Sitting at the nerd table with Bubble Boy and crew.

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looks like im stuck wearing the vagina hat on sunday, my gf is leaving for jalisco for 2 weeks
she leaves friday so i wont be in thursday night.
im 100 percent on for sunday though Aikido master shows up and ever body runs and hides huh?

j/k See you Sunday then. More kick boxing! That shit was fun.
Bubble Boy said: Aikido master shows up and ever body runs and hides huh?

j/k See you Sunday then. More kick boxing! That shit was fun.

Are we on for tonight Robert? Or shall we just 'gina up and let you play patty cake witht the Aikido guy. Personally I love Patty Cake.
Hey I made you guys something.....

Bubble Boy said: Aikido master shows up and ever body runs and hides huh?

j/k See you Sunday then. More kick boxing! That shit was fun.
akido man hasnt showed up, yet.
lets see if he does if he ever comes back. and yesy muay thai on sunday for sure im in
Love the pink belt av! I suppose it could rotate around to whoever is the most pussified at the time. LOL!
Apparently Randy told the old aikido master that he wasn't going to be there on Thursdays. So the guy jumped in and said maybe he could fill in for Randy, and Randy, for whatever reason, sort of half agreed to it. I've seen this kind of thing happen before, and it can just completely bog down a good judo club, especially if the guy tries to take over and make things go the real traditional route. I for one ain't going there. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. I figured tonight I'll train with him, see what he's all about, and then try to arrange for him to do his aikido thing on another night.
I really wish Randy had run a little more interference on this thing.
I'll let you guys know how the patty cake session goes...


The Aikido master showed up. We warmed up and Kevin asked the guy if he wanted to randori. He agreed to go very lightly. As they tied up Kevin literally picked the guy up over his head, pressed him 6 times, shouted: "I'M DONKEY KONG MOTHER FUCKER!!!!"and then pile drove his head into the mat. It broke the Aikido master's neck. Kevin and I dragged the body to my trunk and transported it to a field (location to remain undisclosed) and buried the guy. This was an intense workout and my biceps felt the burn.

Ok, the real story:

Kevin, Matt, and me showed up for Judo. We warmed up with a little bit of muay thai kicks on the big padded object. Then we did some throws (ippon seoi nage).
Then some uchikomi and a little rolling.
We finished with about 20 minutes of doing double leg take downs over and over on each other.
The aikido master didn't show, so Kevin was unable to kill anyone.
Bubble Boy said:


Kevin, Matt, and me showed up for Judo. We warmed up with a little bit of muay thai kicks on the big padded object. Then we did some throws (ippon seoi nage).
Then some uchikomi and a little rolling.
We finished with about 20 minutes of doing double leg take downs over and over on each other.
The aikido master didn't show, so Kevin was unable to kill anyone.
hate to say i told you so but...........TOLD YOU!!!!!!
never count your akido masters until they actualy show up in there skirts.
see you sunday.
hah akido...
All that human power lifting makes me sore...

**** rolls over and drinks mixture of blood and beer.

Ahhhh thats better.
Got the word that the State Judo Tournament probably isn't going to be until the last week of March. This is good. Very good.
I'm actually coming in just above 180 lbs on the scale right now.

I've been resting this week...more than usual.
For the tournament there's a few things I'd like to get going.
1) Get down to just under 170. Haven't been under 170 in YEARS. Might as well go for it now. I think it's a good fighting weight for me. I actually prefer going against the bigger guys. The light weights are to fast. The upper middle weights (180 to 200) feel just about right. I think I'd fight them well at 169 or so.
2) Cardio, cardio, cardio. I think this will be not so difficult. I've got the Thumper Loop (mountain bike trail), my strongman conditioning, and rolling. I think this will come along fine. I need about 4 weeks of intense stuff and I'll be fine. Not a problem.
3) Flexibility. Ok, this is gonna' be ugly. Yoga. Imagine C-3PO from Star Wars doing Yoga. Or the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. Yikes.

The March tournament date gives all the fat boys at VVJC to get their rears in gear. Shit, we could actually have a good team this year:
Eric, Kevin, Hans, Hans, Matt, Frank, and myself.
Bubble Boy said:
The March tournament date gives all the fat boys at VVJC to get their rears in gear. Shit, we could actually have a good team this year:
Eric, Kevin, Hans, Hans, Matt, Frank, and myself.

Even if most of us go I think we could get VVJC on the radar of some of the bigger schools out of phoenix. Overall I think we would do just fine. I may do the novice as well as the regular "this is going to hurt" division.
Bubble Boy said:
The March tournament date gives all the fat boys at VVJC to get their rears in gear. Shit, we could actually have a good team this year:
Eric, Kevin, Hans, Hans, Matt, Frank, and myself.
well im glad you guys see me as one of the team, you fattys are a cool bunch of guys and im proud to wave the pink and purple vvjc banner!!!:icon_lol:
see you guys tonight hopefully, i need a good training session. having one of the worst weeks of my life by far and need to get my mind off things for a bit
****crosses fingers that someone will train w me tonight****
I'm good to go tonight. I've got about an hour as usual, but we could still get a good workout in. I've always found an intense hour of working out clears my brain like nothing else. See you at 6:00.

Kevin, my ankle biters can babysit at the club if need be.

