Socialism's Growing Popularity Among Democrats (Sanders Affect)

America is a very nationalistic country though. So lets promote Nationalistic Socialism. Actually, lets go one step further. Bernie supports workers rights and has called immigration a scheme of the Kock brothers so lets have a Nationalist Socialist Workers Party. Let's go after the undesirables who hoard the wealth. These international capitalists.

Russia also tries to manipulate our country, they will be dealt with in time.
But if you go after international capitalists who hoard wealth, you're targeting a certain ethnic group disproportionately. And that's racist.
You people think all Hitler did was kill jews, wasn't like the Nazi state didn't promise jobs to all citizens by government, government-run education, Nationalized Healthcare, and gun control.


Sounds like you got a D in history.
Don't forget they were the first to establish pro-environmental laws.

Modern day Socialists are just like the National Socialists in Germany, except replace hatred of Jews with White people.
Right, but that doesn't make those socialistic promises inherently bad.

That would be like saying candy is bad because it's what pedos use to get little boys in the van.

It has to do with utility and intent. In every case where socialism has been implemented it has been used like pedos use candy. To lure the populace into a sense of equality only to reestablish a new ruling class that dominates the rest of society.

I doesn't matter how beautiful a political philosophy is in theory in practice, and we have numerous examples, it's shit.

It's like how the left labels equity as equality of outcome, it sounds good but it disregards the fact that what it does is limit potential and punish those that are successful through hard-work.

It limits potential and those that work hard by making everyone equal even though person A can move further than B but why strive for that if person B only has to do the bare minimum to make it as far as you.

It's not about stepping on others to get to a position either. It's about just compensation for work done.

Marx said "FROM everyone according to his abilities, TO each according to his need."

That's like saying because you need 10 apples but are only able to pick 3 and I NEED 4 apples but I'm able to pick 10 you get to just take 6 of my apples. Is that really equality?
Where does a $15 minimum wage, single-payer healthcare, free college, and opposition to free-trade deals lie within taxation and regulation?

Are you kidding?

Wage laws and tariffs are regulations.

Single-payer and public college are services funded by taxation. Like police and fire.
The Democrat party will be the socialist party soon enough. There will be no middle ground, no "rational" left or the right. The destabilization process is under-way.

It took our comrades longer than expected, but the half a century long project is finally beginning to bear fruit.
The Democrat party will be the socialist party soon enough. There will be no middle ground, no "rational" left or the right. The destabilization process is under-way.

It took our comrades longer than expected, but the half a century long project is finally beginning to bear fruit.
Only one solution to be honest.