Rock v Roman to Main Event WM 40??


Steel Belt
Nov 19, 2009
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So, according to the last episode of Smackdown, Cody Rhodes is giving up his
main event spot at WM 40 to the Rock!

This is a joke! Cody Rhodes has carried the WWE on his back for the past year, he has won two Royal Rumbles in a row, he is on the front cover of the newest WWE video game … and now, he is giving up his spot to challenge Roman Reigns, to the Rock?? A part-time, washed up, 50 year old Hollywood star … who is almost certainly, guaranteed going to lose to Roman …

This makes ZERO sense, lol.
They are fucking Cody over for another fucking year how long can you drag out a story line, they are super lucky that Cody is still some how over and they just pissed it away

This is like the equivalent of if Charles get a finish in round 1 and then beats Justin again and instead of rematching Islam Conor gets the next shot
He'll just wrestle Seth, which is the better match anyways. He's better suited for that belt, and ending Seth's streak would be a good starting off point for his title run. There's also a chance the main event could wind up a triple threat, if they want the other belt on him, so I wouldn't say he's out of that title picture yet.

That said, I don't get The Rock getting involved in the title picture, unless he's gonna win and moonlight as a pro-wrestler for a bit. I understand the money aspect, but bringing him back for a one off loss in a title match seems a bit anticlimactic.
He'll just wrestle Seth, which is the better match anyways. He's better suited for that belt, and ending Seth's streak would be a good starting off point for his title run. There's also a chance the main event could wind up a triple threat, if they want the other belt on him, so I wouldn't say he's out of that title picture yet.

That said, I don't get The Rock getting involved in the title picture, unless he's gonna win and moonlight as a pro-wrestler for a bit. I understand the money aspect, but bringing him back for a one off loss in a title match seems a bit anticlimactic.

Cody has already beaten Seth three times. No-one cares about that match.
Cody has already beaten Seth three times. No-one cares about that match.
Sure they do. Nobody gives a fuck about that shit in pro-wrestling. Seth has a huge streak going on. Cody(or anybody at this point) potentially ending it, is good enough for an angle to get invested in. On top of that, it will be the better match. Shit, throw a ladder in there to spice things up. You can do more with those guys than you can with Roman vs Cody.

I think a "unification" match is what they're heading towards anyways, so just be patient.
Sure they do. Nobody gives a fuck about that shit in pro-wrestling. Seth has a huge streak going on. Cody(or anybody at this point) potentially ending it, is good enough for an angle to get invested in. On top of that, it will be the better match. Shit, throw a ladder in there to spice things up. You can do more with those guys than you can with Roman vs Cody.

I think a "unification" match is what they're heading towards anyways, so just be patient.

We’ve seen It already. They have already had an epic Hell in a Cell match.

Cody “finishing the story” has been built up for the past two years … “finishing the story” means beating Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania, not Seth Rollins.

He is on the cover of the new WWE game, he has won two Royal Rumbles in a row, he has carried the company for the last year … only to give up his spot for a part-time, Hollywood actor … it makes ZERO sense, lmao.
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We’ve seen It already. They have already had an epic Hell in a Cell match.

Cody “finishing the story” has been built up for the past two years … “finishing the story” means beating Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania, not Seth Rollins.
Only if you subjectively value Roman's title more.

He is on the cover of the new WWE game, he has won two Royal Rumbles in a row, he has carried the company for the last year … only to give up his spot for a part-time, Hollywood actor … it makes ZERO sense, lmao.
He has not carried the company. He's a high value cog in the collective wheel. He's not more important than Seth, Rhea, Roman, Gunther etc. If he left tomorrow, few would notice or care. He's not Stone Cold Steve Austin, or anything. If he was truly carrying the company, he wouldn't be getting passed over, now would he? Other than winning the Rumble, what has he been doing? Beating Nakamura, and feuding with other high mid-card guys?

I think you're just a super fan, who is upset.
Only if you subjectively value Roman's title more.