Muay Thai

About 90 minutes. Light warm up (the place was FREEZING), then mitt work. Worked on 1, 2, hook, thai kick (mitt guy checked it with da shin). Something tweaked in my shoulder when I was holding mitts for Kevin, when he came across with his hook. *slips on own vaginal secretions*.
At some point in the combination mitt work I felt really fucking energized and wanted to pound somebody's head in. Whoa. I felt amped to the gills. I think it was cause Hans is one hell of a mitt man, so it made my punches feel crisp and fast.
I kicked the padded object some.
Hans let me punch him (he blocked) during super easy sparring.
Kevin and Hans sparred pretty good there for a round.
We then went to trying to shoot (get the single or double) against a punching opponent. It's a whole different world, those punches change things up a little.
I may try some super light sparring next week. I'm easing into this stuff boys.
Bubble Boy said:

Muay Thai

About 90 minutes. Light warm up (the place was FREEZING), then mitt work. Worked on 1, 2, hook, thai kick (mitt guy checked it with da shin). Something tweaked in my shoulder when I was holding mitts for Kevin, when he came across with his hook. *slips on own vaginal secretions*.
At some point in the combination mitt work I felt really fucking energized and wanted to pound somebody's head in. Whoa. I felt amped to the gills. I think it was cause Hans is one hell of a mitt man, so it made my punches feel crisp and fast.
I kicked the padded object some.
Hans let me punch him (he blocked) during super easy sparring.
Kevin and Hans sparred pretty good there for a round.
We then went to trying to shoot (get the single or double) against a punching opponent. It's a whole different world, those punches change things up a little.
I may try some super light sparring next week. I'm easing into this stuff boys.
awsome work tonight rob, take shit slow man dont rush into sparring. trust me. i love doing mits i know what ur saying about getting energized, it has to do with the engergy im throwing back at you when u punch and me exspressing the impact with my breathing. as much as i dont like my old kickboxing trainer that was something he taught me and was allways awsome at. it makes a big differance when u just stand there and hold ur hands stiff as compared to how i hold mits.
thats why i like to have a set 1,2,3 etc etc and do not ever difer from wich mit is considered each number. it helps things flow when i tell you "one" and i know wich mit your going to hit.

i tell you what man this club is going in a great direction, steady judo nights. and bjj, and now boxing and kickboxing. im trying my hardest to pass on all the stuff i was taught and i hope i dont seem like a dick when i stop and explain things cuz thats not waht is intended.
i love teaching people who want to learn and its awsome when everyone is on the same page like we are starting to get.

oh and yessssss kevin floored me with that shot to the bread basket, fucking knocked the wind out of me lol.... damn it felt great :icon_lol:
see you guys tuesday, full speed ahead for march
Hans Burnett said:
i love doing mits i know what ur saying about getting energized, it has to do with the engergy im throwing back at you when u punch and me exspressing the impact with my breathing. as much as i dont like my old kickboxing trainer that was something he taught me and was allways awsome at. it makes a big differance when u just stand there and hold ur hands stiff as compared to how i hold mits.
thats why i like to have a set 1,2,3 etc etc and do not ever difer from wich mit is considered each number. it helps things flow when i tell you "one" and i know wich mit your going to hit.

i tell you what man this club is going in a great direction, steady judo nights. and bjj, and now boxing and kickboxing. im trying my hardest to pass on all the stuff i was taught and i hope i dont seem like a dick when i stop and explain things cuz thats not waht is intended.
i love teaching people who want to learn and its awsome when everyone is on the same page like we are starting to get.

oh and yessssss kevin floored me with that shot to the bread basket, fucking knocked the wind out of me lol.... damn it felt great :icon_lol:
see you guys tuesday, full speed ahead for march

Yeah, I can see the importance of 1,2,3 and knowing exactly which mitt is which. A killer flow. I'd like to get good at holding the mitts. It seems like an art unto itself. Actually, I'm starting to see the very beginning glimpse of why boxing is called the "sweet science". Thanks for everything man.

Oh, and it was funny when you got thumped in the stomach and dropped, cause you actually looked like you liked it. LOL. Eric and I got a kick out of that.
Bubble Boy said:
Yeah, I can see the importance of 1,2,3 and knowing exactly which mitt is which. A killer flow. I'd like to get good at holding the mitts. It seems like an art unto itself. Actually, I'm starting to see the very beginning glimpse of why boxing is called the "sweet science". Thanks for everything man.

Oh, and it was funny when you got thumped in the stomach and dropped, cause you actually looked like you liked it. LOL. Eric and I got a kick out of that.
i did like it, lol im a sick sick man! i needed that tonight i was stressed to the max, i held back sparring w kevin i felt the raggeeeee trying to escape, hah then he fucking floored me! gotta love it.
as far as mits go yes its all about flow, if there is no flow its just feels like shit.
wait till we get to 4,5,6 ooohhh man!
yeah i will try to get u going on the mits it indeed is a science of its own. but honestly ur coming along nicely.
oh an a side note, i see the club turning into "VERDE VALLEY COMBAT CENTER"
GAHHHHHH!!! who knows
Hans Burnett said:
i did like it, lol im a sick sick man! i needed that tonight i was stressed to the max, i held back sparring w kevin i felt the raggeeeee trying to escape, hah then he fucking floored me! gotta love it.
as far as mits go yes its all about flow, if there is no flow its just feels like shit.
wait till we get to 4,5,6 ooohhh man!
yeah i will try to get u going on the mits it indeed is a science of its own. but honestly ur coming along nicely.

You were looking like Teen Wolf with the fire in your eyes.... Even the shots that grazed my noggin were like DING .... Good times. I need to work my hands and Spar Spar Spar.

Last night I remembered why I do this....
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