Prime Lennox Lewis vs Prime Muhammad Ali

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To be fair, who did Ali fight that was similar to Lewis?

6'6" Ernie Terrell.



No one really. But if you look at their styles, Lewis Technicality to Ali's speed, Ali is a bad match, stylistically, for Lewis. Ali has the speed to dodge Lewis Big right, the chin to take it if it hits, and enough power and speed to counter Lewis.

Its all guessing in fantasy fights but I can't really see how people say Ali is a bad match for Lewis. Just because hes Ali?

The guys Lewis lost to can't be further from Ali stylistically but some comparisons can be made to guys like LArry Holmes for Lewis.

Fact is, Lewis only lost when he fought stupid and thats only when he fought someone he was supposed to annihilate.
You really can't take the Holmes fight with Ali for any worth though, Thats 5 years removed from the Thrilla and ten years removed from when he was banned. I know Lennox was never outboxed to defeat but it's a two way street, who has Lennox ever fought that was close to Ali (or clay as you like the distinction between the two) Tucker? Bruno?
Yeah Lewis if he fought the right fight IMO would beat anyone in history. His combination of size and skill would be too much. Another factor would be is this a 12 or 15 round fight? Personally, at the top of their game, I'd go out on a limb and take Lewis by upset in a close decison. Funny because Ali was great, still a lot of his "aura" comes from his fame in his time, people forget about Cooper and the fact that Norton should have had the upper hand in their series. Frazier also gave him hell and Lewis would have smoked all 3. Yeah, I know Ali was a little past his prime when he fought Frazier and Norton....
Wtf? Reverse that and you may be on to a winner.

Ali wasn't known to train the hardest until Frazier shocked him in their first fight.

He really made some bad technical mistakes until after that fight as well.
Ali wasn't known to train the hardest until Frazier shocked him in their first fight.

He really made some bad technical mistakes until after that fight as well.

Post exile would be the closer fight in my opinion and the hardest to call, Ali was a lot more flat footed and his reflexes had slowed. Pre exile Ali i would make favorite over any version of Lewis. It's not the easiest fight to call, both fighters went through many different incarnations throughout their career. But Ali has the size, movement, speed, and durability to beat Lewis. Both have had their fair share of off nights, the majority of Ali's coming post prime and Lewis' generally due to lack of preparation but both at their best were exceptional. I think Ali has all of the tools to offset Lewis' strengths though.
It would go to a decisions for sure. No way either can finish eachother. I think Ali would win 8 rounds to 4.
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