He has not carried the company. He's a high value cog in the collective wheel. He's not more important than Seth, Rhea, Roman, Gunther etc. If he left tomorrow, few would notice or care. He's not Stone Cold Steve Austin, or anything. If he was truly carrying the company, he wouldn't be getting passed over, now would he? Other than winning the Rumble, what has he been doing? Beating Nakamura, and feuding with other high mid-card guys?

I think you're just a super fan, who is upset.

It’s not just my subjective opinion. The Rock v Roman promo is the most disliked WWE YouTube video in history and it broke that record within 12 hours, lol


The Rock vs. Roman Reigns Segment From SmackDown Is WWE's Most Disliked YouTube Video Ever​

On social media, there is some happiness over the change but the overall sentiment seems to be negative on The Rock. As of this writing, the full segment posted on WWE's YouTube has over 65,000 likes and 235,000 dislikes. This makes it the most disliked WWE video ever.

Dave Meltzer stated on the Wrestling Observer Board that this was a late decision and when Cody won the Royal Rumble, the plan was for him to challenge Reigns at Mania but Brock Lesnar being pulled from creative plans and CM Punk's injury caused a domino effect. Additionally, The Rock pushed hard for the match with Reigns and WWE felt that they needed something big that would get them away from the negative Vince McMahon headlines.

This is the Rock throwing his weight around at the expense of what the fans want.

It’s a complete shitshow, lol.
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It’s not just my subjective opinion. The Rock v Roman promo is the most disliked WWE YouTube video in history and it broke that record within 12 hours, lol

Yeah, and when I can post the numbers WM does, regardless of this grand injustice, is it a counter that you'll accept?

I've already lived through the "OMG, why isn't Daniel Bryan the top guy?" era. Marks on the net expressing their displeasure at one of their boy toys not ruling the industry, means less than nothing.
Yeah, and when I can post the numbers WM does, regardless of this grand injustice, is it a counter that you'll accept?

I've already lived through the "OMG, why isn't Daniel Bryan the top guy?" era. Marks on the net expressing their displeasure at one of their boy toys not ruling the industry, means less than nothing.

WWE is the mainstream brand of wrestling with little competition, I’m sure that they will do a lot of numbers regardless of the main event. But, that doesn’t make it a good product.

WWE is like Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, in that they will always sell merch and movies, because of their brand, regardless of the quality of the product.
WWE is the mainstream brand of wrestling with little competition, I’m sure that they will do a lot of numbers regardless of the main event. But, that doesn’t make it a good product.
It is a good product, though. It didn't used to be, but today it is. You arguing that Cody not getting the big title shot kills all that? C'mon now. Cody is fine, but he's not some make or break guy. He just isn't. He's merely in the mix at the top with a whole bunch of others you could put in his spot, and nobody would notice.

You just sound like an angry mark. Sorry, but The Rock is quite a few rungs above Cody fucking Rhodes in drawing power. He could literally take anybody's place, and it would be hard to argue against it from a business standpoint.

You don't even know what they're going to do with Rock/Roman. It could be a great program leading up to the main event. What's Cody gonna do with Roman, other than repeat "I'm gonna finish the story" 900 times?
a good product, though. It didn't used to be, but today it is. You arguing that Cody not getting the big title shot kills all that? C'mon now. Cody is fine, but he's not some make or break guy. He just isn't. He's merely in the mix at the top with a whole bunch of others you could put in his spot, and nobody would notice.

You just sound like an angry mark. Sorry, but The Rock is quite a few rungs above Cody fucking Rhodes in drawing power. He could literally take anybody's place, and it would be hard to argue against it from a business standpoint.

You don't even know what they're going to do with Rock/Roman. It could be a great program leading up to the main event. What's Cody gonna do with Roman, other than repeat "I'm gonna finish the story" 900 times?

The whole booking just doesn’t make any sense. Look, I can’t make you see it, you either see it or you don’t …

They have spent the whole last year re-building Cody to rematch Roman, making him go through Brock Lesnar, the Judgement Day, he has won two consecutive Royal Rumbles, he is on the front cover of the next video game … and yet, he is not even main eventing Wrestlemania.

Why didn’t they have the Rock win the Royal Rumble and have the Rock on the front cover of the video game?? If he really is so popular??

