partner just took a plea, the noose just keep tightening.
This your most idiotic defense of Trump ever, it is the authorities fault that Trump associates with and hires known criminals, does this really make sense to you? Seriously?

Keep in mind, who was managing the campaign first? Corey freaking lerwindowski, a nobody’s nobody. There were 16 other candidates, well established and well funded. In comparison, trump was operating on a shoe string budget, not to mention the fact nobody took him seriously, and the most respected people were already snatched up long ago. He gets recommended a guy through someone he trusts, it’s not like at the time PM had a big public red flag. And you can’t play the trump knows nothing, but must know everything card. Trump is a rank newbie to real politics, and I don’t mean talking shit on Fox News, or fighting with nyc to get a tax break. I’m talking the deep dirty shit. And if PM’s crimes were so blatant and well known, he should have been in jail, rather than working alongside the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager.

Now if you want to argue that’s why you don’t hire a rookie, I can’t argue that.

“How Manafort's relationship with Trump developed – and how he rose through the ranks of the campaign – could be a part of upcoming Senate hearings on possible coordination between members of Trump's campaign and the Kremlin.

The two men first connected through a mutual friend, real estate investor Thomas Barrack, through whom Manafort sent his first memos to Trump, according to the Times. Barrack also delivered to Trump a letter describing Manafort as “the most experienced and lethal of managers," the report said.

Also in that letter, Barrack made Manafort's even more appealing to Trump, writing that “he would do this in an unpaid capacity.”

A key focus of Manafort's early communications with Trump was his international work, as well as his status as a Washington outsider, isolated from the politics and influence of the nation's capital.

“I have managed Presidential campaigns around the world," Manafort wrote. “I have had no client relationships dealing with Washington since around 2005. I have avoided the political establishment in Washington since 2005.”

Before reaching Trump himself, Manafort's pitch was passed to the real estate mogul's elder daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, both of whom now work in Trump's White House.

In March of 2016, Manafort had been hired by the Trump campaign to organize its delegate operations at the Republican National Convention. By June, the operative had taken over as Trump's campaign manager – a post he held only briefly until August.”
Speaking of Manafort, his son inlaw and business partner just took a plea, the noose just keep tightening.

On Manafort, sure.

If you think he’ll take down trump, you’re engaging in wishful thinking.
nobody in the media or government is seriously trying to deny it anymore. And those on the Left seem to be fine with it.

Watergate is dead.

The Left needs to go ahead and take down that shrine they have been worshiping at for 45 years, because they are now proving that they never really cared about the use of government intel to spy on campaigns, just that they were the targets of the spying.