Right-Wing narrative! Rape in Bavaria up 50%(!), migrant rape up more than 90%....

So you are ok with the refuges committing 18% of all the total rapes then? Those women must take comfort knowing that their experience does not matter because Germany's total rape number is lower then ours..
Every rape is terrible, obviously.

I'd imagine a woman being raped doesn't particularly care who the rapist is.

So, on balance, if you asked a woman to judge which country she'd rather live in, the US or Germany, based solely on the likelihood of not getting raped, Germany would be a 4x more desireable country to live in. Even with the "rapugees."

This Breitbartesque chicken little "the sky is falling in Germany" attitude is pure partisan outrage porn garbage.

That's my point.

I'm not making policy arguments, I'm simply saying those who live in glass houses...
What I'm getting is that 2% of the population are committing about 40% of the rapes that looks like a problem to me.
Every rape is terrible, obviously.

I'd imagine a woman being raped doesn't particularly care who the rapist is.

So, on balance, if you asked a woman to judge which country she'd rather live in, the US or Germany, based solely on the likelihood of not getting raped, Germany would be a 4x more desireable country to live in. Even with the "rapugees."

This Breitbartesque chicken little "the sky is falling in Germany" attitude is pure partisan outrage porn garbage.

That's my point.

I'm not making policy arguments, I'm simply saying those who live in glass houses...

True, and also irrelevant within the context of this discussion. Every rape is vile, and every rapist should be punished to the fullest extent the law allows. The difference between the woman raped by a native of her own country and the woman raped by a refugee is that the second woman would not have been raped had the refugee never been allowed into her country in the first place.
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Not even if reality dictates that bringing in more refugees will lead to more rapes?
And by the way, victims and their families in fact often do care.
For example, after a refugee crashed his truck into a Christmas market, the families of multiple victims lashed out a Merkel and her refugee policy, they didn't say we don't care who murdered our daughter.
The media, of course, focused on anti-racism and anti-Islamophobia protests of completely unrelated leftists who think they can evaluate what does or doesn't matter.
If you read the article, you'll see that the citizen rate rose more than the immigrant rate as a portion of the total increase. The immigrant rate increase is clearly a problem, but so is the overall increase. Something like 230 more reported rapes, of which 60 were immigrants. Feel free to check the math.

Please be quiet oh lover of sausage in the face man the adults are talking
And by the way, victims and their families in fact often do care.
For example, after a refugee crashed his truck into a Christmas market, the families of multiple victims lashed out a Merkel and her refugee policy, they didn't say we don't care who murdered our daughter.
The media, of course, focused on anti-racism and anti-Islamophobia protests of completely unrelated leftists who think they can evaluate what does or doesn't matter.
Sounds like a sensible approach.

When a young Swedish girl was raped by three immigrants, a lot of people were upset so the left and media pushed for an anti-racism rally in the same town. Her father was quite vocal in his protest against the rally.
"Better to post GIFs and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
No, because rapes minus rapes committed by refugees aren't rapes committed by citizens.
"Refugees" (in the crime stats 'zuwanderer') is a group distinct from non-Germans and only one aspect of mass immigration, both groups are overrepresented.

In 2016 there were 463 cases, offenders = Germans, non-Germans, refugees.
In 2017 there were 685 cases, a + of 222.
Looking at the increase, refugees, ca 1.8% of the population, were responsible for +60 out of +222 cases.
The + of 222-60=162 is the increase in crimes committed by Germans and non-Germans who don't have refugee status.
In 2016 less than 2% of the population committed ~15% of all rapes, now they're up to 18%.
Non-Germans commit 30% of all assaults.
I really don't know what "yeah but...." is left here.
Other than the fact that 98.2% of the population commit more crimes in absolute numbers than 1.8%, conservatards btfo again.

Don't waste your time, dickheads never let the facts get in the way of a good story
Sounds like a sensible approach.

When a young Swedish girl was raped by three immigrants, a lot of people were upset so the left and media pushed for an anti-racism rally in the same town. Her father was quite vocal in his protest against the rally.
Leftists always know what's important for other people.
It's pretty much in line with their view on politics in general.
They also know who's voting against their own interest, what items people "need" and therefore should be allowed to own, what healthcare people really need etc
So why wouldn't they know how victims of crimes and their families feel about it?
I just literally linked a crime report published on the homepage of Bavaria's police agency which defines the term Zuwanderer.
Zuwanderer in crime stats = refugees.