Why build it up and then, just substitute the Rock in there out of left field??

It’s a complete troll job.

The Rock vs. Roman Reigns Segment From SmackDown Is WWE's Most Disliked YouTube Video Ever

Dropping in to say if I was head of Creative, rather than divide hardcore wrestling fans and Attitude-era fans screaming for nostalgia...I'd make the most unique Wrestlemania Main Event ever....


All in a fatal-4-way with both titles on the line.
But there will still be two champions after, unless one champ pins the other... double-champ in that case.

Rock pins Raulins
Rhodes pins Reigns

It'd be the most satisfying ending to a WM since WM30.
For anyone saying this is "best for business"...

Last year's mania broke records and was probably the most successful mania ever...

Headlined by Cody.

Cody, with a rare month or two has been wwe's top merch seller since coming back.

Rock has had flop after flop, a shitty appearance on Rogan, the dumb Oprah goes on and on.

Obviously rock is more known then Cody but to say this is anything but a pr move for the rock to recoup some of his lost star power is nuts.

I hope the crowds keep chanting we want Cody and shit on the main event.

They won't change mania but they should put the belt on Cody before to help appease the crowd and clean up some of the mess.

I cannot wait for the match to suck balls and then the rock post some stupid fucking tweet about "all the love and history" being made.

This bullshit literally Trump's any power play Hogan or trips did and the negative reaction is hysterical
Cody is going to bless them by carrying Raw... something Seth has proven time and time again that he can't do...
Cody vs Roman-Virtua doesn't work The Rock brother. He is a board member of TKO.
I'm no Cody fan but I'd rather him win the belt that has the wwf world championship as it's lineage. I haven't watched much this year but that ain't the belt Seth has.

Make Roman do double duty. Roman rock night one, Roman goes over. Roman vs Cody night 2, Cody goes over. Wrap up the bloodline and "finish the story" in one fell swoop.

Make glass knee Seth job to gunther or anyone really to open night 1, then have priest cash in.

No one cares about Seth and his fake world title. Rollins is a dork who should be feuding with otis.
I’m grateful the original “finish the story” is happening. Rock was rumoured as the fucking end goal for longer than this Cody shit, Cody was the damn backup plan. He should be grateful and keep delivering and relating to the growing fanbase. Stop pandering and help Rock get over. Fuck the smart fans, they forgot all about Sami Zayn and Cody last year. No body remembered shit about that shit 3 months later, this brand just keeps rolling. This is the best possible outcome and let’s cross our fingers that just like Austin was well and safely protected so will be Dwayne and we can really enjoy a special moment bigger than some damn week 2 week storyline that always has sudden changes and shifts to the narrative. It’s all getting better by the minute, calm down, long term the best thing is happening and it’s something to enjoy not cry over.
The whole booking just doesn’t make any sense. Look, I can’t make you see it, you either see it or you don’t …
It makes perfect sense. They alluded to it like two or three weeks ago, where the fans cheered their asses off when Rock questioned if he should sit at "the head of the table". Funny how nobody thought it was Cody's destiny then, despite it supposedly being some master plan set up from a year ago...
They have spent the whole last year re-building Cody to rematch Roman, making him go through Brock Lesnar, the Judgement Day, he has won two consecutive Royal Rumbles, he is on the front cover of the next video game … and yet, he is not even main eventing Wrestlemania.
None of that means he was being set up for Roman.
Why didn’t they have the Rock win the Royal Rumble and have the Rock on the front cover of the video game?? If he really is so popular??
You're seriously questioning The Rock's popularity? You think Cody is more popular? Really?

Why aren't you complaining about Baley being pushed aside for Nia Jax? Isn't she also destined to fight for big title because she won the RR? Why doesn't she get to "finish the story"?

Why build it up and then, just substitute the Rock in there out of left field??
They never built anything up. You're just connecting random dots on a chart, and linking it to an ultimate showdown with Reigns. Cody having a good year, doesn't equate to a long program with Roman Reigns. His most recent feud was with friggin' Nakamura. Was him winning that feud, also linked to a future program with Reigns?