prosecutor forces testing of 11k abandoned rape kits in a Michigan county - finds 817 serial rapists

First... what does "investigate the fuck out of it" actually mean?

And two... so now you know your suspect has done this 19 times before... yet the victim can't describe the perp, no one saw her with someone at like a bar, coffee shop, or a restaurant, and you have no witnesses that can describe the person... where do you go from there?

Speak to the other victims.

Maybe he committed 20 totally untraceable rapes but leaving behind 20 DNA samples makes this unlikely.

Also investigate the fuck out of him.

Final point if some guy has slept with 20 near totally unrelated women who have all very quickly reported to the police and undergone a rape test which identified him id be happy to convict on that.
who have all very quickly reported to the police and undergone a rape test which identified him id be happy to convict on that.
This is an aside to the horrendous fact of not testing as many kits as Detroit had laying around... In my job, reading this reports... quite often victim's don't come forward for 3-5 years. ESPECIALLY if the victim is children. Mostly cause children are usually coerced with the "this is our secret" and bought off with shit by the perpetrator until they get a bit older.

I used to love my job, now sometimes I dread it cause of the shit I have to read. Wish I didn't have the over active imagination that I have because of shit like this.

As an example, in my town we have a guy currently charged with five separate sex offenses. He got charged with each case this year... only one occured since 2016. The oldest? Happened back in 2010. All the cops had was a rape kit and a statement from the victim meeting this guy at a gym and going back to his place for a massage cause he claimed he was a trainer and then he forced herself on him. That was the report they got from her in 2012.
Detroit has a lot of rape.. Shocked. But remember 13 year old girls, white conservatives are creepy.
Not to us, but for victims it can. You ever seen what happens when a victim finds out they AREN'T the only one of a perp especially for something like this? They either careen off the edge into extreme depression or get incredibly angry (which is their right) and become uncooperative with the State to try and bring charges.

Jesus Christ. I agree with @AnGrYcRoW now you're just making shit up and saying things that are just utterly disgusting.

Yeah, rape victims are reluctant to come forward (usually because of potential consequences, usually from the cops) and now you're telling me that the police made the choice not to run the rape kits in an effort to protect the victims from their emotional reaction.

Do you understand what you're saying? That is literally trying to make it sound like a positive when, as the articles in the OP discuss, the police don't know how to deal with take victims and only end up re-victimizing then and letting the criminals escape.

That's because most other violent crimes like murders and assaults the cops get their as the crime is being commissioned.

You do not understand what you're saying. This is fucking insane. Police don't show up to save the day as murders and violent assaults are being committed. It is literally insane for you to say this.
You do not understand what you're saying. This is fucking insane. Police don't show up to save the day as murders and violent assaults are being committed. It is literally insane for you to say this.
I work in the court system so actually it's not insane. Generally cops show up during DV assaults and other violent crimes during the commission of said crime. I see it daily in the probable cause statements dude.

I think you still think I am trying to minimize this which is not my intention so if it's coming across like that I apologize.

I am just "spitballing" essentially why some of these weren't tested. I know in my county we recently ran a bunch of previously un-ran kits from the mid 90s. Know why? It wasn't LEA not wanting to pursue them... testing procedures have improved to the point they now don't need as large of samples to get readings.
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There is this trend where people make dreadfully terrible posts, and then claim that their post does not mean what it means.

I assume we all speak English. If you make a post, you should make sure it means what you think it means. You can't say something, then claim it does not mean what you said.

I think people (not specifying ANYONE in this thread) need to own up to certain things, like when they are wrong (Factually) or if they gave an article a cursory reading (or sometimes in my case didn't read).

It's almost as if we have forgotten how to have a conversation, let alone a respectful disagreement.

Again, I think @Seano was alluding to how certain communities have completely fallen apart due to the destruction of the nuclear family, and how certain values aren't cherished, respected as others, and how certain grotesque behaviors are lauded.

And I think he was also alluding to how certain communities have a terrible relationship with local law enforcement (for a host of reasons).
Race definitely plays a factor, from the OP

"You're not going to find too many blond-haired, blue eyed white women ... Because their kits are treated differently, their cases are solved. That's just the way it is in this country. If you're a person of color, if you're a different economic class, then your case across the board, across the board, not just sexual assault — they're treated differently. And that's just the truth. People may not want to admit it, but I've seen it throughout my career and I know it's true ... It's just true. ... Race is at the center of this in many ways as well, unfortunately, we know that across the criminal justice system. ..."

I am horrified by this story

What they don't like to point out that a vast majority of the perpetrators of POC rape are other POC. Much like murders, crimes of these nature generally stay within the same race/ethnicity.