"Unter die Begrifflichkeit Zuwanderer als Teilmenge der nichtdeutschen Tatverdächtigen fallen nach bundeseinheitlicher Definition in der Polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik (PKS) Tatverdächtige, die in der PKS mit den Aufenthaltsgründen Asylbewerber, Duldung,Kontingent-/Bürgerkriegsflüchtling, unerlaubt oder international/national Schutzberechtigte und Asylberechtigte erfasst sind."

"Die Zahl tatverdächtiger Zuwanderer ist im Vergleich zu 2015 um 52,7 Prozent gestiegen - von 114.000 auf 174.438. Gemeint sind damit laut Definition des Bundeskriminalamts ausschließlich Menschen, die in Deutschland mit dem Aufenthaltsstatus "Asylbewerber", "Duldung", "Kontingent- oder Bürgerkriegsflüchtling" oder "unerlaubter Aufenthalt" registriert sind"

@Deffid @JDragon @snakedefunky @KOQ24 @Factory Junge uebersetzt mal bitte einer die zwei Ausschnitte fuer Homer Thompson oder bestaetigt einfach nur dass meine Uebersetzung oben in Post 53 korrekt ist, ich weiss nicht was ich sonst noch sagen soll

What? I have no idea what number you're referring to.. the additional 222 rapes? The +222 rapes include Germans, non-Germans and refugees.
60 out of 222 additional rapes were committed by Zuwanderer = refugees, <2% of the population.

The Minister of the Interior of the state of Bavaria Joachim Herrmann provided those stats in front of the Bavarian parliament, quoting police reports/crime stats.
Later they will be released with tables and graphics just like the one from 2016, which I linked.


As a German speaker I can confirm lecters translation, however, the term zuwanderer is badly chosen by the police, because It may be used differently.

Jesus christ, @HomerThompson what Kind of proof for the translation are you looking for now?
Cecil Peoples scores this thread 25 - 30 in favour of @HomerThompson

Dude, I like you but you're not coming across well here.
As a German speaker I can confirm lecters translation, however, the term zuwanderer is badly chosen by the police, because It may be used differently.

Jesus christ, @HomerThompson what Kind of proof for the translation are you looking for now?
It might be badly chosen but as long as they define it properly, it's not really ambiguous.
Isn't German officialese almost a meme, 'Beamtendeutsch'? I mean if you translated reports of government agencies with Google translator, there would be a lot of confusion.
They always use their own terminology and abbreviations. I don't really blame anybody for being confused initially but after someone already linked the official documents with definitions, there really isn't anything up for interpretation.
It might be badly chosen but as long as they define it properly, it's not really ambiguous.
Isn't German officialese almost a meme, 'Beamtendeutsch'? I mean if you translated reports of government agencies with Google translator, there would be a lot of confusion.
They always use their own terminology and abbreviations. I don't really blame anybody for being confused initially but after someone already linked the official documents with definitions, there really isn't anything up for interpretation.

I do not have anything else to add to your post. What is interesting to me is that the actual Point was not discussed sans the few "It is horrible" comments.
It is a small price to pay for cultural enrichment.

Germans should follow the Dutch and wear mini-skirts to send the message that rape is wrong. I'm certain the migrants will realize their wrongdoings once they see German men wearing women's clothing.

Beautiful Progress


Those is not men lol. Id own them all up in a fight and take their women. Latín Pride! No takes women they want a stronger man
what OS do you use? If you use a Unix-like OS you can record with ffmpeg, that's straightforward and works just well. It's possible on Windows as well but I'm not aware of the details and how well it works.
I simply bound a key combination to a script that reads input from an empty file and starts recording.
Then I have another key combination to write a 'q' to the empty file, which then aborts the recording since it's the same as receiving a 'q' from your keyboard/standard input.
So I can make videos on the fly without opening some program or editing stuff out.
what OS do you use? If you use a Unix-like OS you can record with ffmpeg, that's straightforward and works just well. It's possible on Windows as well but I'm not aware of the details and how well it works.
I simply bound a key combination to a script that reads input from an empty file and starts recording.
Then I have another key combination to write a 'q' to the empty file, which then aborts the recording since it's the same as receiving a 'q' from your keyboard/standard input.
So I can make videos on the fly without opening some program or editing stuff out.

I guess I can use FRAPS on windows but it's slow as hell

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