Overeem etc... Why the Dutch are the Dutch

I think this was very well spoken and interesting. Your grammar was fine, besides, Americans couldn't write half this well in Dutch.

America isn't the only English speaking country, you know.
haha uiteraard broer, met name de hamburger als typisch hollands product met paard en zalm haha. Tot nu toe verloopt het prachtig. Zet wellicht mn account op het spel maar het is het waar. ;)
Boot ur troell tred wass moor annoyink den funy dats fur soor.
You're a dead man. Man, that really burned Reem. He actually is a poor representative for the Dutch. He comes off as a total douche, especially when he talks shit and gets put in a coma.

Surve, Schilt, and Mousasi are all humble beasts that raise the image of Netherlands.
Nice interpretation of the Dutch language, i have to give you that. lol. :)

It would be a trip if your fisrt name was Claark and you had all kinds of funny misadventures on your family holidays. You could be the dutch's answer to Chevy Chase.
Overeem is genetically half Dutch, why are people acting like he's simply Jamaican?

Yeah I was appalled by the epic fail of several posters on the first page claiming Overeem didn't have Dutch genetics because he is Black. His father is Black (Jamaican) but his mother is Dutch. So he does have Dutch genetics. In fact Overeem himself claimed to be descended from a Dutch King. Now maybe he gets his height more from his father's side than his mother's side but Overeem himself says that his mother is tall for a woman and his maternal Grandfather was tall. It's very likely that Overeem inherited his height from his mother's side, his explosiveness and athleticism from his father's side and with the help of his horsemeat diet is big and buff.
So much bad information about Alistair.
His mothers side is linked distantly with King William III King of the Netherlands (reigned between 1849-1890) aka she is Dutch.
Starts about 2:45 in the video:
Overeem isn't genetically Dutch, he is black lol.
And the dutch were like the smallest european people in the middle ages, they got bigger because of better nutrition in modern times.
Papal guards were Swiss and they still are.

You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Reem is half Jamaican(per his father) and half dutch( per his mother). He is half black and half white. Why does he get the distinction of being black? Don't judge a book by its cover and do research before you say something potentially offensive, black belt. He is multi-ethnic.
So much bad information about Alistair.
His mothers side is linked distantly with King William III King of the Netherlands (reigned between 1849-1890) aka she is Dutch.
Starts about 2:45 in the video:

Just for the record, there are two king Willem III's in Dutch history. The one whe are remembering by eating hamburgers is not this one.
Overeem's Dutch mother was in a episode of his documentary. She's a big(height and structure) woman. Overeem said he gets his size from his mothers side of the family.
There is no need for being racist. In Holland we firmly believe that everyone who lives in Holland is Dutch and therfore is entitled to also use our genetics.

I have to say that this line here...was pure gold.

Oh...and if you read everything using Reems voice, TS posts are even better.

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