Rural, suburban or city life?

prefer city or suburbs (if anything just b/c women and food choices)...

but currently live beyond rural, into Hills Have Eyes territory. good times?

Lived in the city, but now have 40 acres of completely private landscape. Neighbors used to hate it when the wife and I would have sexy time in the backyard. Now its just the ants we have to worry about.
I live in but hate the suburbs. Would prefer to be in the city... however, I was raised in a small rural town and I miss the solitude and peace. Small coastal town sounds nice as well, tbh. I just wonder what I could do for work, if there would be enough women to date, and whether or not the internet would be decent.....
I've lived in the countryside, San Francisco, and small towns. Gotta go with the country rural areas as my preference.
Big cities for sure. But I'm trapped in suburban bliss for a while.

Rural. In my dream, I could live in my small hometown and be ~40min away from the city I'm in now and just pop in on the weekend.
Rural is preferred but I can't stay in the same small town more than 2 years. Sometimes I want to leave the house and run a few errands without having a conversation with half the town. You are seen as a complete asshole if you blow people off in the interest of saving time. Then everyone starts talking about you. Then some idiot comes to the conclusion that you think you're better than everybody else. Then you stop caring about your rep altogether and start going to the bar every other night. Then you fuck a Marine's wife. Then the bouncer tells the Marine when he gets back home that he saw you leave the bar with his wife. Then you get into a scrap and it turns out kicking someone in the balls is a reason to get jumped. Then you move to another town to start the process all over again.
Rural. Cities are unnatural, we need the wilderness to keep our sanity.
So like your own little safe space?

Nah. It’s nothing to do with a safe space, I have no problem with people having their own beliefs, I just choose not to associate with trashy people.
What suits you best?
last year I finished my house in a rural area. Totally off the grid and it takes an hour to get to the nearest town. I fucking love it here. The night sky is so clear you can see the majesty of the cosmos. And there's a gold mine up the road from my house I take the fam to and we play like we're miners.

shooting guns and driving quads and dirtbikes

Can't hunt people for sport in the city or the suburbs yet.

City life for me. I grew up in the burbs, live in a city now. I like the easy walking access to basically everything that holds my interest from movies to the theater to the library, etc.I like being around people but not having to be engaged with those people.
City life the last 20 plus years but I find myself wanting to move somewhere rural. Just never want the suburbs again. What a soul crushing experience to live around ugly homes and strip malls.