But when your a post-modernist SJW, what do you do then?!? protect the women? by locking up more "oppressed" minorities?
This is one of those threads where one would hope we could all stand shoulder-to-shoulder and say this is fucked up , something should change and maybe we could actually talk about Solutions and yet we still seem to be getting sidetracked
I work in the court system so actually it's not insane. Generally cops show up during DV assaults and other violent crimes during the commission of said crime. I see it daily in the probable cause statements dude.

I think you still think I am trying to minimize this which is not my intention so if it's coming across like that I apologize.

I am just "spitballing" essentially why some of these weren't tested. I know in my county we recently ran a bunch of previously un-ran kits from the mid 90s. Know why? It wasn't LEA not wanting to pursue them... testing procedures have improved to the point they now don't need as large of samples to get readings.

Thank you for your edit, because I was in the middle of going off on you and there are other things I need to do with my day than looking up crime statistics.

By giving reasons why these things happened, you're literally trying to imbue these activities with reasonableness. I think you'd get less resistance if your explanations came across as "this is the dumb thinking that probable resulted in these actions". Your explanations are coming across as "it is reasonable if you were in the cops' shoes". Based on a few things you've said, I don't think you intend to come across as conveying the actions as reasonable.

At least that's why my hackles are raised by your points.
But when your a post-modernist SJW, what do you do then?!? protect the women? by locking up more "oppressed" minorities?
I didn't know police department in Detroit was post-modernist SJW.

What they don't like to point out that a vast majority of the perpetrators of POC rape are other POC. Much like murders, crimes of these nature generally stay within the same race/ethnicity.

But when your a post-modernist SJW, what do you do then?!? protect the women? by locking up more "oppressed" minorities?
Really... This is your contribution to this thread?
Thank you for your edit, because I was in the middle of going off on you and there are other things I need to do with my day than looking up crime statistics.

By giving reasons why these things happened, you're literally trying to imbue these activities with reasonableness. I think you'd get less resistance if your explanations came across as "this is the dumb thinking that probable resulted in these actions". Your explanations are coming across as "it is reasonable if you were in the cops' shoes". Based on a few things you've said, I don't think you intend to come across as conveying the actions as reasonable.

At least that's why my hackles are raised by your points.
Looking back yeah I should have preceded most of that with "these could be reasons... bad reasons but reasons."

I have a friend that works for the Warrant squad in Seattle PD and he said another thing he can think of is sometimes it's up to the State to test said kits. The example he gave me is the cops basically need permission from prosecution to test kits and with the turnover rate for lawyers shit gets lost/buried sadly, essentially... the case gets forgotten about.

This case is from my town. This detective once a year would follow up on any leads he could. Suspect got caught cause a coworker brought in a soda can the suspect drank out of. They didn't test the kit from this case cause in 89 they didn't have enough to get any quality match from so the detective chose to wait to test the kit until he had something to compare it to.
This is an aside to the horrendous fact of not testing as many kits as Detroit had laying around... In my job, reading this reports... quite often victim's don't come forward for 3-5 years. ESPECIALLY if the victim is children. Mostly cause children are usually coerced with the "this is our secret" and bought off with shit by the perpetrator until they get a bit older.

I used to love my job, now sometimes I dread it cause of the shit I have to read. Wish I didn't have the over active imagination that I have because of shit like this.

As an example, in my town we have a guy currently charged with five separate sex offenses. He got charged with each case this year... only one occured since 2016. The oldest? Happened back in 2010. All the cops had was a rape kit and a statement from the victim meeting this guy at a gym and going back to his place for a massage cause he claimed he was a trainer and then he forced herself on him. That was the report they got from her in 2012.

I don't doubt. I do not wish to know all the evil of this world.

On topic these rape kits were real valid evidence collected and completely unused. Therefore a separate issue to when victims delay coming forward. This is low hanging fruit and can be tackled without legislation or changes to anyone's rights.
The serioisity of rape is just not What it use to be.

People have become numb to hearing about rape since the rapeugees epidemic...
Really... This is your contribution to this thread?


The original quote came off as a "but white people" quote. So I pointed out "but POC" response.

fair enough?
I wouldn't completely chalk this up to "systemic racism."

I honestly believe that in certain communities, the police are completely undermanned with overwhelming caseloads, same with their prosecutor offices/courts.

Often police and prosecution pursue cases that they are more likely to get a conviction on.

I agree but it results in a systemic disadvantage or treatment by race. Its also a very chicken and the egg situation
I agree but it results in a systemic disadvantage or treatment by race. Its also a very chicken and the egg situation

Americans have this bad habit of conflating every socioeconomic problem with race, because black people are over-represented in the lower socioeconomic classes. But that wrong, if you happen to live in a ghetto area, you'll experience all the disadvantages that go along with it, your race is irrelevant. In fact, a white woman living in the ghetto would probably experience staggering amounts of sexual harassment - much more than her black counterparts.

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