Elections Right-wing Bolsonaro wins Brazil presidential race


  • Completely inconsistent, contradictory, and alarmingly unprincipled economic policies (very reminiscent of Trump, Erdogan, Duterte, Mussolini, Hitler) that are based entirely on shifting and uninformed rhetoric.

Given the reports of rampant crime and corruption in Brazil, I don't think that the elites squealing about the erosion of democracy have anyone but themselves to blame for Bolsonaro coming to power.

If a country's security situation deteriorates sufficiently, people will ALWAYS default to supporting the guy who can credibly claim that he will restore order, even at the end of a gun. While Bolsonaro has said some horrible things (which I sincerely hope he doesn't back up with actions during his presidency), he has also said some things that sound like they would be popular in a low security environment; relaxed gun control for citizens, bringing back the death penalty, kicking the shit out of criminals, and slashing red tape that is slowing economic growth.

Bolsonaro comes across as the kind of guy who doesn't give a shit, so since people are desperate, they are hopeful that he will actually do some of the things he says he will. In a politically-correct environment, gross and unabashed acts of vulgarity serve as a very powerful signal that a person is not bound by social restrictions. I strongly suspect that the fact that Bolsonaro gets away with saying things so counter to ordinary political discourse serves to convince people that he can actually 'get things done'. Of course, electing the strong man seldom works out the way people expect.

I just pray he doesn't prove to be what his enemies say he is.

I am also deeply saddened by the fact that the amazon is ultra-double screwed now.
Yes he looks not to be a lesser evil ,for the very start. Brazil needs a better leading class but perhaps it coul be impossibile at this point.
Brazil had criminals roaming the country freely for decades. Shocking that people (particularly the Westerners) are actually against his solution to purify his country from criminals and corruptions.

Every South American countries needs a Durterte type strongman.
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Brazil had criminals roaming the country freely for decades. Shocking that people (particularly the Westerners) are actually against his solution to purify his country from criminals and corruptions.

Every South American countries needs a Durterte type strongman.
Problem is what he will really do ..chasing true criminals or just fucked up poors and lower middle /working class? .
I am also deeply saddened by the fact that the amazon is ultra-double screwed now.

worst scenario is some lands in dispute as indian reserves might become smaller, but those are already occupied by farmers. If Bolsonaro makes the armed forces strong it might be a positive thing for the amazon forest.

Green are the indian reserves.

Problem is what he will really do ..chasing true criminals or just fucked up poors and lower middle /working class? .

After operation CarWash even Brazil´s former president was arrested, several politicians and one of the richest business man in Brasil stayed in prison for a couple of years while working a plea bargain. We are finally seeing some white collar criminals being arrested, but its also time to be tough on petty crime/small criminals.
Its just amazing how all the Brazilians at the gym are passionate about him. Guys that never talk about politics are on fire. Saulo's Riberio's gym is next door to us and its the same way there.

My favorite video with him is Ellaine Page and him. He is trying to be nice and tells Paige you are very pretty if I was a cadet at the academy I would whistle at you.

He is the men's candidate. He won like 70% of the male vote. It's like how the GOP is the wypipo party, Bolsonaro/PSL is the men party. Although he also won 50% of the female vote. He is absolutely loved by high T types, and Stacy type of girls.
He won with all races and most income levels except the very poor women, but his support among men was especially high.
All MMA fighters that expressed political opinions supported him. If you see some fake blonde, gym going girl, she probably voted for him. Big tan dude with tattoos? Bolsonaro.
Looks like Rachel Maddow? Haddad.
I live a few meters from Bolsonaro (his personal home, he lives in Brasília the capital as a congressman), it was chaotic to go out and vote, people blocked the streets in front of his house waving flags and blasting music from sound cars.

These two guys are Carlos and Eduardo Bolsonaro. Sons of the president-elect and also politicians, state representative of Rio de Janeiro and federal congressman, respectively.

Royce with Eduardo bolsonaro

Silva with Eduardo Bolsonaro

Jose Aldo
Ronaldinho and Rivaldo, famous soccer players got punished by Barcelona for supporting Bolsonaro. Wtf, a spanish club is mad about that.

I think that Trump is trying to stir this kind of movement too. Allying himself with Kanye West, for example. He is also much more successful with black and hispanic males than their female counterparts, although he still loses badly to the democrats.
Some of his past comments were bordering on fascism. Not saying I support the guy, but I understand why some Brazilians want him in. A coworker of mine who was from Sao Paulo told me about her family's story.

Due to geographic limitations, the expansion of the city has greatly slowed down. There are street kids running around everywhere without parental supervision, and it's almost lawless down there. Her family lives in Valinhos, one of the wealthier neighborhoods. Her house was broken into when she was a teenager, and her dad went to file a report with the police. The cop basically told her dad that he wasn't going to do anything since property crimes were so common. Her dad got pissed and pulled a few strings with his friends in high places within the Sao Paulo police. He complained about the cop's bad attitude.

The same cop that took the initial report showed up at her house the next day with a kid in handcuffs. The kid was about 13 years old, and the cop told her dad that the kid was the crook responsible for breaking in. The kid couldn't afford to pay back what he stole, and he wouldn't see any prison time due to his young age and court backlog. A lot of these street kids would rather go to overcrowded youth detention centers since they'd be fed. The cop then said he could shoot the kid and claim that he was resisting arrest after. Of course her dad refused killing the kid, so the cop let the kid go after roughing him up a little. In this case, state institutions were completely ineffective in curbing crime and social disturbance.

Jesus Christ.

There is a decent chance that kid wasn't even involved in the burglary too.

I've heard similar (and worse) stories before, but that is still horrifying.
The athletes endorse him just like actors and singers do with the liberal left.
It must be miserable to be an intelligent, decent person living in Brazil.
The man is a twat, but I blame the PT and liberals for this retardation and not the people of Brazil. They had 20-30 years to do something, and they failed tremendously. Bolsonaro is a product of PT complacency and incompetence. Hope he doesn't go total batshit crazy.
worst scenario is some lands in dispute as indian reserves might become smaller, but those are already occupied by farmers. If Bolsonaro makes the armed forces strong it might be a positive thing for the amazon forest.

Green are the indian reserves.

so what? they have too much land right now
The man is a twat, but I blame the PT and liberals for this retardation and not the people of Brazil. They had 20-30 years to do something, and they failed tremendously. Bolsonaro is a product of PT complacency and incompetence. Hope he doesn't go total batshit crazy.

Sorry but he is far from a "twat". Bolsonaro is quite intelligent in fact. He completely changed the game, winning the election whilst spending 20 times less than his opponent, this is unheard of.

His new political party also showed tremendous growth, becoming the #2 biggest party in Congress. You need to be a great strategist and politician to pull this off
Authoritarian populists who promise to crack down on crime and corruption don't have a good record.
Best of luck to them.
Authoritarian populists who promise to crack down on crime and corruption don't have a good record.
Best of luck to them.
Except he's not authoritarian. One of his proposals is to ban consecutive terms for presidents, starting with himself