Elections Republican house: no border deal till trump or republican president

just like most other issues, republicans are all about crying about the border but they have no intentions to ever do anything to help secure the border. sure 8 years ago they talked a big game about building a wall which mexico would pay for just so they could secure some votes come election day, but all that was just a grift to help win their elections and line their own pockets. go ask steve bannon and he'll tell you all about it.

as usual, they would rather just sit on their hands and cry about a bunch of problems, blaming the issue solely on the democrats in charge, but every time they are given the opportunity to act on the issues they are apparently so outraged over, they refuse to lift a finger to do anything about it or even try to resolve the issues they are always screeching about. they'd rather just do nothing and cook up some cockadoodle excuse for them deciding to do nothing at all as they continue blaming away their problems on everybody else.

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MAGAts just pander to xenophobes. None of them, not one, has taken initiative to pass any significant legislation that actually curbs undocumented immigration, but rather make statements that insinuate that their intention is to punish any asylum seekers (from specific parts of the World) who even dare to think about coming here. But bi-partisan policy? Hell naw. Then you get the chorus of Trumptards who celebrate the perpetuation of any issues because they feel like it "owns the Libs." Lol
Same with Tories in UK, banging on about small boats when the largest source of illegal immigration is visa overstays..
This is for more money for processing, not actually helping stop these fucking leeches from coming over here

San Diego got some south american gangs breaking into million dollar houses now.
Regardless, anything that is signed now will still take time to even affect anything near the border, so by election night I'm not sure how well anything would even factor, if at all.

There have been many opportunities over the years to come together and underline border security, but the democrats have just used this as another moral high ground topic instead of listening to logic

They deserve everything they're getting

:) This clown would slash his own face with a rusty razor if he thought it would hurt Democrats more. That kind of shameless, amoral partisanship is generally one of the biggest obstacles to improvement. It's similar to how Republicans were blocking anything to help the economic recovery after the GFC because they were scared Obama would get credit.
This money is for processing, housing, feeding, clothing and for medical assistance for the illegals. This will only mean more of these fucks will be swarming their way over here.
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Seems like Texas is inept. Don’t hear any issues from new mex, Arizona or California.

Have you looked a map? lol... New Mexico's border with Mexico is like 1/10 of Texas's... lol. California's is like a quarter or less. Nevermind, you're Canadian correct?

And the border is run Federally, not by the State. So no... Texas isn't inept, Border Patrol is.

But Texas is trying to jump in to help with border security and the Biden Admin keeps suing to stop Texas.

Oh..... As far as Arizona

Border woes: Arizona port of entry closed amid migrant surge​

Holy hell... Are you even paying attention?
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I wonder if the same people calling for Biden to be arrested for treason because of the border, will keep that same energy for when their team does not want to protect our borders.
I doubt it. The law and order and family values party sold their soul out to an old man who wears lifts, tons of make up and a shit filled diaper.
^and then isolationism shows up

I can't believe idiots still use 'isolationist' as an insult. You know what wouldn't have happened if America had remained an isolationist country? The Vietnam War, the Gulf War, 9/11, the War on Terror, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the current genocide in Israel.
:) This clown would slash his own face with a rusty razor if he thought it would hurt Democrats more. That kind of shameless, amoral partisanship is generally one of the biggest obstacles to improvement. It's similar to how Republicans were blocking anything to help the economic recovery after the GFC because they were scared Obama would get credit.
What the fuck are you talking about
Been wanting to do a immigration legislation thread but I mostly just see vague articles about possible talks and no details of what the overhaul would be other than maybe funding. And then usually nothing comes from it. Feels like it’s such a touchy subject that nearly everything has to be done behind close doors if at all and denied it’s existence if leaked.
What the fuck are you talking about

The GOP view is that this is a big problem, but they (and you) oppose any attempts to fix it because you're scared that it would help Democrats. Ergo, they (you) want to hurt yourself and the country as long as it is politically beneficial to Republicans. Sick stuff, IMO.

Contrast with Pelosi pushing for a strong relief package while Trump was president that probably would have led to him winning a second term if Republicans didn't block it because her interest was doing what was best for the country.
I wonder if the same people calling for Biden to be arrested for treason because of the border, will keep that same energy for when their team does not want to protect our borders.
I doubt it. The law and order and family values party sold their soul out to an old man who wears lifts, tons of make up and a shit filled diaper.

I think Republicans are making it very clear that either they don't actually believe there's an issue at the border or they care more about using the issue for politics than fixing it. I'd love to see an alternate explanation.


So Hilarious isn't it... lol

Border spike leaves Biden facing political jeopardy, financial squeeze​

U.S. agents recorded nearly 250,000 illegal crossings along the southern border in December, the highest one-month total ever, according to preliminary Customs and Border Protection data obtained by The Washington Post. That is twice the volume of arrivals CBP is budgeted to handle, according to agency officials.


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